International students Overcoming jet lag

Beat jet lag like a boss: travel tips for a smooth arrival

Jet lag can hit you like a ton of bricks after crossing time zones, messing with your sleep, energy levels, and overall well-being. But fear not, here's how to conquer jet lag and land feeling refreshed:

Understand your enemy

  • Jet lag disrupts your body's natural cycles, affecting sleep, alertness, digestion, and more. The more time zones you cross, the longer it takes to adjust (up to two weeks).

Fight back with fuel

  • Ditch the caffeine: It might seem tempting, but coffee and cola will further complicate your new sleep schedule. Give your body time to adapt.
  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate: Skip the dehydrating alcohol and use water instead. Your body will thank you.
  • Protein power: Choose protein-rich breakfasts and lunches for sustained energy. Opt for carbs at dinner to promote sleep.
  • Sugar slumps: Avoid sugary snacks. They give you a quick burst followed by a crash, making you feel even sleepier.

Stay Active, Sleep Smart

  • Embrace the day: Naps might be tempting, but resist! Engage in physical activities to stay awake and adjust to the new time zone.
  • Early bird gets the rest: Head to bed by 2200 local time, even if you're not exhausted. Catching up on sleep helps your body adjust.
  • Listen to your body: If you're struggling, a short power nap (30 minutes max) in the early afternoon can help, but avoid napping later.

Remember, everyone adjusts differently. Be patient and listen to your body; these tips will help you conquer jet lag and hit the ground running in your new destination!