Images of researchInnovation for the global good

A mobile phone being used to image a dinosaur model with 3D imaging technology

Developing opportunities through digital lighting

Johannes Herrnsdorf, institute of Photonics

Mirror reflection of a woman in a hospital gown

All gowned up

Liza Morton, Psychology

A graphic representation of a road network in the shape of a brain with blockages shown in blue surrounded by red areas representing congestion

Driving optimal decision-making

Antonio Pellicer-Pous, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Young African children wash their hands at an outdoor washing station

Can you wash your hands?

Kondwani Chidziwisano, Civil and Environmental Engineering

An artistic representation of a person with a brain scanning device on the right side of their head, designing a product in a virtual reality environment

ImagineD: Realising your imagination

Alex Duffy, Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management

A researcher removes sample vials from a piece of lab equipment as bubbles float in the air

Designing drug delivery to scale

Despo Chatzikleanthous, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

A human hand reaches toward a digital hand holding a heart with an ECG reading the background

Improving surgical outcomes with AI

Linda Lapp, Computer and Information Sciences

A digital design for a red and gold prosthetic leg cover emulating the style of Iron Man

Empowering prosthetics

Navid Aslani, Biomedical Engineering

A hand holding a small 3D manufactured micro optic next to a laser shining through a small glass rectangular tube

Miniaturised imaging: the bigger picture

Ralf Bauer, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

A heat map showing an active micro-mirror used in biomedical imaging systems

Heat-engineered imaging for precision

Spyridon Bakas, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

A darkened lab with the University logo painted in light using a drone

Safely inspect, detect and correct

Robert Watson, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

A digital design of a new dissolving stent

Highway to your Heart

David Nash, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

A small orange half-spherical pipe organ sits on a piano key

Keys to clearer diagnosis

Botong Zhu, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

A mother and child play with a football in a garden. The child has a monitoring device strapped to their waist. A colour graph in the background represents changing glucose levels.

State of play: confusion

Diane Morrow, Computer and Information Sciences

A close up of an eye made up of hundreds of images of the back of the eye

Seeing the bigger picture

Matteo Menolotto, Biomedical Engineering

A scene created using Lego shows people arriving at a platform, in a boat. People wait on the platform ready to help them

Building bridges, driving innovation

Swapnil Khadke, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

A microscope image showing crystallisation of the drug mefenamic acid

Shaping the future of pharmaceuticals

Moulham Alsuleman, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

A lone man scours the rubbish dumped on the fringe of Cairo

Left behind

Christine Habib, Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship

A colourful microscope image showing twisting crystals of the drug oxcarbazepine

Twisted habit of pharmaceutical crystals

Hector Polyzois, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

An elderly lady sits in the street weaving on a traditional loom, in rural India

Making tradition craft resilient

Churnjeet Mahn, English

A close up of a hand holding a small orange square – a lead free alternative material for solar panels

Bright future for clean energy

Petra Matusova, Chemistry

Inside a disused public building with graffiti on the walls a gig is taking place watched by local people in Sao Paulo

Occupation: guaranteeing spatial rights

Donagh Horgan, Architecture

A microscope image showing bright crystal strands that look like ferns

Crystallising solutions for precision pharmaceuticals

Raghunath Venkatramanan, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

A microscope image of the imperfections in a piece of metal

Symbolic insights spark innovation

James Kelly, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

A space shuttle flies over the Earth with its emissions emphasised in written form and a gauge in the top corner

It’s not rocket science

Andrew Wilson, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

A colourful African bag in the foreground with mothers and children sitting against a wall behind it

The hygienic family

Tracy Morse, Civil and Environmental Engineering

An assortment of colourful pills lie surrounded by tools

Medicines manufacturing toolbox

Monika Warzecha, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

A mock-up of a solar panel in space sending energy back to Earth

Power to the people

Andrew Wilson, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Watercolour painting showing a meeting taking place outdoors between people in suits and others in traditional outfits

Whose natural resources?

Elisa Morgera, Law

A car engine sits in an industrial bath as part of the remanufacturing process

Remanufacturing: extending product life

Sascha Ruggaber, Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management

A black and white image of a profilometer that looks like a needle on a record player

The sound of science

Ronnie Woodward, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

An illustration of His-Tyr-Phe – a water responsive material

Responsible responsive materials

Travis Hesketh, Chemistry

Layers of textured aluminium

The texture of perception

Lewis Urquhart, Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management

A colourful microscope image of copper

The art of greening electronics

Priscila Valverde Armas, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Microscope images of soil bacteria that resemble little sponges

Waste fuelling antibiotic growth

Anna Birke, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

An aircraft engine surrounded by scaffolding and lights on the walls performing emission imaging

Bringing engine emissions to light

Gordon Humphries, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

All gowned up

Liza Morton, Psychology

Can you wash your hands?

Kondwani Chidziwisano, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Designing drug delivery to scale

Despo Chatzikleanthous, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Empowering prosthetics

Navid Aslani, Biomedical Engineering

Heat-engineered imaging for precision

Spyridon Bakas, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Highway to your Heart

David Nash, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Keys to clearer diagnosis

Botong Zhu, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Mental health: road to recovery

Matt Smith, History

Seeing the bigger picture

Matteo Menolotto, Biomedical Engineering

Shaping the future of pharmaceuticals

Moulham Alsuleman, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Twisted habit of pharmaceutical crystals

Hector Polyzois, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Bright future for clean energy

Petra Matusova, Chemistry

Crystallising solutions for precision pharmaceuticals

Raghunath Venkatramanan, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

It’s not rocket science

Andrew Wilson, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Medicines manufacturing toolbox

Monika Warzecha, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Power to the people

Andrew Wilson, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

Remanufacturing: extending product life

Sascha Ruggaber, Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management

Responsible responsive materials

Travis Hesketh, Chemistry

The art of greening electronics

Priscila Valverde Armas, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Developing opportunities through digital lighting

Johannes Herrnsdorf, institute of Photonics

Driving optimal decision-making

Antonio Pellicer-Pous, Civil and Environmental Engineering

ImagineD: Realising your imagination

Alex Duffy, Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management

Improving surgical outcomes with AI

Linda Lapp, Computer and Information Sciences

Miniaturised imaging: the bigger picture

Ralf Bauer, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Safely inspect, detect and correct

Robert Watson, Electronic and Electrical Engineering

Shedding light on communication security

Aidan Arnold, Physics

State of play: confusion

Diane Morrow, Computer and Information Sciences

Arctic Ocean optical profiling

David McKee, Physics

Building bridges, driving innovation

Swapnil Khadke, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences

Left behind

Christine Habib, Hunter Centre for Entrepreneurship

Making tradition craft resilient

Churnjeet Mahn, English

Occupation: guaranteeing spatial rights

Donagh Horgan, Architecture

Symbolic insights spark innovation

James Kelly, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The hygienic family

Tracy Morse, Civil and Environmental Engineering

Transformation: from challenged to changed

Annalisa Galeone, Marketing

Whose natural resources?

Elisa Morgera, Law

The sound of science

Ronnie Woodward, Mechanical and Aerospace Engineering

The texture of perception

Lewis Urquhart, Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management

Waste fuelling antibiotic growth

Anna Birke, Strathclyde Institute for Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences