Images of Research: Innovation for the global good

Category: Digital connections

Bringing engine emissions to light

An aircraft engine surrounded by scaffolding and lights on the walls performing emission imaging

Accurate measurement of emissions is essential in the development and evaluation of new aero-engine technologies. University of Strathclyde, and collaborators, have developed the first system (the red dodecagon - pictured) for imaging the CO2 distribution of an aero-engine exhaust plume. The system uses 126 individual laser beams to reconstruct an image of the distribution using a technique known as chemical species tomography (CST). 

Entrant: Gordon Humphries , Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Copyright: Gordon Humphries

Funding: EU Horizon 2020 Grant Agreement ID: 785539. “CIDAR: Combustion species Imaging Diagnostics for Aero engine Research”

Collaborators: Mark Johnston (Rolls Royce plc), Micheal Lengden