Images of Research: Innovation for the global good

Developing opportunities through digital lighting

Category: Digital connections

A mobile phone being used to image a dinosaur model with 3D imaging technology

Our research is unlocking the true potential of light-emitting diodes (LEDs), such as the ability to provide energy-efficient, high-bandwidth wireless networks and improving the accuracy of digital identification, shown here. LEDs, made to carry a digital data signal, can enable precision positioning and 3D imaging of objects, increasing the imaging capability of accessible mobile devices. The potential applications for this technology are numerous, from domestic to industry, underwater to space.

Entrant: Johannes Herrnsdorf , Institute Of Photonics

Copyright: Johannes Herrnsdorf

Funding: Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council (EPSRC) Quantum Hub in Quantum Enhanced Imaging: EP M01326X/1

Collaborators: Emma Le Francois (she is holding the mobile phone in the picture and she is involved in the underpinning research), Jonathan McKendry (lend his camera, and he is involved in the research that enabled this image), Alexander Griffiths (helped to arrange the setup), Michael Strain (Project investigator), Martin Dawson (Project investigator)


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