Meet our PhD students

Jon McFarlane, PhD Economics
'I think the research community is an essential part of the PhD experience. This is because a large proportion of the work that is undertaken at PhD level is on your own and you need people that you can talk to about your research. I have learned a lot from the PhD community, especially the other PhD students in my department.'

Nada Ghesh, PhD Marketing
'I am thankful for all the opportunities Strathclyde is offering to equip us with all that we need to become rigorous researchers and create a supportive inclusive research community for everyone. From the PgCert courses, the RDP workshops, the departmental seminars, and the Doctoral School efforts alongside the various research groups.'

Afsa Mukasa, PhD Entrepreneurship
'Talk about stellar life moments and achievements, and the Strathclyde doctoral experience definitely makes the list. Every time! Being both examiner and examinee breeds balance. The range of transformative tasks, challenges, discoveries, and shared experiences is excellent. It is an ultimate professional life experience!'

Pawel Czarnowski, PhD Accounting & Finance
'I was impressed by many of the faculty members during my studies at Strathclyde and I wanted to work in the same place as them. Also, one of my favourite things about the department is the variety of research databases that we have access to. The amount of support that is at your disposal at the department really helps push your research to the top level.'

Iswat Oladele, PhD Economics
'The support I’ve received from my supervisors since I commenced my PhD degree has helped me stay grounded. The feedback I receive from my supervisors for each piece of work handed in has been invaluable and helped shape my work. They also never fail to point me toward opportunities that will be useful for my development as a researcher.'

William Jeferson Vieira de Souza, PhD Marketing
'The research community at Strathclyde is full of diversity. I was amazed by the fact that the University is home to students from more than 100 countries. I felt happy with the opportunity of being part of an academic environment full of cultural diversity. It has been a great time to learn new aspects of different cultures and expand my comprehension of the world.'

Hari Risal, PhD Accounting & Finance
'The diversity of the community and the researchers’ enthusiasm are impeccable. I get to learn about various cultures, research areas, methodologies, and ways to contribute. I feel blessed to be the part of this community and look forward to learning and contributing a lot.'

Amy Hyslop, PhD Entrepreneurship
'One of the things I was most nervous about starting my PhD was the transition from undergrad to PhD without having any industry experience or even a Masters degree. Luckily the community I'm with on a daily basis is so supportive, full of advice and a lot of fun as well. The research community is one of the best parts of my job and I look forward to continuing developing such relationships.'

Nicola Irvine, PhD Management Science
'From my first meetings my supervisors have been fantastic. Always approachable, always supportive and readily available to meet when I have a burning issue outside of our regular meetings. The opportunities for networking, collaboration and support so far have been great. Departmental workshops and seminars have been invaluable to me.'
Susan Harrington, PhD Management Science
'It’s been great so far – very welcoming and supportive. I feel that there is a real sense of community and belonging. Both of my supervisors have been very supportive, right through the application process and since I started my research. In terms of the wider Strathclyde team, I’m confident that I can access any support I may need as and when required.'

Nefertari Robertson, PhD Marketing
'I am thrilled to be working with a key body of academic supervisors in the field. Strathclyde proactively communicate with staff and students directly for feedback and opportunities to grow and change whilst immersing itself in the community and wider global research arena. I have already connected with a vast range of like-minded individuals and I am sure I will look back at my PhD as a time of major personal growth and development.'
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Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU