Strathclyde Ageing Network

The Strathclyde Ageing Network (SAN) is a University-wide research group, comprising over 100 multidisciplinary, ageing-related postgraduates and academics across all four faculties of the University, along with external partners. 'Ageing Better' is a core research theme of Strathclyde's research, and our members have expertise in a range of topics including psychology, education, pharmacy, biomedical sciences, computer and information science, and many more. Our research studies use a variety of approaches such as experimental, qualitative, neuropsychological, and neuroimaging. We meet regularly throughout the academic year and often give public engagement events, for example via the University's Engage week. SAN is also a member organisation of the Scottish Older People's Assembly.

Professor Louise Brown Nicholls (Department of Psychological Sciences & Health) is SAN Director. A list of our members, and our range of expertise, may be viewed below. You can also follow our activities via our social media (X) account: @StrathAgeing.

The University of Strathclyde is an Age-Friendly University in an Age-Friendly city! Please visit the Age-Friendly Academy website for further information regarding the broader ageing-related interests and provision at Strathclyde, including the Centre for Lifelong Learning.



Dr Farid Bardid, Strathclyde Institute of Education

  • Motor development and learning in children and adolescents

Dr Val Bissland, Centre for Lifelong Learning

  • Teaching and learning in later life
  • Ageing and neuroscience
  • Ageing and positivity

Dr Lizann Bonnar, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health

  • Caregiving
  • attention and executive functioning 

Dr Arjan Buis, Biomedical Engineering 

  • Next generation Assistive and Adaptive Rehabilitation Technologies (AaRT) in Ageing

Dr Trevor Bushell, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

  • Neuroscience, focusing on the modulation of neuronal excitability and synaptic transmission in both physiological and pathophysiological conditions

Dr Stephen Butler, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health

  • Cognitive function
  • Eye movements
  • Age relation changes in Attention
  • Stroke

Dr Hilary Carswell, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

  • Mechanisms of brain damage and repair after stroke
  • Therapeutic targeting of cognitive impairment in stroke and age-related diseases
  • Bespoke in vitro models of stroke
  • Biomaterial and stem cell technologies for stroke

Professor Bernard Conway, Biomedical Engineering

  • Fundamental and applied studies in motor control

Professor Joanne Cummings, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health

  • Exercise interventions
  • Stroke

Dr Wilbert Den Hoed, European Policies Research Centre

  • Mobility and urban living among ageing populations

Professor Branka Dimitrijevic, Department of Architecture 

  • Designing buildings and urban spaces for all (Design for All/Universal Design)

Dr Mark Dunlop, Computer and Information Sciences

  •  Human computer interaction

Dr Leanne Fleming, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health

  • Health psychology
  • Chronic illness

Professor Stuart Galloway, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

  • Energy saving technology for ageing populations 
Professor Madeleine Grealy, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Rehabilitation following stroke
  • Motor control
  • Physical activity and perceived abilities
Professor Patricia Hafford-Letchfield, Social Work and Social Policy
  • Marginalised communities and care
  • LGBTQI and sexuality in later life
  • Ageing and suicide ideation and behaviour
  • Learning in the Fourth Age
Professor Kathy Hamilton, Department of Marketing
  • consumer research with social impact
  • consumer vulnerability
  • transformative services
Bill Johnston, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Strathclyde Age Friendly University
  • Chair of the Scottish Seniors Alliance
Dr Antonio Katris, International Public Policy Institute
  • Energy saving and efficiency
Susan Kelso,  Biomedical Engineering
  • Interventions for functional decline
Dr Andrew Kerr, Biomedical Engineering
  • Technology to support and optimise neurorehabilitation
  • Recovery of community mobility
Professor Marilyn Lennon, Computer and Information Sciences
  • Digital healthcare
Professor Colin Lindsay, Human Resource Management
  • Ageing in the workplace
Alix MacDonald, Centre for Lifelong Learning
  • Age-Friendly Academy
  • Positive Ageing
  • Adult Learning Pedagogy
Professor Roma Maguire, Computer and Information Sciences
  • Development and evaluation of supportive care
  • Digital health interventions
Dr William McGeown, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Cognitive and behavioural changes in ageing and dementia
  • Early diagnosis of dementia
  • Clinical trials
  • Neuropsychological and neuroimaging methods
Christine McMonagle, Biomedical Engineering
  • Orthoses and mobility in older people
Dr Yashar Moshfeghi, Computer and Information Sciences
  • Data science and 'big data'
Professor Louise Brown Nicholls, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Cognitive Ageing
  • Attention and short-term (“working”) memory in older adults
  • Lifestyle factors in healthy ageing, including cognitive activity-based intergenerational engagement
  • Vaccination behaviour in older people
Professor Mario Parra Rodriguez, Departmentof Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Mechanisms of normal and abnormal cognitive ageing
  • Cognitive, behavioural, and brain changes in neurodegenerative diseases, especially Alzheimer’s Disease
  • Development of cognitive tests for early detection of dementia
  • Development of technology-based interventions to enhance everyday functioning in older people experiencing cognitive decline
Dr Susan Rasmussen, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Suicide and self-harm
  • Psychological well-being
  • Sleep

Dr Nicholas Rattray, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

  • Biochemistry of Ageing
Dr David Robertson, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Attention, perception, and face recognition
Professor Philip Rowe, Biomedical Engineering
  • Rehabilitation including after stroke
Lynsey Stewart, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Autism and transitions across the lifespan
Georgia Tarfali, Biomedical Engineering
  • Falls and postural control in older adults - rehabilitation using Virtual Reality
Dr Dwight Tse, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Positive ageing
  • Well-being and mental health
  • Flow experience and meaningful engagement
  • Volunteering and prosociality
Professor Karen Turner, International Public Policy Institute
  • Energy saving and efficiency

Professor Margaret Watson, Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

  • Pharmaceutical care of older adults
  • Sensory Impairment
Dr Lynn Williams, Department of Psychological Sciences & Health
  • Health psychology
  • Infection prevention and control
Professor Alan Wilson, Marketing
  • Older adults' use of online public services
  • Post-retirement volunteering

Affiliate Member


Joanne Boyle, Head of Engagement, Digital Health & Care Innovation Centre

Health and social care, technology, knowledge exchange

Professor Simon Cox, Henry Dale Fellow, Department of Psychology, The University of Edinburgh

Brain, cognitive and general ageing; life course differences; longitudinal modelling

Professor Alan J. Gow, Heriot-Watt University

Healthy ageing, especially cognitive ageing

Gillian Elkin, NHS Borders


Professor Graham Ellis, Geriatrician and Deputy Chief Medical Officer, NHS Scotland

Acute healthcare for older people

Graeme Nicholls, Graeme Nicholls Architects and University of Strathclyde

Design of care homes and residential buildings for people with varying needs

Dr Kate Reid, University of Glasgow

Health psychology

Professor Mary Stewart

Heriot-Watt University

Life course inequalities particularly with autistic people; social inclusion; health and social care; cognition, health and wellbeing; participatory research

Dr Ioannis Vourganas, Abertay University & University of Glasgow

Artificial intelligence, neural networks and rehabilitation