COP26UK Universities' Climate Innovation Showcase

Mission possible

This is a sample of the innovative work going on at universities in the UK, showcasing the creativity and endeavour of researchers to develop new ways to reduce greenhouse emissions, adapt life to the changing climate, help us to better understand the nature of the climate and its impacts, and inform action.

The showcase, which comprises an exhibition of climate-related research, as well as a series of events, has been curated by the COP26 Universities Network, an informal association of academics in the UK active on subjects related to climate change, who wanted to work together in support of the aims of the 26th UNFCCC Conference of the Parties, i.e. COP26.

Images of climate innovation

The images in this exhibition were submitted by researchers and academics across the UK and are grouped under six themes

The work represented here is not all that UK researchers are doing related to climate change. There is lots more besides, information on which can be found on the websites of universities right across the country and on the pages of funding bodies such as UK Research and Innovation (UKRI)


Events & activities

The COP26 Universities Network invited proposals for events – many of them happening online – to help showcase some of the work that is being done, the collaborations that have been formed (often with industry or non-government organisations), and the challenges that remain. 

View events & activities

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