Agile WorkingBenefits of agile working
Individuals and line managers who may have some concerns around the concept of agile working may wish to note some of the benefits that agile working is likely to bring:
- improving staff engagement and wellbeing: agile working enables colleagues to have more autonomy over work and is believed to increase motivation and wellbeing, including mental health
- attracting and retaining our talented staff: provides a key competitive advantage in staff recruitment and retention, attracting new staff to an organisation which ensures an appropriate work-life balance and retaining skilled colleagues who may otherwise leave to pursue work more suited to their home life or those with caring responsibilities*
- enhancing flexibility of service / customer satisfaction: allows Strathclyde staff to work more flexibly; this may allow them to be better positioned to react to organisational needs, provide better student experience and customer service and provide work at non-core times where this suits their needs
- increasing staff productivity / efficiency: enhances productivity, efficiency and focus of staff as they enjoy a working relationship which allows them to have appropriate control and freedom to balance their work and private lives
- improving business continuity: better ensures business continuity, for example in the event of severe weather conditions or a global pandemic
- reducing absenteeism and turnover: saves the costs of increased turnover and absentee costs, which can occur when flexibility is not available
- utilising estate more effectively: allows for better use of space and potentially costs associated with Strathclyde’s estate (including buildings and parking facilities)
- contributing to environmental aims: assists with Strathclyde’s ambitious targets to reduce its carbon footprint as there is less need for more regular staff travel
*Those with caring responsibilities should also be aware of the various support mechanisms the University offers to carers - see the Carer webpages.