Principal's Introduction
The University’s Strategic Plan 2020-2025 sets out the next exciting phase in the realisation of our Vision as a leading international technological university that is socially progressive. Our Strathclyde People Strategy places staff at the heart of our plans and recognises that their collective talents, effort and commitment will deliver the University’s ambitious Vision for 2025.
Over the five-year span of our last People Strategy we have worked tirelessly to ensure the best possible work experience for all of our colleagues. We received national recognition in 2017 for our approach to supporting and developing staff at all levels, in ensuring that we continue to live our values and in developing socially progressive, people-oriented, policies and practices. Because of which, Strathclyde became the inaugural winner of the Times Higher Education award for ‘Workplace of the Year’.
Strathclyde People 2025 builds on that solid foundation and gives a baseline commitment to our staff – ‘The Strathclyde Pledge’ - which confirms what every Strathclyder can expect to receive in the workplace. In addition, we will continue to ensure that your experience at Strathclyde reflects our core Values as an institution.
The People Strategy outlines our commitment to work together, regardless of staff category and level, to deliver our 2025 Vision, leveraging technology and developing future focused workforce plans to help us deliver our Strategic Plan 2020-2025.
We will create a community of listening leaders who ensure you are clear on work priorities, have the information and skills you need to excel in your job, and have a fair workload, with correspondingly clear expectations of what your contribution should be.
The People Strategy commits to the development and implementation of a workplace wellbeing strategy, ‘Thrive @ Strathclyde’, and a best in class Equality, Diversity and Inclusion Programme. We will also implement new reward mechanisms and will continue to strive to support your personal and professional development for a fulfilling career at Strathclyde.
Our People Strategy, in line with our Values, is bold, ambitious and people-oriented. It commits to providing you with an exceptional work experience in the years ahead and sets ambitious objectives to ensure that we all deliver our Vision 2025 as a collaborative and innovative community.
We have come a great distance in recent years and Strathclyde’s reputation has deservedly been enhanced as a result of the distinctiveness and quality of your contributions. Our successes over the next five years will be driven by our key Strathclyde assets – our people! As we plan our People Strategy implementation, I look forward to keeping you informed and involved in its progress as we go forward together.
Professor Sir Jim McDonald
Principal and Vice-Chancellor