Dr Rebekah Sims
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- Capturing nonlinear intercultural development via student reflective writing
- Sims Rebekah, Tran Phuong Minh, Banat Hadi, Panahi Parva, Dilger Bradley
- Written Communication (2025)
- https://doi.org/10.1177/07410883241303916
- "Learning about research was confusing until we started creating our own questions and research" : enacting student voice through a 'Students as Enquirers' project
- Wall Kate, Hanna Amy, McCrorie Kath, Quirke William, Lauder-Scott Nova, Sims Rebekah, Ross Lorna, Elizabeth , Marysia , Brooke , Amy , Freya , Sophie
- Curriculum Journal Vol 35, pp. 137-140 (2024)
- https://doi.org/10.1002/curj.237
- Sustainable environment through using porous materials : a review on wastewater treatment
- Al-Jubouri Sama M, Al Batty Sirhan, Al Hamd Rwayda, Sims Rebekah, Wali Hakami Mohammed, Haque SK Manirul
- Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 18 (2023)
- https://doi.org/10.1002/apj.2941
- Implementation Guide : Transculturation in Introductory Composition
- Sims Rebekah, Panahi Lazarjani Parva, Banat Hadi, Tran Phuong, Dilger Bradley
- (2023)
- Sample materials : Transculturation in Introductory Composition
- Sims Rebekah, Panahi Lazarjani Parva, Banat Hadi, Tran Phuong, Dilger Bradley
- (2023)
- Online Course Delivery Plan : Transculturation in Introductory Composition
- Sims Rebekah, Panahi Lazarjani Parva, Banat Hadi, Tran Phuong M, Dilger Bradley
- (2023)
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- Supporting Academic Literacies Development for Mature Students in Scottish Initial Teacher Education (Incentive grant)
- Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Hunter, Sharon (Co-investigator)
- 01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
- Analysing Data in Qualitative Inquiry: From Analysing to Writing Up your Research
- Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Landi, Dillon (Co-investigator) Lamb, Cara (Post Grad Student)
- This six-session, interactive seminar focusses on qualitative data analysis approaches. We take a hands-on approach to developing qualitative data analysis skills for doctoral students. Our seminar is funded by the Scottish Graduate School for Social Sciences and the Scottish Graduate School for the Arts & Humanities
Our learning objectives are:
1. To develop participants’ abilities to understand and discuss the goals, strengths and weaknesses of theoretical frameworks and research methods.
2. To increase participant familiarity with a variety of approaches, methods and analysis tools that are referred to as qualitative.
3. To learn how to write up a data analysis and results section to a qualitative research report. - 17-Jan-2022 - 21-Jan-2022
- Academic Literacy in Teacher Education
- Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Hunter, Sharon (Principal Investigator)
- Our research investigates:
- how higher education teaching professionals teach and/or support academic literacies
- what types of academic literacies students in teacher education need to develop for success in academic and professional settings
- what HE teachers and students think "good writing" looks like
- how teacher education programmes can integrate effective academic literacy instruction to enrich student learning and reduce inequalities experienced in academic settings - 01-Jan-2021
- Transculturation in introductory composition
- Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Dilger, Bradley (Research Co-investigator) Banat, Hadi (Principal Investigator) Tran, Phuong (Researcher) Panahi, Parva (Researcher)
- The Transculturation in Introductory Composition research team seeks to increase undergraduate students’ intercultural competence by designing and implementing first-year writing courses that encourage meaningful intercultural interaction among international and domestic students.
Our innovative model links mainstream and second-language-focused first-year writing sections to expose students to diverse texts, structured intercultural interactions, and sequenced writing assignments supported by team-taught pedagogical interventions.
More about the curricular model, its assessment, and our findings can be found at: writeic.org. Grant funding for the first phase of the project was $34250 USD.
Now, we are in the second phase of this project and have a new data set from implementing the revised curriculum at the University of Massachusetts -- Boston. - 30-Jan-2016