Application of beneficial microorganisms for Farmers and Crofters
A workshop with small-scale Farmers and Crofters on application of beneficial microorganisms for healthy crop growth and in horticulture
Time: Friday, 24 February 2023 (9am - 4pm) UK time
Venue: Room CL205, Collins Building (22, Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ)
Strathclyde Law School and Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance
Open Call for a Workshop and Consultation event for small-scale Farmers and Crofters on application of beneficial microorganisms for healthy crop growth and in horticulture
Beneficial agricultural microorganisms not only promote healthy plant growth and increase yields, but they are also low-cost. For instance, savings in terms of costs incurred on phosphate fertilization required to sustain similar levels of plant productivity through use of arbuscular mycorrhizas has been estimated at US$ 549 billion per year. Likewise, substitution of nitrogen fertilizers with rhizobial species has led to savings of up to US$1.7 billion.
The Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance is organising a workshop and consultation event for farmers and crofters on the application of beneficial microorganisms for promoting healthy plant growth.
The workshop will be held 24 February 2023 and will be a hybrid event. In person attendants will gather in room CL205 in the Collins Building (22, Richmond Street, Glasgow G1 1XQ). Details with the zoom link and passcode for the online participants will be provided in due course.
Entries are invited from interested farmers-crofters/farmer and crofter groups/ legal scholars/lawyers and students. Attendance will be free but only limited spaces are available, so kindly register here and apply early. Travel costs by train/bus or fuel costs for car will likely be reimbursed and details will be confirmed shortly.
The Workshop will be inviting experts in Microbial Ecology who will talk about the availability of microbial inoculum for farms/crops and the benefits associated with them for crop growth. There will also be a talk on understanding patents on living resources including microorganisms used in agriculture including the risks of patent infringements from escaped microbes.
The talks will be followed by a panel discussion along with the participating farmer/farmer-crofter organizations on application of beneficial microbial inoculum for crop growth promotion.
See details of the workshop plan here.
View our Event Brochure.
For further details and inquiries, please email
DK received a Marie-Skłodowska-Curie Actions Horizon 2020 Individual Fellowship under the project MICROB-COM, grant ID 894188.