Equality & DiversityEvents
Throughout February
1 Rainbow Flag Raising
1-2 Imbolc (Pagan/Druid)
11 UN International Day of Women and Girls in Science
21 International Mother Language Day
27 Introduce a Girl to Engineering Day
Strathclyde celebrates LGBT+ History month

As a socially progressive and people-oriented University, we value the diversity of our student and staff communities, and are committed to creating a welcoming and inclusive culture and environment where everyone thrives in their work and study.
LGBT+ History Month is marked across the UK throughout February as an opportunity to connect and reflect on the past and present of the LGBT+ community, celebrate LGBT+ culture and progress towards equality over time, and to explore what the lessons of history can teach us for the future.
We have organised various events that provide opportunities for the Strathclyde community to engage, connect and reflect.
EDI Observances
The University and Strath Union adopt a partnership approach to equality, diversity and inclusion observances. The key annual EDI observances observed by the University and Strath Union are:
- Black History Month (October): Encompasses the history of African, Caribbean and Asian people in this country; people who often have a direct link with Scotland through slavery, colonialism and migration. Black History Month focuses on people whose sacrifices, contributions and achievements against a backdrop of racism, inequality and injustice are often overlooked or forgotten.
- 16 Days of Action against Gender-Based Violence (25 Nov – 10 Dec): An annual international campaign that begins on 25 November, the International Day for the Elimination of Violence against Women, and runs until 10 December, Human Rights Day.
- Disability History Month (Nov – Dec, dates vary): Creates a platform to focus on the history of disabled people’s struggle for equality and human rights, and includes the International Day of Persons with Disabilities on 3 December.
- LGBT+ History Month (February): Annual observance to connect with and reflect upon the past, present and futures of lesbian, gay, bisexual and trans communities and equalities in Scotland, UK and the world.
- Women’s History Month (March): International Women's Day (8 March) is a global day celebrating the social, economic, cultural, and political achievements of women, alongside a call to action for accelerating women's equality. Strathclyde Women’s Week also takes place in early March with a focus on gender equality and women at Strathclyde.
These five key EDI observances were selected by the University and Strath Union as they are high-profile national and/or international observances, they reflect equality groups at Strathclyde and key equality issues for our student and staff communities, and they all take place within university term-time making them accessible to undergraduate students. Faculties, Departments and Services may also mark other EDI observances and days as relevant to their remit and expertise.
Visit the University Chaplaincy webpages for information on faith-based observances.