Delivering the future low carbon electricity network is emerging as a key strategic challenge for the energy sector. With global populations increasing, the growing demand for power relative to the supply available has become a serious problem in achieving a national and international vision of low carbon energy.
Developing new technologies for the future smart grid is vital to ensure adequate and timely investment decisions enable existing networks to advance with minimal disruption or stranding of their assets. The Power Networks Demonstration Centre (PNDC) offers an ideal platform to accelerate the development of these technologies through its staff and facilities, and to reduce delivery risk.
PNDC is playing a key role in accelerating emerging technologies towards commercial deployment in a realistic, controllable environment. This is done through the use of a fully operational HV and LV demonstration network (operated either as a grid connected or as an islanded system), integrated with state-of-the-art communications and monitoring equipment, as well as other bespoke integrated functionality.
Founded by the University of Strathclyde, Scottish Power Energy Networks and SSE Power Distribution, with support from Scottish Enterprise and the Scottish Funding Council, it's a world-class research, development and demonstration venture.