Our publications
Visible Light Communication Using a Blue GaN µLED and Fluorescent Polymer Color Converter
H. Chun et al., IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol. 26, Issue 20, PP 2035-2038 (2014).
Hybrid organic semiconductor lasers for bio-molecular sensing
A-M. Haughey et al., Faraday Discussions, Vol 174, P 369-381 (2014).
Size-dependent capacitance study on InGaN-based micro-light-emitting diodes
W. Yang et al., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 116, p044512 (2014).
Temperature-dependent efficiency droop of blue InGaN micro-light emitting diodes
P. Tian et al., Applied Physics Letters, Vol 105, p171107 (2014).
Planar micro- and nano-patterning of GaN light-emitting diodes: Guidelines and limitations
J. Herrnsdorf et al., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 115, p084503 (2014).
Characteristics and applications of micro-pixelated GaN-based light emitting diodes on Si substrates
P. Tian et al., Journal of Applied Physics, Vol 115, issue 3, p033112 (2014).
An oligofluorene truxene based distributed feedback laser for biosensing applications
A-M. Haughey et al., Biosensors and Bioelectronics, Vol. 54, P679-686 (2014).
A 3 Gb/s Single-LED OFDM-based Wireless VLC Link Using a Gallium Nitride µLED
D. Tsonev et al., IEEE Photonics Technology Letters, Vol 26, issue 7, p637 - 640 (2014).
Wavelength-tunable colloidal quantum dot laser on ultra-thin flexible glass
C. Foucher et al., Applied Physics Letters, Vol. 104, Issue 14, P141108 (2014).
Nanosecond colloidal quantum dot lasers for sensing
B. Guilhabert et al., Optics Express, Vol. 22, Issue 6, P 7308-7319 (2014).
Optoelectronic tweezers system for single cell manipulation and fluorescence imaging of live immune cells
A. Jeorrett et al., Optics Express, Vol 22, issue 2, pp.1372-1380 (2014).
Micro-structured light emission from planar InGaN light-emitting diodes
D. Massoubre et al., Semicond. Sci. Technol., Vol 29 p015005 (2014).