SCELG represented at Images of Research competition
Four members of the Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law & Governance (SCELG) had their works shortlisted for the University of Strathclyde Images of Research competition 2018. This annual competition gives researchers the unique opportunity to reflect upon their work in a creative way. The subsequent year-long exhibition allows the researchers to visually communicate their work engaging with a broader audience, improving knowledge sharing, and enhancing the impact of their research.The launch of this exhibition was on Monday 30th of April, marking the beginning of 'Engage with Strathclyde' which brought the university together with industry, the public and the third sector. During this week, SCELG hosted their annual Festival of Environmental Law and Governance with an exciting programme of events. SCELG member Mara Ntona was selected as the winner of the Society and Policy category for her image 'Environmental Governance in Global Britain'.