VI Strathclyde Postgraduate Colloquium on Environmental Law and Governance

On the 2nd and 3rd of May, SCELG hosted a Postgraduate Colloquium where 22 PhD and early-career researchers were given the opportunity to present their research on environmental law and governance in oral and poster form. The panels covered the following topics: Participatory and Procedural Rights,  Climate Change Litigation, Water Law, Non-state actors and Environmental Harm, Animal Law and Equity in matters related to Land, Access to Genetic Resources and Waste Management.

Senior SCELG researchers and affiliated environmental legal practitioners had the opportunity to critically engage with the researchers’ work in a thoughtful and stimulating exchange of ideas. All presentations were of incredibly high standard and the ensuing discussions very insightful and engaging, all of which bodes well for the future of research within this area of law!  The event was a fantastic opportunity for postgraduate researchers from across the world to engage with SCELG in a collaborative, supportive and engaging environment.

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VI PG Colloquium 2018


Wednesday 2nd May

Caer Smyth (Cardiff University) – How do rationalist assumptions influence processes of participatory environmental decision-making

Mika Schröder (SCELG) – Diversity of Discourse at CBD negotiations: Exploring normative pluralism though stakeholder participation within international conservation forums

Giada Giacomini (Sapienza Università di Roma) - The Role of Free Prior and Informed Consent in the Green Climate Fund Indigenous Peoples’ Policy: Lesson from the Peruvian case

Sean Whittaker (University of Dundee) - Uncovering the Environment: Theoretical Understandings and Empirical Research of the Right of Access to Environmental Information

Saskia Vermeylen (SCELG) – Discussant

Francesco Sindico (SCELG) - Chair

Mara Ntona (SCELG) - Between a Rock and a Hard Place: Tentative Steps towards Uniform Standards on Access to Justice in Environmental Matters in the EU

Louise Fournier (Greenpeace) - The Cost of Inaction: The Role of Courts in Climate Change Litigation

Geetanjali Ganguly (LSE) - Climate Change Litigation: Climate Science in the Courts

Rosemary Mwanza (University of Eastern Finland) - Incorporating the Remedies Pillar of the UN "Protect, Respect and Remedy" Framework into Kenya’s corporate environmental legal regime: re-conceptualizing the remedies pillar

Joana Setzer (LSE)– Discussant

Antonio Cardesa-Salzmann (SCELG) - Chair

Thursday 3rd May

Birsha Ohdedar (University of London) - The Human Right to Water in the Context of Climate Change: Towards a Broader Understanding

Julie Gibson (SCELG) - Realising the Human Right to Water: The Role of Development Cooperation

Laure-Elise Mayard (Northumbria University) - Reinterpreting the Interlinkages between International Law Branches: A Transnational Law Approach applied to Large Hydropower Projects on the Mekong River

Mohsen Nagheeby (Northumbria University) - Critical integration between International Water Law and Hydropolitics for Environmental Security in the Helmand River Basin

Francesco Sindico (SCELG) – Discussant

Renée Martin-Nagle (SCELG) - Chair

Patrick Simon Perillo (University of Cambridge) – Drawing the Legal Map for Corporate Accountability in International and Comparative Law: Perspectives from State-Based Mechanisms affecting Business, Human Rights and the Environment

Laura Mai (King’s College London) - Mind the Gap: Linking Transnational Climate Governance and the Paris Agreement

Elisa Morgera (SCELG) – Discussant

Antonio Cardesa-Salzmann (SCELG) - Chair

Chrysa Alexandraki (University of Luxembourg) – Climate Finance under the Climate Change Regime in a Post-Paris Agreement Era

Theodoros Iliopoulos (Hasselt University) – Sustainable Energy Governance in the EU: The Proposal for a Revised Renewable Energy Directive

Sahar Karimi (University of Calgary) – Environmental Protection by the Application of the Theory of Depecage in Upstream Oil and Gas Contracts

Bernard Kengni (University of Cape Town) - The Flaws in Current Attempts to Achieve Water Sustainability in the South African Mining Sector through Environmental Laws and Governance

Núria Reguart Segarra (Universitat Jaume I of Castellón) – Indigenous Peoples and Traditional Knowledge: A Key Role in Climate Change Policies

Margherita Brunori (SCELG) - Global Indicators for an equitable and secure access to land

Sabine Zajderman (University of Cape Town) - Marine Genetic Resources, the Nagoya Protocol and the Law of the Sea

María-Ángeles Fuentes-Loureiro (University of A Coruna) - Transboundary movements of waste as a reflection of Global Environmental Inequality

Iyan Offor (SCELG) - Emerging International Governance of Animal Welfare: The Surprising Role of Trade Law and Policy

Stephanie Switzer (SCELG) – Discussant

Elisa Morgera (SCELG) - Chair