Our NMR is a University based facility made up of a magnet room, technical support office, and two laboratories - data processing and sample preparation and handling.
At the heart of the facility are four Bruker NMR spectrometers. They're capable of a wide range of applications working from high-throughput fully automated mode using robotic sample handling and Bruker’s IconNMR to manual interaction mode.
Spectrometers operate under TopSpin 2.1 except where stated in a Windows XP based environment based on HP XW4300 PCs.
The NMR Facility is supported by two members of staff. Day-to-day technical support is ably provided by Craig Irving.
Experimental and theoretical support is provided by NMR Spectroscopist John Parkinson. John holds a track record of more than 25 years of experience working in the field of NMR spectroscopy.
Types of Data Acquisition Available
Avance 3 (400 MHz)
- Nuclei - 1H, 13C, 31P, 19F/19F-{1H}; gradient assisted acquisitions.
- Nuclei - 1H, 19F and heteronuclei in the frequency range for 31P-109Ag; gradient assisted and variable (high & low) temperature acquisitions.
- Nuclei - 1H and 13C; gradient assisted and variable (high & low) temperature acquisitions.
- Nuclei - 1H and heteronuclei in the frequency range for 31P-183W; gradient assisted acquisitions including triple resonance [1H, 13C, 31P-183W] nD.
We can post your spectra to you or email them as a Word, PowerPoint or pdf files; or data can be supplied raw.
Analysis Time
This will depend on sample concentration and experimental techniques required. Rapid turnaround for standard analyses.
The service
- Solution phase NMR 400 MHz – 600 MHz
- Organic, Polymer & Biomolecules
- ultinuclear capability
- Advanced 1D & 2D experiments
- Powerful post processing software