GraduationGraduation day at Strathclyde

Fancy a keepsake of your #strathlife?

Graduation merchandise is available to buy from Level 4 of the Learning & Teaching building from 11am to 5pm throughout graduations. A portion of each sale goes towards the Strathclyde Alumni Community scholarship, which supports an undergraduate student in need each year.

Make sure you leave home in good time. It's a really busy day and you're guaranteed to get caught up in the excitement!

You must be on campus at least 1.5-2 hours before the start of your ceremony to make sure you have enough time to collect your tickets, gown and to register. You'll also need to be seated in the hall 30 minutes before the start of the ceremony.

Make sure you don’t leave home without your gown hire confirmation from Ede & Ravenscroft too!

Planning your day

Car parking

Due to our city centre location, parking is very limited. We encourage visitors to choose sustainable transport options where possible. Find out more information about parking at Strathclyde.

Schedule of the day

Make sure you have a look at the schedule before graduation day. That way you can make plans and ensure your day runs smoothly.

Dress code

Graduation ceremonies are a formal, ceremonial occasion and you should therefore wear appropriate smart, formal clothing like: 

  • dark suit / dark dress
  • dark jacket & trousers/skirt, with a white shirt/blouse
  • recognised national dress, for example, kilts

When you get here

Gown collection and photographs

Gown collection – Level 2, Learning Village, Learning and Teaching Building

Photography – Level 2, The Venue, Students Union in the Learning and Teaching Building


The day before your ceremony (excluding weekends) - 3pm to 4pm

The day of your degree ceremony - 9.15am onwards

Ticket collection

You can collect your guest tickets on the day of your ceremony from level 2 Learning Village of the Learning and Teaching Building:

  • 11am ceremony: from 9.15am onwards
  • 3pm ceremony: from 11am onwards


As soon as you've collected your tickets and gown, go directly to the High Street entrance of The Barony Hall and you'll be directed to the graduand’s registration. Guests should enter the Barony by the main Rottenrow entrance.


All graduands are required to sign the Register and will be given a numbered seat in the Hall. To ensure that you process onto the stage in the correct order it's important that you remain in your allocated seat.

After registering, graduands should take their seat in the Hall, wearing their gowns but carrying hoods. All graduands must be in their seats no later than 30 minutes before the start of the ceremony – graduands not seated by that time may have to be moved to the end of the ceremony.

During the ceremony

Capping procedure

Each ceremony will last approximately one hour. At the beginning of the ceremony, graduands will receive a signal to rise and proceed to the steps at the right-hand side of the platform. At this point hoods should be carried over your arm - don't worry though, we'll have staff on hand to help you fold it.

At the side of the platform, you'll hand your hood to the Bedellus who'll place it in position over your robes.

When your name is announced, walk to the centre of the platform and turn towards the Presiding Officer. After being capped you'll proceed further along the platform towards the University Secretary, where you'll receive your degree parchment.

You'll then leave the platform by the steps at the left-hand side and return to your original seat. At the end of the ceremony you should remain standing as the Academic procession leaves the Hall.


Please make sure you've made alternative arrangements for coats, bags and other personal belongings as you can't cross the stage with these items.

We ask that you make sure your mobile phone has been switched off or turned to silent, and note that no refreshments, other than bottled water, should be consumed in the Hall.


We know it's a really exciting day but to avoid obstructing the view of other guests or causing a distraction, we ask your guests to take photographs from their seats. Don't worry though! Our photographers and videographers are there to capture the whole thing. You can watch your ceremony again afterwards too.

Please avoid flash photography.

After the ceremony

Graduation Reception

Following the ceremony a University reception will be held in the Learning and Teaching Building at the Jackie Kay Plaza.

Graduation photographs

Ede & Ravenscroft Photography will be there on the day of your ceremony for graduation photos. Ede & Ravenscroft will be situated in the Venue, level 2 of the Students Union in the Learning and Teaching Building from 9am to 5.30pm.

Return of hired hoods and gowns

Before you leave, please return your academic dress no later than 5.30pm on the day of your ceremony.