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Currently there are about 13 million adult smokers in the UK.

Quitting Smoking

In Scotland over 13,000 people die every year from tobacco use. Stopping smoking is a difficult thing to do.

One of the main reasons is because of nicotine.

Nicotine is the highly addictive drug in cigarettes and it is this addictive nature that makes it difficult to quit. However, it's never too late, even people who have smoked all their lives will improve their health by stopping smoking.

Help and support on quitting smoking are available from cessation services provided by your local NHS Board.

You will find further information about your nearest services and resources available to you on these web pages.



Smokers - Try this quick experiment.

  1. Take a mouthful of smoke BUT DON'T BREATHE IT IN. Blow the smoke out through a tissue. The smoke leaves a brown stain (of tar).
  2. Now take a mouthful of smoke into your lungs in the normal way. Blow out through a tissue. There's little or no stain. So, where's the tar?
University of Strathclyde Smoking Local Rule

The law on smoking in Scotland protects people from the harmful effects of passive smoking. The introduction of The Smoking, Health and Social Care (Scotland) Act 2005 prohibits smoking in certain wholly or substantially enclosed public places, including workplaces such as the University.

In alignment with this Act, the University has a No Smoking OHS Standard Local Rule.

University Buildings

All University buildings are signed to indicate that smoking is prohibited. Non-smokers health is also at risk from smoking fumes and it's for this reason we encourage smokers to be considerate to non-smokers by distancing themselves at least 15 feet (4.6 metres) away from doorways and office windows.

Additional signage is available from Estates.