Dr Rebekah Sims




Personal statement

My central area of research is higher education pedagogy. Currently, my work focuses on integrating writing instruction into teacher education programmes. Additionally, I'm interested in strengthening reflective practice among teachers and teacher candidates as a part of developing pedagogies that sustain the cultural identities and languages of all students. 

I collaborate with an international group of scholars to develop and assess pedagogies that integrate intercultural competence into writing courses. Our most current article, "Illuminative evaluation of an intercultural-competence-focused first-year writing curriculum" (Writing and Pedagogy) can be access here: https://journal.equinoxpub.com/WAP/article/view/21124. More about this work can be found at http://writeic.org. Curricular materials for can be found on the HubICL: https://hubicl.org/projects/transculturation.  

I completed my PhD in English at Purdue University, West Lafayette, IN, USA in May 2021. My dissertation, Investigating Culturally Responsive Teaching Practices in First-Year Composition, focused on mixed-methods evaluation of culturally responsive teaching among college writing instructors.

While at Purdue, I worked for the Purdue Writing Lab (home of the OWL) and the Oral English Proficiency Program. Primarily, I taught written and oral communication skills to STEM graduate students. I have an ongoing interest in collaborating with professionals in STEM disciplines, with specific attention to developing metalaguage for STEM writing applications. Metalanguage for writing enables experienced professionals to identify their implicit understanding of writing and articulate how they communicate effectively in various situations. Explicit metalanguage helps experienced professionals mentor students and new professionals on discipline-specific writing skills. 

My areas of teaching expertise include academic writing skills, oral and written English for EAL learners, religious and moral education pedagogy at the primary level, and teacher education courses.

I also serve as an honorary chaplain for the University chaplaincy. More information can be found here: https://www.strath.ac.uk/studywithus/ourcampus/whatsoncampus/faithspiritualitysupport/

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Capturing nonlinear intercultural development via student reflective writing
Sims Rebekah, Tran Phuong Minh, Banat Hadi, Panahi Parva, Dilger Bradley
Written Communication (2025)
"Learning about research was confusing until we started creating our own questions and research" : enacting student voice through a 'Students as Enquirers' project
Wall Kate, Hanna Amy, McCrorie Kath, Quirke William, Lauder-Scott Nova, Sims Rebekah, Ross Lorna, Elizabeth , Marysia , Brooke , Amy , Freya , Sophie
Curriculum Journal Vol 35, pp. 137-140 (2024)
Sustainable environment through using porous materials : a review on wastewater treatment
Al-Jubouri Sama M, Al Batty Sirhan, Al Hamd Rwayda, Sims Rebekah, Wali Hakami Mohammed, Haque SK Manirul
Asia-Pacific Journal of Chemical Engineering Vol 18 (2023)
Implementation Guide : Transculturation in Introductory Composition
Sims Rebekah, Panahi Lazarjani Parva, Banat Hadi, Tran Phuong, Dilger Bradley
Sample materials : Transculturation in Introductory Composition
Sims Rebekah, Panahi Lazarjani Parva, Banat Hadi, Tran Phuong, Dilger Bradley
Online Course Delivery Plan : Transculturation in Introductory Composition
Sims Rebekah, Panahi Lazarjani Parva, Banat Hadi, Tran Phuong M, Dilger Bradley

More publications

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Supporting Academic Literacies Development for Mature Students in Scottish Initial Teacher Education (Incentive grant)
Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Hunter, Sharon (Co-investigator)
01-Jan-2024 - 31-Jan-2025
Analysing Data in Qualitative Inquiry: From Analysing to Writing Up your Research
Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Landi, Dillon (Co-investigator) Lamb, Cara (Post Grad Student)
This six-session, interactive seminar focusses on qualitative data analysis approaches. We take a hands-on approach to developing qualitative data analysis skills for doctoral students. Our seminar is funded by the Scottish Graduate School for Social Sciences and the Scottish Graduate School for the Arts & Humanities

Our learning objectives are:

1. To develop participants’ abilities to understand and discuss the goals, strengths and weaknesses of theoretical frameworks and research methods.
2. To increase participant familiarity with a variety of approaches, methods and analysis tools that are referred to as qualitative.
3. To learn how to write up a data analysis and results section to a qualitative research report.
17-Jan-2022 - 21-Jan-2022
Academic Literacy in Teacher Education
Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Hunter, Sharon (Principal Investigator)
Our research investigates:
- how higher education teaching professionals teach and/or support academic literacies
- what types of academic literacies students in teacher education need to develop for success in academic and professional settings
- what HE teachers and students think "good writing" looks like
- how teacher education programmes can integrate effective academic literacy instruction to enrich student learning and reduce inequalities experienced in academic settings
Transculturation in introductory composition
Sims, Rebekah (Principal Investigator) Dilger, Bradley (Research Co-investigator) Banat, Hadi (Principal Investigator) Tran, Phuong (Researcher) Panahi, Parva (Researcher)
The Transculturation in Introductory Composition research team seeks to increase undergraduate students’ intercultural competence by designing and implementing first-year writing courses that encourage meaningful intercultural interaction among international and domestic students.

Our innovative model links mainstream and second-language-focused first-year writing sections to expose students to diverse texts, structured intercultural interactions, and sequenced writing assignments supported by team-taught pedagogical interventions.

More about the curricular model, its assessment, and our findings can be found at: writeic.org. Grant funding for the first phase of the project was $34250 USD.

Now, we are in the second phase of this project and have a new data set from implementing the revised curriculum at the University of Massachusetts -- Boston.

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Dr Rebekah Sims

Email: rebekah.sims@strath.ac.uk
Tel: Unlisted