LibraryExpert-led sessions

What are expert-led sessions?

Our staff are here to help you develop the skills you need to study and succeed at Strathclyde.

From finding the first few items on your reading lists to helping with your dissertation literature review and referencing, our library and IT experts are here to show you the way.

We have a Customer Service Excellence accreditation so you can rest assured we're very good at what we do.

We offer skills and advice sessions throughout the academic year. These can be in person or online using Zoom or MS Teams. We advertise these sessions:

Look out for sessions throughout the year, or contact Information Services for help at any time.

What's available?

Early in each semester, we run Skills Boost drop-in sessions. These short, informal sessions are designed to help you with the basics of studying.

They can help you find books in the Library, to use reference management software. They will also give advice on staying on the right side of copyright and keeping your data safe.

We add dates and booking information to our Skills Boost page as soon as sessions are organised.

Later in the semester as you start to work on your first assignments, we hold Referencing Week.

During Referencing Week, we hold drop-in sessions. These will show you how to reference without giving yourself a headache. We explain the different referencing styles used at Strathclyde. And show reference management software such as EndNote Online.

We add dates and booking information to our Referencing Week page as soon as sessions are organised.

You can also join the waiting list for our next EndNote Online (undergraduate). And our EndNote Desktop (postgraduate) sessions. We'll email you as soon as we arrange new sessions.

An informal advice session hosted by staff from Study Skills and the Library. We'll advise on getting started, completing your literature review, referencing, and more. We’ll make sure you know about all the sources of help available to you from the Library, Study Skills, and other Support Services.

Book in for the next dissertation advice session.

We give staff and students access to a wide range of databases for research and study purposes. Throughout the year we host several sessions that will help you learn how to search these databases.

Each semester we organise tours of the Library. These short, friendly tours will:

Our Library Tours webpage has all of the latest information.