MSc Ship & Offshore Technology
ApplyKey facts
- Start date: September
- Accreditation: RINA / IMarEST
- Study mode and duration: 24 months full-time
Joint course: this two-year course is offered jointly with Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH)
Travel: year 2 completed at TUHH in Hamburg, Germany
1st in Europe & 3rd in the world for Marine/Ocean Engineering (Shanghai Rankings Academic Ranking 2022)
Study with us
- gain an award in the name of two universities
- complete an intensive German language course
- designed for graduate engineers in naval architecture, offshore engineering, mechanical engineering and other related disciplines who wish to acquire advanced knowledge in a broad range of subjects of ship and offshore technologies
Why this course?
This programme is designed for graduate engineers in naval architecture, offshore engineering, mechanical engineering and other related disciplines who wish to acquire advanced knowledge in a broad range of subjects of ship and offshore technologies.
This two-year course is offered jointly with Hamburg University of Technology (TUHH), one of Germany's newest and most successful universities. Year 1 is completed at Strathclyde and Year 2 in Hamburg. The award is made in the name of both universities.
Before starting Year 2 in Hamburg, you’ll have the opportunity to complete an intensive German language course. This is offered as a four-week summer school in August or as a three-week course in October.
Design & Construction of Floating, Production, Storage & Offloading Vessels
This module aims to introduce the shipbuilding technologies and equipment used in the construction of FPSO vessels. It will also provide an introduction to the ship design process as applied to FPSO vessels.
This module will teach the following:
FPSO Construction:
- overview of facilities for shipbuilding
- the shipbuilding process including the integration of hull construction, outfitting and painting
- the role of product definition
FPSO Design:
- functional requirements and design drivers
- typical layouts and sizes
- hullform and marine system arrangements
- platform-topsides interfaces
- comparison of new-build and conversion approaches
- design process and schedules
On completion of the module the you're expected to be able to:
- understand the technologies and processes involved in constructing FPSO vessels
- appreciate the interaction between design and construction of FPSO vessels, especially in relation to conversions
- understand the relationships between functional requirements and design solutions for FPSO vessels
- demonstrate their awareness of the importance of marine systems and the platform-topsides interface in a successful solution
Assessment and feedback are in the form of coursework. You'll carry out the coursework in groups using the knowledge taught during lectures and tutorials and by referring to the other literature resources.
Dynamics of Fixed & Floating Offshore Structure
The module will teach the overview of basic design concepts:
- environmental design considerations
- wave, wind and current induced motions and loads
- second-order wave induced forces and response of floating and compliant structures
- soil-structure interaction
- mooring design and analysis
- riser system selection
The module should:
- provide knowledge in order to understand the factors influencing the dynamic behaviour fixed and floating offshore structures due to environmental forces
- develop skills in order to predict the dynamic motion response of floating offshore platforms
- develop skills in order to design foundations fixed gravity and jacket typed offshore platforms
- develop skills in order to design and analysis of mooring systems
- develop skills in order to select riser systems
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- predict the environmental forces and resulting motions of semi-submersibles, floating production, storage and offloading systems, tension leg platforms, SPAR buoys and fixed lattice and gravity type platforms
- determine the soil-structure interaction for the design of a foundation for a gravity base structure
- predict the restoring forces acting on floating platforms due to mooring systems
- select and an appropriate riser system for a given floating or fixed offshore oil and gas platform
Finite Element Analysis of Floating Structures
This module aims to provide you with a theoretical and practical knowledge of the finite element method and the skills required to analyse marine structures with ANSYS graphical user interface (GUI).
This module covers:
- introduction to finite element analysis and ANSYS GUI
- truss elements and applications
- solid elements and applications
- beam elements and applications
- plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetry concepts
- plane elements and applications
- plate & shell elements and applications
- assembly process and constructing of the global stiffness matrix
At the end of this module you'll be able to:
- understand the basics of finite element analysis
- understand how to perform finite element analysis by using a commercial finite element software
- understand specifying necessary input parameters for the analysis
- understand how to visualize and evaluate the results
There is one exam and one coursework assignment. The exam is during the exam period of the first semester. Exam has a weight of 70% and coursework assignment has a weight of 30%.
Marine Pipelines
This module aims to provide you with an in-depth insight into marine pipelines, emphasising the overall design process, pipeline hydraulics analysis, installation methods, environmental loading and stability, materials selection, and corrosion prevention.
This module covers:
- design overview and process; Diameter and wall thickness; Installation methods; Operation and integrity management; Environmental conditions; Dynamic loading; Lateral stability; Scour; Free span; Trenching
- internal fluids; Single and two-phase flows; Pressure and thermal profiles; Wax; Hydrate; Thermal insulation; Flow assurance; Drag reduction
- materials and corrosion; Pipeline material; Steelmaking; Manufacture of linepipe for onshore and offshore applications; Internal corrosion; Corrosion detection and control; External corrosion and mitigation
On completion of the module, you're expected to:
- have an overview of marine pipelines with regard to their design, installation, operation, and maintenance
- gain an understanding of some fundamentals of marine pipeline design and analysis
- apply analysis tools for pipeline hydraulics, multi-phase flows and thermal protection
- identify the differences between pipe grades and pipe manufacturing methods
- identify risk areas for internal and external corrosion in marine pipelines and describe the methods for corrosion inspection and control and select appropriate mitigation methods
Assessment will be in the form of coursework.
Maritime Safety & Risk
This module aims to demonstrate how the principles and methods of risk analysis are undertaken and reflected in safety assessment. Risk analysis offers a variety of methods, tools and techniques that can be applied in solving problems covering different phases of the life cycle of a vessel (design, construction, operation and end-of-life) and, as such, this module will also elaborate on the practicalities of its application to a range of marine scenarios.
This module covers:
- safety, risk and risk analysis; key terminology; lessons learnt from past experience; human factors.
- formal safety assessment
- hazard Identification
- frequency analysis and consequence modelling
- quantitative risk assessment methods
- risk control and decision support, cost benefit analysis
- human Factors and Safety culture in the maritime
- industry guest lectures addressing topical issues related to maritime safety and risk
At the end of this module you'll be able to:
- understand the concepts and importance of safety, risk and of all requisite fundamentals enabling quantification of risk in the maritime context
- utilise methods and tools undertaking fundamental studies, specific to any component, system or function and in general first-principles implementation to life-cycle design
- understand and have experience of the use of risk analysis in the marine field via related case studies (risk-based ship design, operation and regulation).
- be able to appreciate components of a formal safety assessment and apply it for indicative problems of maritime operations
Assessment and feedback are in the form of one final exam (during Semester-2 diet) and two coursework assignments (assignment-one focusses on accident investigation, assignment-two is a safety assessment case study).
Offshore Structural Integrity
This module aims to provide:
- principles and methodologies to analyse and evaluate pertinent issues concerning the use of engineering materials and structural integrity in the marine environment
- practical tools for considering structural integrity and structural fitness-for-service problems throughout the design life cycle in the marine environment
The module will teach the following:
1. Introduction:
- Structural design philosophies
- In service failure modes (fracture, fatigue, creep and corrosion) (overview)
- Application of materials testing (tools of failure analysis)
- Methodologies of materials and process selection
2. Materials specification and sourcing:
- Metallic materials (Steels, Aluminium, and Metal Matrix Composite (MMC))
- Mechanical properties, manufacturing methods, deformation and materials forming, standards and Industrial applications
- Composite (Polymer Matrix Composite (PMC))
- Composite materials in offshore structure
3. Joining and welding:
- Advanced manufacturing process
- Joining and Welding in metals and composites
- Residual stress: origins and measurement of residual stress in Metallic and Composite component
4. Fracture mechanics:
- Stress analysis of cracks
- Fracture toughness
- Connecting the fracture theories, critical crack sizes (ductile vs brittle) & NDE
- Limitations of LEFM, Crack Tip Plasticity
- Mixed-mode fracture problems, KIc testing
- Elastic-plastic fracture mechanics (EPFM), J-Integral, JIc testing, Application Case Studies
- Fractography
5. Fatigue:
- Fatigue life analysis
- Stress-Life and how to develop and use S-N curve
- Cyclic stress/strain behaviour leading to hardening or softening (microstructure origins)
- Fatigue crack initiation, damage tolerant lifetime
- Corrosion fatigue
- Notch effects on fatigue, fatigue crack growth testing
- Fatigue fractography case studies
6. Corrosion:
- Corrosion prevention and mitigation
- Embrittlement mechanisms
- Environmentally assisted crack growth
7. Creep and stress rupture:
- Time-dependent mechanical behaviour
- Mechanisms of creep deformation
- Structural changes during creep
- Creep-fatigue interaction
- Creep under combined stresses
8. Nondestructive evaluation:
- Introduction to methods for determining the presence of defects and their size
- Structural health monitoring
- Inspection reliability
- Defect and remaining life assessment
On completion of the module, you're expected to be able to:
- show a systematic understanding of structural integrity and fitness-for-service issues
- demonstrate an in-depth awareness of the current practice and its limitations in aspects of structural integrity
- develop a critical and analytical approach towards the engineering aspects of structural integrity
- be able to confidently assess the applicability of the tools of structural integrity to new problems and apply them appropriately
Assessment and feedback are in the form of coursework.
Risk & Reliability Engineering
This module aims to introduce the principles of risk management and reliability engineering and solve relevant engineering problems through widely applied methods and tools.
The module will teach the following:
- Introduction and Fundamentals of Risk and Reliability Engineering
- Risk Management Process
- Statistics, Probabilities and Mathematics for Risk Analysis
- Failure mode, effects, and criticality analysis (FMEA/FMECA)
- Hazard and operability study (HAZOP) Analysis
- Qualitative Reliability Analysis (FTA/ETA)
- Systems modelling using Reliability Block Diagrams
- Quantitative Reliability Analysis, Introduction to MCS
- Risk Control and Decision Support Systems, Failure Consequences
- Insurance and Certification of Engineering Applications
On completion of the module you're expected to be able to:
- demonstrate a systematic knowledge of the fundamentals of risk management and reliability engineering and a critical awareness of their application on relevant engineering problems
- evaluate and select appropriate techniques for risk analysis (qualitative and quantitative), failure consequences assessment, and methods for control/mitigation through decision support systems and other relevant methods/tools
- develop a critical and analytical approach to the collection and stochastic modelling of data in the application of stochastic modelling
- demonstrate a comprehensive understanding of the development and use of commonly used methods and standards related to asset integrity management (including Reliability-Centred Maintenance and Risk-based Inspection)
Assessment will be in the form of a one-hour closed-book oral exam.
Theory & Practice of Marine Computational Fluid Dynamics (CFD)
This module aims to introduce you to the theoretical background of marine CFD using the finite volume method. It also aims to illustrate the key ideas related to discretisation and solution of the fluid flow governing equations for incompressible flows. This module also aims to discuss some key issues related to the use of CFD packages in practical applications
This module covers:
- briefing of basic CFD procedure
- introduce fluid flow governing equations and their simplified forms
- introduce CFD mesh generation
- discretisation of governing equations and boundary conditions
- introduce temporal discretisation
- the solution of discretised equations
- CFD software package use
At the end of this module you'll be able to:
- be familiar with the basis for the key equations of CFD for incompressible flow in finite volume form
- understand in principle how these equations may be discretised and solved numerically
- apply commercial CFD package to simple two-dimensional engineering problem
Assessments are in the form of exam.
Group Design Project
The overall aim of the module is to provide you with an enriched experience in the selection, conceptualisation and designing of a novel vessel or an offshore asset. The group projects will also include a thorough market review, concept and focused design studies and techno-economic analysis in a simulated design project environment. It will also provide you with an opportunity to present their project outputs to a panel involving academic/industry staff.
This module covers:
- development of a broad but nevertheless critical review of prospects for techno-economic growth in maritime related activities in a particular context/area of the world
- proposal and evaluation of specific design-related activities with a view to developing a design project to a concept level but with substantial calculations in at least one design objective
- demonstration of analytical ability and understanding of engineering principles and problem-solving techniques, creativity and self-reflection
- the ability to present and defend the design choices to a panel.
At the end of this module you'll be able to:
- identify and prioritize the key-design issues along with their basic interrelations in the context of naval architecture
- materialize a design project according to a given timeline through design steps along the key-design-issues priority path
- work efficiently and openly in a collaborative context involving different cultures and expertise
- choose at each design step the proper rationally-based computation methods
Assessment and feedback are in the form of either design report or presentation. There will be five tasks: each task may include the submission of a design report or an oral presentation followed by questions from the lecturers and the advisory groups.
Research Project
The research project is a ‘mini’ MSc individual project, with the main focus on critical review, identifying and selecting research areas and planning.
This will lead to the MSc thesis in the second year.
Instructional classes
- Structural Analysis of Ships & Offshore Structures
- Ship Design
- Ship Vibration
- Master Thesis
Elective classes
Elective classes
- Seakeeping of Ships and Laboratory on NA
- Non-Linear Structural Analysis
- Fatigue Strength of Ships & Offshore Structures
- Arctic Technology
- Innovative CFD Approaches
- Manoeuvrability & Shallow Water Ship Hydrodynamics
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Learning & teaching
You’ll study at the University of Strathclyde in Year 1.
You'll study at Hamburg University in Year 2.
You can choose the moving date which may depend on your research project. This can be supervised in conjunction with a TUHH professor.
Lectures in Hamburg are held in English. You’ll attend lectures between October and February and then complete exams between February and March.
Following March, you’ll complete your dissertation.
Assessment is through written examinations, coursework assignments and an individual project thesis. There are teamwork exercises assessed on a continuous basis.
This course is accredited by the Royal Institution of Naval Architects (RINA) and The Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology, (IMarEST) on behalf of the UK Engineering Council.
We have excellent teaching facilities at the University of Strathclyde including:
- Catalina - our departmental racing yacht
- Kelvin Hydrodynamics Lab - the largest ship-model experiment tank in any UK university
- Towing/wave tank exclusively for teaching purposes
- Marine engine laboratory
- Cutting-edge computer facilities
- Industry standard software
Student competitions
The Department of Naval Architecture, Ocean and Marine Engineering supports and promotes students in various competitions and awards, from cash bursaries for top performing students to the highest of awards from international organisations.
In recent years students from NAOME have been triumphant in the following high profile competitions:
- Science, Engineering & Technology Student of the Year (SET Awards)
- Best Maritime Technology Student (SET Awards)
- Double winner of BP’s Ultimate Field Trip Competition
- Strathclyder of the Year
Entry requirements
Academic requirements | Normally a first-class or second-class honours degree (or international equivalent), in a marine or marinerelated engineering subject. Knowledge of structural mechanics,hydrostatics, fluid dynamics, ship resistance and propulsion and ship design is essential. |
English language requirements | If English is not your first language, please visit our English language requirements page for full details of the requirements in place before making your application. |
Pre-Masters preparation course
The Pre-Masters Programme is a preparation course held at the University of Strathclyde International Study Centre, for international students (non-UK/Ireland) who do not meet the academic entry requirements for a Masters degree at University of Strathclyde.
Upon successful completion, you'll be able to progress to this degree course at the University of Strathclyde.
Please note: Previous Maths & English qualifications and your undergraduate degree must meet GTCS minimum entry requirements as well as the pre-Masters course and an interview will be conducted before an offer can be made.
International students
We've a thriving international community with students coming here to study from over 140 countries across the world. Find out all you need to know about studying in Glasgow at Strathclyde and hear from students about their experiences.
Fees & funding
The MSc Ship & Offshore Technology is a two-year joint course delivered in conjunction with Hamburg University of Technology. Tuition fees are paid in two instalments as outlined below.
Fees may be subject to updates to maintain accuracy. Tuition fees will be notified in your offer letter.
All fees are in £ sterling, unless otherwise stated, and may be subject to revision.
Annual revision of fees
Students on programmes of study of more than one year (or studying standalone modules) should be aware that the majority of fees will increase annually. The University will take a range of factors into account, including, but not limited to, UK inflation, changes in delivery costs and changes in Scottish and/or UK Government funding. Changes in fees will be published on the University website in October each year for the following year of study and any annual increase will be capped at a maximum of 10% per year.
Scotland | £14,600 |
England, Wales & Northern Ireland | £14,600 |
Republic of Ireland |
If you are an Irish citizen and have been ordinary resident in the Republic of Ireland for the three years prior to the relevant date, and will be coming to Scotland for Educational purposes only, you will meet the criteria of England, Wales & Northern Ireland fee status. For more information and advice on tuition fee status, you can visit the UKCISA - International student advice and guidance - Scotland: fee status webpage. Find out more about the University of Strathclyde's fee assessments process. |
International | £32,950 |
Additional costs | Course materials & costsPrinting Services Printing: Prices variable per size Binding: £3 per copy approx. Placements & field tripsTravel to the Kelvin Hydrodynamics Laboratory may be required depending on selected courses. Frequency variable: Average 5 visits if relevant to subjects. Bus fare is £2-3 each way. Other costsAccess cards are provided free of charge. £10 charge to replace a lost card. Visa & immigrationInternational students may have associated visa and immigration costs. Please see student visa guidance for more information. |
Available scholarships | Take a look at our scholarships search for funding opportunities. |
Please note: the fees shown are annual and may be subject to an increase each year. Find out more about fees.
How can I fund my course?
Scottish postgraduate students
Scottish postgraduate students may be able to apply for support from the Student Awards Agency Scotland (SAAS). The support is in the form of a tuition fee loan and for eligible students, a living cost loan. Find out more about the support and how to apply.
Don’t forget to check our scholarship search for more help with fees and funding.
Students coming from England
Students ordinarily resident in England may be to apply for postgraduate support from Student Finance England. The support is a loan of up to £10,280 which can be used for both tuition fees and living costs. Find out more about the support and how to apply.
Don’t forget to check our scholarship search for more help with fees and funding.
Students coming from Wales
Students ordinarily resident in Wales may be to apply for postgraduate support from Student Finance Wales. The support is a loan of up to £10,280 which can be used for both tuition fees and living costs. Find out more about the support and how to apply.
Don’t forget to check our scholarship search for more help with fees and funding.
Students coming from Northern Ireland
Postgraduate students who are ordinarily resident in Northern Ireland may be able to apply for support from Student Finance Northern Ireland. The support is a tuition fee loan of up to £5,500. Find out more about the support and how to apply.
Don’t forget to check our scholarship search for more help with fees and funding.
International students
We've a large range of scholarships available to help you fund your studies. Check our scholarship search for more help with fees and funding.
There are opportunities for you to work in:
- Oil & gas companies
- Shipbuilding companies
- Classification societies
- Firms specialising in riser and mooring analysis
- Marine consultancies
Glasgow is Scotland's biggest & most cosmopolitan city
Our campus is based right in the very heart of Glasgow. We're in the city centre, next to the Merchant City, both of which are great locations for sightseeing, shopping and socialising alongside your studies.
During the application process, you must upload the following supporting documents. If these are not provided, we will not be able to process your application:
- certified individual semester mark sheets/academic transcript showing subjects taken and grades achieved for all qualifications. If you're still studying, please provide your individual semester mark sheets to date
- certified degree certificate for all qualification. If youre still studying, please provide this after completing your qualification
- provide evidence of suitable English language proficiency if English is not your first language, or you're not from a “UKVI recognised "Majority English Speaking" country”; check the University’s language requirements
- if you have been out of full-time education for over two years, provide a CV, detailing employment history, organisations worked for and a brief description of roles and responsibilities
- a copy of your passport containing your photo and passport number
- a copy of your sponsor letter/scholarship award (if appropriate)
- names, job titles and email addresses for two nominated referees
Start date: Sep 2025
Ship and Offshore Technology
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