Dr Rogelia Pastor-Castro

Teaching Fellow



Personal statement

Director M.Sc. Diplomacy and International Security

I am a Lecturer in International History and my main research interest is the history of international relations since 1940 focusing upon British and French foreign policies. I am particularly interested in the origins of the cold war, post-war European security and integration, and the role of ambassadors and the resident embassy. My research informs the teaching on twentieth century European history and post-war strategies and alliances. 

I am currently working on a three-year AHRC research project ‘The Weight of the Past in Franco-British Relations’

Read about the MSc Diplomacy and International Security

I am the Treasurer of the British International History Group and as a committee member I liaise with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office and The National Archives on matters relating to declassification and digitisation of records.

I have organised a number of events bringing historians and diplomats together and I have been invited to speak to Military Intelligence.

Embassies in Crisis British Academy

The History, Role and Functions of the British Embassy in Paris  Foreign and Commonwealth Office

Britain and France in War and Peace, in conjunction British Embassy in Paris and l’Institut Français, London.

I speak about history and foreign policy in an interview with Women in Foreign Policy.


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Area of Expertise

  • International History in the twentieth century
  • Cold War Europe
  • The resident embassy: history, role and function
  • Franco-British relations in the twentieth century
  • French foreign policy since 1919
  • British foreign policy and the cold war

Prize And Awards

Scholarship of Learning and Teaching lead, British International History Group Committee
Teaching Excellence Awards
Member of the Scottish Parliament Cross Party Group on Europe
Secretary, British International History Group Committee
Treasurer, British International History Group Committee
Fellow Higher Education Academy

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I teach Twentieth Century International History.


• Western and Central Europe in the Twentieth Century

• Cold War Europe

• Britain, France and European Unity

I also contribute to a variety of modules:

• History - 20th Century British History

• Historiography ad Research Methods

• French 1a - France in a Global Context


• Diplomacy, Strategy and Alliance: Britain, France and the United States 1945-1958

• Sources, Skills and Methods for Historians

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Research Interests

My research mainly focuses on Anglo-French relations and the defence of cold war Europe. This involves examining the diplomatic and strategic considerations with regard to differing conceptions of security on both sides of the Channel. I am interested in the social and political context in which security policies are made. Recent work examined the role of the resident embassy and the impact of ambassadors. My co-edited volume on The Paris Embassy: British Ambassadors and Anglo-French Relations, 1944-79, was the basis for a Witness Seminar at the Foreign and Commonwealth Office entitled The History, Role and Functions of the British Embassy in Paris.

My work is based on research at various archives including The National Archives, Kew, Archives Diplomatiques, Paris, the National Archives, Washington.

I am currently working on a Royal Society of Edinburgh Research Network Award on a project exploring Relations between Britain and France in World War Two.

I am the Treasurer of the British International History Group 

Conferences and Projects:

Embassis in Crisis, British Academy in conjunction with the Foreign and Commonwealth Office

France and the Second World War in Global Perspective, 1919-45, University of Strathclyde (2-3 July 2015), in conjunction with Global War Studies

Britain and France in War and Peace, in conjunction with the British Embassy in Paris and l'Institut Français, London  


Professional Activities

Teaching Diplomacy and the use of Practitioners
Invited speaker
Entente Cordiale 120th Anniversary, The National Archives
SONAC Annual Conference: Cold War 1.0 to Cold War 2.0: Setting the Strategic Agenda, 2023 - 2053
Great Britain, France: History and Cooperation
Great Britain, France: History and Cooperation, British Embassy Paris
Diplomacy and International Security lecture David Gioe

More professional activities


The Weight of the Past in Franco-British Relations
Pastor-Castro, Rogelia (Principal Investigator)
01-Jun-2018 - 30-Nov-2023
Relations between Britain and France in World War Two
Pastor-Castro, Rogelia (Principal Investigator) Varley, Karine (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2016 - 31-May-2018

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Dr Rogelia Pastor-Castro
Teaching Fellow

Email: rogelia.pastor-castro@strath.ac.uk
Tel: 444 8354