Research and Innovation

Ageing-Related Research Showcase

Research is of central importance at the University of Strathclyde.

As part of this landscape, we are committed to ageing-related research and innovation projects, in line with the University’s Key Strategic Theme of ‘Health and wellbeing’ - specifically, the multidisciplinary sub-theme  'Ageing Better'. Research relating to this theme is being carried out by a variety of different research groups and academics across the University with expertise in, amongst other fields, psychology, education and computer and information sciences. 

You can view some highlights of our current age-related research projects here

Strathclyde Ageing Network

In 2015, the School of Psychology set up the Strathclyde Ageing Network (SAN) in order to share and discuss ageing-related research being conducted throughout the university, from a variety of perspectives and disciplines. The SAN now has over 60 University-wide members and has supported knowledge exchange beyond the University of Strathclyde to other academic institutions and the wider community, including the Private, Public and Third Sectors. A list of SAN members and areas of expertise can be viewed here.

The Psychology Ageing Group

The Psychology Ageing Group brings together students and staff from the Department of Psychology to discuss developments and opportunities in the field of ageing. It is a space to share ideas and projects in a relaxed informal environment. Postgraduate students and staff seek feedback on ongoing and forthcoming projects, new collaborations emerge, and opportunities for career development are regularly highlighted.

Memory and Ageing Lab

Researchers from the School of Psychology in the Memory & ageing lab investigate how we remember and why we forget, both in the short- and long-term memory domains. They also have an interest in memory in more applied settings, including ageing and forensic and clinical situations. Read more about their areas of focus and research opportunities here.

The Dementia Research Network

The Dementia Research Network was established in 2016.  Its members work on a diverse range of dementia-related projects that cover the detection of dementia, patient monitoring, therapeutics, post-diagnostic support and care. They have a variety of backgrounds, and expertise can be found across subjects that include psychology, biology, pharmacology, chemistry, biomedical engineering, social work and policy.  The Dementia Research Network webpages can be accessed here. 

If you are interested in joining Dementia Research Network mailing list you can subscribe here:

European Projects

The Centre for Lifelong Learning is currently a partner in several European Erasmus+ projects related to ageing and demographic change.