Images of Research: Innovation for the global good

Category: Tackling uncertainty

Making tradition craft resilient

An elderly lady sits in the street weaving on a traditional loom, in rural India

For women in rural communities in India, traditional practices of weaving are a creative, cultural and economic act. Though skilled, these women have been marginalised from formal education and the mainstream economy. Through exploration of folk culture in late colonial Punjab, Strathclyde researchers have been able to give these women and their work a renewed sense of worth, creating new market opportunities and increasing their ability to command better pay.

Entrant: Churnjeet Mahn , English

Copyright: Samia Singh and Ratika Singh

Funding: Arts and Humanities Research Council (AHRC): AH/N004094/1

Collaborators: Samia Singh; Ratika Singh (designers and artists), Brunel University, University of Central Lancashire, University of Sussex


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