LibraryYou said, we did

Customer feedback is very important to us. It helps us to keep the customer at the heart of everything we do. We can adapt our services and facilities in line with customer needs and preferences.

This page details some of the improvements we've made based on customer feedback. If you have any suggestions on how we can improve our services, please complete our feedback form.


We replaced almost 500 of the near 600 computers in the Library. The remaining computers have been fitted with new monitors and upgraded memory to aid performance.

We ran a trial during summer vacation offering room booking slots of up to 6 hours. Library management will now consider whether to offer these extended slots again in future.

We’ve put chairs at the top of the entrance staircase and next to the self service kiosks.

Our Equality & Diversity Committee is investigating setting up a specific focus group to look at accessibility within the Library building.

We've installed a noticeboard in the main entrance area of the Library.


We now regularly publicise the Reflection Room in the Library entrance foyer, as well as other spaces on campus. Additionally, we have passed on feedback about this to colleagues in the University Chaplaincy.

We started to use the LibCal events calendar so that you can easily browse, search and book skills sessions. We link to this calendar from our social media and StrathApp. We have also embedded the calendar in to our existing web pages.

We have extended our Sunday opening over the Summer Vacation for an extra four weeks this year.

A new drive was fitted to the Family Study Room computer which speeded up performance.

We identified some computers in the Library which had not been replaced for a long time. We fitted them with new drives to speed up performance and prioritised them for replacement during the Summer Vacation.

98% of priority print items are now available within 1 working day, exceeding our target of 96%.

We had large new windows installed on Levels 3, 4 and 5 of the Library building. We also upgraded older strip lighting to new LED lighting panels on these floors.

We also recently:

  • Upgraded the flooring and paintwork of the Library entrance lobby and stairs.
  • Installed motion sensors at doors leading to/from accessible lift lobby.
  • Created accessible space in Lecture Theatre CU359.

We have bought and made available for all students:

  • 70 new “Senator” operator chairs;
  • Two new “Muse” high-back privacy booths.

We also had 30 of our existing chairs reupholstered.

We have had all windows upgraded to energy-efficient triple glazing and have had new air-handling units installed. We worked with Estates to resolve this problem and bring the temperature up/down to more comfortable levels in the areas affected.

We have hosted various information stalls/sessions throughout the year, such as Time To Talk in February, Mental Health Day in March, exam wellbeing and resit wellbeing, and exam wellbeing breakfasts. We add to our online and physical Wellbeing Collection.

We have added puzzles and games to the Library Nook and are in the process of acquiring more.

We started to send out daily push notifications at the start of term.

We engaged with more than 1,100 students during Freshers’ Fair, gathering requirements and hearing your opinions on StrathApp.

We created a Digital student card and stored it securely in your StrathApp.

We moved the VLE to new infrastructure. Page response times has improved. It is now 5x faster than the previous version.

We delivered the best University Wi-Fi experience in Scotland and the third best in the UK.


When the SCONUL Access scheme re-opened in November 2021 we prioritised study space for our own students, who needed a place to undertake formal assessments. After reviewing capacity and occupancy in the building during Semester 1 we rejoined the scheme in January 2022.

During the pandemic, we extended room booking slots. This was to allow students to use them to undertake formal assessments. This academic year we have gone back to having short 1 or 2-hour booking slots.

Every year we install more power sockets in the Library. 132 new sockets were added in 2022 alone.

Our Professional Services Helpdesk now buys laptop packs in bulk orders. This means we have the standard equipment in stock, ready for agile working teams. It also means any supplier delivery issues are alleviated.

This year we extended our Sunday opening from the exam resit period onwards. This improved access for PGDEs and students whose assessments continued over the summer period.

Virtual Study Sessions are scheduled twice a week and now run continuously throughout the whole year.

We've held two Writers’ Retreats in the Library so far. We've also supported Writers’ Retreats held elsewhere in the University and online via Zoom. We have done this by attending to help with any Library type questions.

We supported the Distance Aware scheme by issuing lanyards. We also promoted it on digital signage and across social media. We also continue to have perspex screens at each of our enquiry points. We also provide sanitising equipment in the Library.

Working with staff from Disability & Wellbeing, we organised tours for students with disabilities. We introduced them to the building. We also told them about services and facilities that would be useful to them. This also gave us valuable feedback on their experience of the Library.

We've added links to location maps in catalogue records. When you find an item in SUPrimo, click on the locate link. This allows you to see a map of where that item is on the relevant floor of the Library.

We've had discussions with USSA about how we can diversify our collection. We have developed a procedure to deal with reports of problematic content in our collection. We're also undertaking a project to buy texts that will diversify our collection.  

Library inductions have taken place on campus on request. Some are being provided at weekends or after 17:00 for part-time courses. Skills Boost sessions are taking place online and on campus.

We've created a Reading for Pleasure reading list.

The new Resource Booker system was launched, allowing students to book rooms in the new Learning and Teaching Building. More areas will be added in the future.

We’re always developing the mobile app. We add and improve features to support you during your time at Strathclyde.

The StrathReps service is now in its second year. This will be the first it has run in full since the pandemic. Nominations and elections opened in the app on 27 September with voting taking place the following week.

The latest version of the App (v3.2) includes a new digital student card.


With the relaxation of COVID–19 restrictions, we reinstated our standard semester opening hours during the 2021-22 academic year.

We also extended our on-campus enquiry service to run until 19:00 on weekday evenings.

Additionally, we increased our maximum capacity from 560 in 2020 to 900 in 2021.

The Library works with colleagues from Estates to improve our study spaces. This year all the windows are being replaced with triple glazing. Some larger windows are being created to provide spaces with more natural light.

We promoted services more widely on social media, participating in takeovers of the University’s Instagram account in order to reach more people.

We created our ‘Get started’ homepage. This has links to expert-led sessions. These include Skills Boost, Referencing Week, Database Training, and our Academic Library Skills. module.

Since 2020, we have worked to make more content available online.

We have purchased a lot of new services offering a wide variety of content. This ranges from the educational TV and radio streaming service, Box of Broadcasts, to the Sage Research Methods suite. We also have backfiles of e-journals and more eBook collections.

Our staff expanded their programme of training and engagement sessions to help students working on and off campus. Sessions now take place online and include but aren’t limited to:

  • Skills Boost sessions
  • Database training sessions
  • Academic Library Skills module
  • Library Lounge: Support Services
  • Library Lounge: Virtual Study Sessions

We waived the majority of fines and charges during lockdowns. We automatically renewed books throughout the lockdown when restrictions first began to ease. This was to ensure customers did not have to return books unless another borrower had asked for them. We set up a Freepost returns service, so customers could post books back to us free of charge from anywhere within the UK.

As more students bring their own devices with them to the Library, the demand for power sockets continues to increase.

We installed more than 370 new power sockets on Levels 3, 4, and 5 of the Library this summer.

Our Level 3 redevelopment is a brand-new study space with:
  • 3 new large discussion rooms
  • a Family Study Room with seats for 8 adults and 5 children
  • 27 individual study booths with power sockets
  • 5 individual seats with power sockets
  • 5 large study tables with bring-your-own device (BYOD) technology
  • 6 study pods with BYOD technology
  • 13 large tables seating from 2 to 6 people
  • a new 70-seat lecture theatre
Explore the new Level 3 study space from anywhere in the world with our 3D Virtual Tour.
We have also installed new desks/tables (with power) on Levels 4 and 5. And we have re-upholstered older seats in the Library.

We worked with the Strathclyde mobile app team to develop the 'Library Card' feature. This enables students to display their student barcodes on their phones.

We upgraded the scanners at our entrance gates and on each of our 19 bookable rooms so that they are able to read barcodes from phones. We have installed these upgraded scanners in our new bookable rooms in the redeveloped area of Level 3.

The temporary pass kiosk remains in place for users who cannot or do not want to use the mobile app

We reviewed our Inter-Library Loans (ILL) policy. We decided to remove the renewals charge for ILLs borrowed from the British Library.

At the start of the academic year 2021-22 we opened our redeveloped area of Level 3. This area includes a brand-new Family Study room. This is set up to support students who need a place to study whilst also having to supervise a child aged 0–12.

We have installed webcams onto all the usable computers in the Eaton Room. There are 25 machines, due to physical distancing requirements. This will help student participation in online classes.

Signage in the area advises users that webcams may be in use.

We will collect data on how many of the cameras are used, how often, and for how long. We have identified other spaces in the building that may also be suitable for webcam installation, should more be required in the future.

After successful trials, we're rolling out Multi-Factor Authentication (MFA) to student accounts in 2021-22.

Our Learning Spaces Team has upgraded facilities in the Royal College and John Anderson Buildings and set up spaces in the new Learning & Teaching Building.

A new technology recently introduced focuses on collaboration, accessibility, and inclusivity. It includes:

  • twin-lecture projection to allow teaching to be delivered live to more than one room
  • glass writing surface, allowing live annotations to be recorded
  • remote learning capabilities
  • wireless collaboration tools
  • infra-red hearing systems

We installed 40 learning and Teaching rooms with hybrid technology to allow remote participants in learning events.

We installed the AV in the new Students' Association.

We installed 40 learning and Teaching rooms with hybrid technology to allow remote participants in learning events.

We updated the Virtual Desktop to the latest versions of all software.

We implemented 1.3Pbytes of storage for researchers, including research students.

In the Strathclyde app, we:

  • added a ‘help’ feature for you to contact your department directly with timetabling queries
  • created a new system, called Strathreps, for managing the Class Rep election process
  • extended the library barcode feature to work on all platforms
  • updated the ‘you’ account area to include:
    • student’s date of birth (as requested by the Students’ Union and SEES)
    • programme Reps and Faculty Reps, plus contact details
    • opt-in-or-out for services and Google Analytics
    • choices such as dark or light mode; timetable displayed as a wheel or a list
    • clearer options for switching between accounts, ideal for those who have both a staff and student role at the University

Library staff patrol study areas regularly and remind customers of COVID-19 regulations where necessary.

We display COVID-19 information on our digital signage in the Library, and on our social channels and website.