Workshop on 'Hidden Water in Latin America: Exploring The Guarani Aquifer System'

28 March 2017, 14.30-17.00 (University of Glasgow, Room 201, Lilybank House)

The Guarani Aquifer System

The Guarani Aquifer System is shared by Brazil, Argentina, Paraguay and Uruguay. It has been estimated that it holds enough water to quench the world’s population thirst for the next 200 years. While some areas of the aquifer are still relatively unknown, much has happened since in the early nineties the scientific community decided to name the aquifer as the indigenous people living over a part of it. The Guarani Aquifer System has seen in the past two decades plenty of academic research, international projects, consultancies and even one of the few international agreements on transboundary aquifers. This workshop, jointly organised by the Glasgow Latin American Research Network and the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance, will provide insights on these developments from a multidisciplinary perspective. Speakers either come from the region itself, or have worked extensively on the Guarani Aquifer System.


- Ricardo Hirata, Professor at the University of São Paulo and Vice-Director at CEPAS|USP: Presentation Professor Hirata

- Karen Siegel, Research Fellow in the School of Social and Political Sciences at the University of Glasgow: Presentation Dr Siegel 

- Francesco Sindico, Reader in International Environmental Law and Director SCELG: Presentation Dr Sindico

Chair: Dr Mo Hume, Senior Lecturer at the University of Glasgow School of Social and Political Sciences