University governanceEstates Committee

The Estates Committee is responsible for strategic oversight of the University Estates development and ensuring that it is aligned with the overall University strategy.


1. Strategic Direction

On behalf of Court and reporting to the Executive Team, the remit of the Estates Committee is to:

  • align investment and ensure compliance with University strategic, statutory and climate change commitments coupled with the responsibilities and obligations to manage the Estate efficiently and develop it to enable the University to deliver its strategic objectives.
  • keep under review the development, condition, aesthetic, utilisation and performance of the entire University built environment and landed Estate, namely the entire academic and student accommodation portfolio, including the asset management thereof, capital projects, maintenance and repair, facilities management and energy and environmental issues relating to the Estate.
  • monitor progress and implementation of the University estate strategy and campus development plan, by reviewing progress on targets and goals and revising the strategy and campus development plan as required.
  • review the University Estates strategy on an annual basis, taking account of changes in the overall strategic direction of the University, arising from strategic issues generated by Court, Senate, Executive Team, Faculties, Committees and external agencies
  • consider and recommend to University Court the prioritisation of Capital Projects in line with University strategy, business requirements and climate change targets.
  • consider and approve or reject Business cases for for each major Capital project, acquisition and disposal, leases or Estates related activity aligned to the University and Estates Strategy and recommend to Court.
  • keep under review the adequacy of the University estate and infrastructure and to consider proposals relating to the operation, maintenance and development, and opportunities to dispose of or acquire, land or property.
  • approve recommendations on the quality, design and environmental standards for the Estate’s development and maintenance projects.

2. Financial / Governance

  • review and approve the Capital Investment plan on an annual basis.
  • approve financial commitments for estates related capital expenditure in accordance with the levels set out in the approved Delegated Authority Schedule.
  • approve projects, activities, acquisitions, disposals and leases of land and property in accordance with the levels set out in the approved Delegated Authority Schedule.
  • review and approve Maintenance and Energy Management strategies ensuring alignment with the Estates Strategy, including the supporting procurement arrangements.
  • ensure alignment of proposals with Campus Digital Strategy and other related University policies.
  • review and receive annual reports on the condition of the estate including required investment.
    review significant leasing arrangements (land, building and infrastructure) and make recommendations for change to Executive Team.
  • make recommendations on the allocation of space costs and charges and recommend to Executive team
  • consider estates management implications associated with changing legislation, local government planning and governance requirements.

3. Reporting

  • receive reports from Project steering Groups/ Boards.
  • receive update reports on Capital Projects over £1M.

4. Policy and Advice

  • receive, review and approve Estates related proposals/policies (space management, asset management, maintenance (including statutory legislative compliance) and sustainability, and make recommendations to the Executive Team, including but not limited to:
    • Space Strategy & Agile Working
    • Academic and Teaching Infrastructure
    • Third Party / Industry Engagement
    • Residences and Commercial Strategies
  • inform key risks in relation to the University estate and infrastructure and to review and monitor the robustness of the Strategic Risk Register in respect of these risks.


  • The Principal ex officio
  • A Senior Officer appointed by the Executive Team (Convener)
  • Deputy Convener of Court (Estates) ex officio
  • The Treasurer ex officio
  • The Chief Financial Officer ex officio
  • The Chief Commercial Officer ex officio
  • The University Secretary ex officio
  • Two representatives of Senate
  • A student nominated by the Executive of the Students' Association
  • Director of Estates Services ex officio
  • Such other members that the Committee may wish to co-opt because of their expertise.

Staff from Estates Services and Finance will attend as required.