Case study Propess

Polymer helping mothers and babies across the world

Developed by former Pure and Applied Chemistry Department researcher Dr Neil Graham, Propess® is a cervical ripening product helping women across the world.  Dr Graham, who passed away earlier this year, had an innovative career as the James Young Chair of Chemical Technology at the University.  The innovative polymer that gives Propess its properties were developed by Dr Graham and his team in the 1980s with initial trials taking place at John Radcliffe Hospital, Oxford. It was licensed by the University to BTG International Ltd in 1998 and is currently available in over 60 countries. 

Woman in labour

Cervical ripening is carried out before labour is induced by artificially stimulating the uterus. Induction is performed for a range of foetal and maternal indications, including preeclampsia – a condition that if left untreated can lead to serious, even fatal complications for both mother and baby.

Most recently Propess® has been approved by the Minister of Health, Labour and Welfare in Japan for use by patients at term.  This is the first time in 20 years that this type of product has been approved in Japan.  Find out more about the commercialisation and IP activity taking place in Strathclyde.