Strathclyde Business SchoolDepartment of Marketing

Postgraduate study

We offer a number of postgraduate study options including Masters programmes and research degrees (PhD/DBA/MPhil/MRes). Our postgraduate taught programmes offer a number of core classes as well as a wide range of modules to choose from.

All Masters programmes also offer Marketing Works, an applied marketing group project where students work in small groups as consultants to a tourism organisation to tackle a real-life marketing problem. Theoretical elements of the programme learned in semester one are implemented, providing clients with useful marketing advice based on primary market research.

MSc Marketing

The programme develops insight into the business and social environment in which organisations and individuals operate. Graduates are equipped with the knowledge and technical presentation skills to pursue a successful career in marketing in an international environment.

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MSc International Marketing

The programme enables students to develop advanced level academic expertise in international marketing and the technical and personal skills to operate internationally across a range of dynamic and competitive environments.

Students take part in 'Marketing Works', an applied marketing group project where students work in small groups as consultants to a local or national company to tackle a real life marketing problem.

Further information and application

MSc Tourism Marketing Management

The programme offers a comprehensive introduction to marketing management within the international tourism industry. Study of strategy, marketing, consumer behaviour, brand management and research enables students to develop the knowledge and technical and presentation skills required for this exciting sector.

Further information and application

MSc in Digital Marketing Management

Strathclyde’s MSc in Digital Marketing Management (DMM) has been developed in collaboration with industry in response to a growing need for graduates with digital marketing skills. The programme aims to enable you to become one of the next generation of digitally-skilled professionals

Further information and application


Research degrees

PhD, DBA and MPhil programmes can also be studied within the Department of Marketing.

Further information and application


Strathclyde Business School
University of Strathclyde
199 Cathedral Street
G4 0QU

Triple accredited

Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards
Picture of the 5 logos for SBS accreditation awards