Antonia Zydek, LLM Student in Global Environment Law (2017-2018)
I have studied on the LLM in Global Environmental Law at Strathclyde in 2017/18. The reason for choosing this programme was to get in depth knowledge of international environmental law and being taught in smaller groups by people that are experts in their field. I was also very interested in the projects of SCELG and was hoping to be able to get involved while studying. After successfully completing the programme, I can say, that all these expectations were met.
A great experience: academically and practically
The class format of sessions that are mainly student-led and involve discussing topics with my peers has helped met develop a deep understanding of international environmental agreements such as the Paris Agreement. Additionally, I was able to take elective classes in EU Environmental Law in both semesters, which allowed for a quite detailed analysis of different directives and EU policies. But my LLM was a great experience not only academically: In my EU Environmental Law class we were able to get involved with a Consultation for the Scottish government examining the implications of Brexit for Scottish Environmental Law and Governance. This project was a great opportunity to further develop my research skills and be part of something highly relevant and important.