Law SchoolMediation Clinic

Strathclyde's Mediation Services

The Mediation Clinic provides a free mediation service in which experienced practitioners work alongside trainee mediators to help people resolve disputes.

Strathclyde is known as the ‘place of useful learning’ and is proud to serve the wider community. The Mediation Clinic aims to have a positive impact on society by helping to embed a mediatory approach within the Scottish justice system.

The Mediation Clinic is part of the Law School at Strathclyde in the city centre of Glasgow.  It is Directed and Supervised by Dr Charlie Irvine, Course Leader of the LLM/MSc in Mediation and Conflict Resolution.

Mediation session

By default we conduct our mediations via Zoom (online). This form of mediation provides a fast, convenient and safe way to resolve disputes and can bring much-needed closure to parties. We can, in some cases, provide different approaches to mediation, for example, via telephone conference, Teams, or face-to-face. Our intake process continues to be delivered by telephone. To contact us please email the Mediation Clinic and we will aim to get back to you as soon as we can.

What is mediation?

Mediation is an entirely voluntary process.

Mediation is an alternative way of settling disputes without going to court or tribunal.

Each party has the opportunity to speak directly to the other and decide if, or by what means, they can settle matters between them. The mediators do not make decisions; they facilitate the conversation in order to find a way forward that’s acceptable to both parties.

Mediation can take place at any stage of a dispute and can be effective before or during court action.

photo by Tim Gouw on Unsplash.

Why choose mediation?

Mediation allows you to put across your situation in your own words and hear from the other party.

In the discussion, you can explore options for settlement. These can be practical as well as financial and you decide on the terms of the agreement.

You have nothing to lose by attempting mediation. If the dispute can’t be settled, you can still return to court. 

Where parties are able to come to an agreement through mediation it is more likely to be fulfilled than judgements imposed by court or tribunal.

Mediation is usually a quicker and less stressful way of settling disputes than going to court.

What happens in mediation?

Mediation is a private and confidential conversation that allows people to negotiate and explore all the possible solutions before reaching a decision.

The parties are the decision-makers, and the mediators will not impose an outcome. They support people to make informed decisions and find creative ways to settle disputes.

Mediation takes place over Zoom, though other methods such as telephone or in-person may be offered by arrangement. All those attending the mediation will be asked to sign an Agreement to Mediate.

The mediators begin with an introduction to the session and explain the arrangements. Each party then has the opportunity to explain what they are looking for without interruption. All issues and concerns raised are discussed and any suggestions put forward by either party are considered.

The mediator may decide to speak privately with both parties. All information given to the mediator is strictly confidential and will not be disclosed without permission.

The mediators will record any agreement reached and everyone will be provided with a copy.


Once a referral has been received from court, each party will be contacted by the Mediation Clinic by email or post. If there is no response the Mediation Clinic will send a reminder after 14 days. If there is still no response a second and final reminder will be sent, explaining that if we do not receive a response within seven days we will presume that party does not wish to mediate and inform the court.

Each mediation session will be conducted by two mediators, usually a lead and assistant.

Our lead mediators are experienced practitioners, registered with the Scottish Mediation Register. They’re responsible for the overall conduct of the session and provide mentoring and supervision to our student mediators.

Our assistant mediators are normally postgraduates studying for the LLM/MSc in Mediation and Conflict Resolution. They are adult learners from all walks of life.

We are unable to assist with:

At your initial interview with the Law Clinic, your advisors will give you a Mediation Clinic leaflet. If you’re interested in considering mediation, they will, with your permission, pass on your details to one of our mediators.

A mediator will contact you by telephone to discuss the situation and explain how it works in practice. If you agree to go ahead, the mediator will contact the other party to get their agreement to take part.

It should be stressed that mediation is entirely voluntary. If you don’t think it’s right for your case, or if it doesn’t lead to a resolution, the Law Clinic will continue to act for you in its usual way.


What Our Clients Think

I found the whole process to be friendly and extremely helpful. The mediators were extremely helpful and supportive. I am very thankful I chose mediation. Great service – very satisfied


Hand typing on a keyboard

Supporting the Clinic

Please note we are not accepting applications for mediators at the present time. We will review this regularly and update this page.

A Member Information Form should be completed if you wish to act as:

  • Mediator
  • Assistant mediator
  • Observer or
  • Become a Supporter but not actively mediate for the coming year.

Mediators must either be students on the LLM/MSc Mediation and Conflict Resolution at Strathclyde or have completed a minimum 40 hour mediation training programme. Mediators will be asked to observe at least two mediations in the first instance, then act as assistant mediator for at least five cases. Mediators are then observed by an experienced practitioner and assessed for their suitability to begin working as lead mediator. 

Equality and Diversity

The University of Strathclyde is committed to achieving equality of opportunity through its activities. The Mediation Clinic seeks to promote equality of diversity among its mediators and those who use its services.

Explore our Equality and Diversity Policies.