LibraryDIY help guides

We are here to help

From troubleshooting IT issues when you first arrive on campus to helping find books on your reading lists, we have a guide to help. You can always ask us if you have any questions about using University Library or IT services.

Throughout the year we offer many expert-led sessions, too.

What we offer

Our Academic Library Skills module is here to guide you. We cover:

  • keyword selection
  • advanced search techniques
  • using online resources
  • plagiarism
  • referencing

Sign up for the module on Myplace and complete each section in your own time.

Our In-depth help guides give detailed help on using Library and IT services. These include email, Wi-Fi, and printing. Browse topics on our In-depth landing page

If there's something challenging you about using the Library, chances are we've written a LibGuide about it.

Our LibGuides help you discover a wide range of resources to support your assignments, projects, dissertations, and research.

Visit LibGuides to browse or search guides organised by subject area and topic.