A PhD is both a training ground for future researchers and a process intended to produce a coherent and well-reasoned contribution to knowledge in a particular discipline or field of inquiry. As such, you should expect it will take you to the limits of your current knowledge and beyond, into uncertain, and potentially challenging new territory.
Your PhD study includes some taught elements. At Strathclyde Business School we offer a Postgraduate Certificate in Research Methodology for Business and Management, which includes a minimum of 60 credits of research training.
Researcher development support
In addition, candidates are encouraged to access various other training and development opportunities such as those offered by the Strathclyde Researcher Development Programme. Each department in the School also offers its own programme of researcher development, including support for attendance at relevant conferences.
PhD candidates work independently, but with guidance from supervisors who have expertise in knowledge domains relevant to your programme of study. Two or more supervisors are appointed by the University and are responsible for establishing regular contact and keeping candidates informed about requirements for progress and completion of the PhD degree. At least one supervisor will be an academic member of staff in the Business School. Supervisors normally operate as a team, providing guidance about the nature of research and the standards expected.
PhDs are examined by a ‘viva voce’ a face-to-face examination where an external examiner, appointed by the University, alongside an internal examiner from Strathclyde will question you on the research undertaken.
The minimum period of study for full-time PhD candidates is normally 36 months (P/T 48 months), during which they are expected to be working on their research for at least 35 hours per week except for reasonable periods of holiday, which should be agreed in advance with supervisors.
The Master of Philosophy (MPhil) degree is a Masters degree by research. Like the PhD you would have two supervisors nominated by the University and would undertake some Research Methods training. The minimum study period for MPhil is 12 months.
Doctor of Business Administration (DBA)
The Doctor of Business Administration (DBA) is a research degree designed to develop business professionals skilled in solving business problems. Your focus will be on applying academic theories, methods and models to solve problems of practice. Research projects undertaken during the DBA programme aim to understand and explore how organisations work and how management is practised.
- learn how to analyse complex situations and problems
- acquire skills in conceptual and reflexive thinking
- develop knowledge of the design, implementation and monitoring of research interventions
Research Methodology for Business & Management (MRes)
The Research Methodology for Business & Management provides research training that corresponds with research education guidelines set by the Economic and Social Research Council and the Engineering and Physical Sciences Research Council. It can be taken as a stand-alone qualification or as a foundation course for a PhD in business & management. All registered MPhil and PhD students within Strathclyde Business School must complete the PgCert element as their mandatory 60 credits of research methods training. he minimum study period for MRes is 12 months.
MPhil & MRes funding
Scottish students on eligible research Masters courses are able to apply for the postgraduate tuition fee loan from the Scottish Government of up to £5,500 and the living cost loan support of up to £4,500. Only free-standing Research Masters will be eligible. Strathclyde students studying an MRes or MPhil would be eligible, but not individuals who are studying these courses as a component of a PhD. Full-time courses must be no longer than two years in duration. Find out more about this loan.