People, place & policyHeritage & Culture

Colleagues are working on internationally-leading historical, contemporary and methodological approaches to understanding culture. The university hosts a number of research centres, including the Scottish Oral History Centre, Literature Culture and Place, and the new Scottish Centre for Victorian and Neo-Victorian Studies.

Strathclyde has international expertise across themes of language, culture and identity.

We collaborate with a range of international partners to develop transnational approaches which include our work in peace and conflictScotland's roles in the world, and comparative approaches to understanding histories and cultures of partition. We held a conference on Trauma and Gender in 20th Century European Literature, which welcomed speakers from universities across Europe, the United States, and New Zealand. 


Our research cluster on Literature, Culture and Place includes Masters programmes in English and a new programme on Applied Gender Studies led by Professor Karen Boyle. Within this we have academics leading work on Scottish Studies alongside a range of cultural themes which have attracted major funding, including Animal Studies (through Professor Erica Fudge), and a major Digital Humanities project, Visualising English Print. Recent research grants include a major AHRC Connected Communities award to connect research across the UK, the Middle East and South Asia, and a large AHRC Grant on Literary cultures in industrial settings awarded to Professor Kirstie Blair.

Colleagues at Strathclyde have worked in a number of school, community, policy and cultural settings to contribute to, and inform, the teaching and understanding of society.

Our activities include:

  • Workshops and seminars
  • International collaborations
  • Working with museums and libraries
  • Collaborating with policy makers
  • Hosting readings and other public events

Heritage & Culture leads