Raphaelle Garcin
Product Design (MSc)
Raphaelle Garcin came to Strathclyde to begin an MSc in Product Design. Below, she shares some of her thoughts on the course and life at Strathclyde.
Why did you choose to study at the Department of Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Management?
I chose to study in this department because I have a mechanical engineering background and a keen interest in design and creativity. This department succeeds in making these two fields work well together. Having both disciplines in the same place during the whole product process is amazing.
Why did you choose to study your course?
I chose this course because after six years of working in mechanical engineering, I wanted to do something more related to art and creativity.
What have been the highlights of your course to date?
I really enjoy the fact that lectures and workshops are combined in class timetables. I am glad that we have lots of projects and not too many exams. It is far more interesting and challenging this way.
What are your ambitions following the completion of your course?
After the completion of my MSc, I am deciding between working as a furniture designer or continuing my studies for one year in a design school.
What advice would you give to someone considering coming to study at the department of Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Management and the University of Strathclyde?
For me, it would be: don't hesitate, go ahead! You will blossom in the class and in Glasgow’s student life.