University governanceCommittees

The Senate is the academic governing body within the University and is responsible for all academic matters including academic standards and quality. The detailed powers and functions of Senate are set out in Statute XIV University Statutes .

Professor Sir Jim McDonald


Meetings of the Senate are chaired by the Principal. The membership is made up of academic and research staff from the University, with representation from University of Strathclyde Student Association and Professional Services.

Committees reporting to the Senate

University Committees which usually report to Senate:

Senate Appeals Committee

The University Senate has overall responsibility for overseeing the Personal Circumstances and Academic Appeals Procedure. In some cases Senate appeals may be referred to the Senate Appeals Committee if it is considered appropriate.

For further details or to submit an appeal please email

Senate Discipline Committee

This committee considers individual student disciplinary cases. It also makes recommendations to Senate on matters of policy relating to student discipline.

For more information please read our Student Discipline Procedure.

For further details or to submit an appeal please email