MEng Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering
ApplyKey facts
- UCAS Code: H513
- Accreditation: Royal Institution of Naval Architects, Institute of Marine Engineering, Science & Technology
Second-year entry: available for suitably-qualified students
8th in the world for Marine/Ocean Engineering (Shanghai Rankings Academic Ranking 2023)
Study with us
- access facilities such as our towing/wave tank, engine lab, virtual reality lab and full mission ship bridge simulator
- train to use the Department’s 33-foot racing yacht
- benefit from international work placement opportunities
- sponsorship and scholarship opportunities
- study topics such as subsea engineering, risk management and reliability analysis
Why this course?
As a naval architecture student, you’ll learn to predict the stability and safety of ships, as well as their strength, speed, powering and propulsion requirements. You’ll discover how to calculate the motions of ships and other floating structures in rough seas, and how to estimate their reliability and safety in extreme conditions.
Ocean engineering deals with the technical aspects of fixed and floating marine structures and systems related to harnessing ocean resources. These include offshore oil and gas and the rapidly expanding area of ocean renewable energy, as well as other ocean resource activities such as subsea mining and aquaculture.
The degree aims to develop graduates capable of dealing with engineering challenges on a wide range of marine vehicles from tankers, bulk carriers, container ships and giant cruise liners to tidal current turbines and oil/gas platforms.
In addition to core Naval Architecture subjects, you'll study a range of specialised Ocean Engineering subjects and subjects related to the design of novel ship and offshore structures such as risk management and reliability analysis, station-keeping and control and subsea engineering.

What you’ll study
Years 1 & 2
Our courses have a common core on which you’ll build more specialist knowledge. In Years 1 and 2, you’ll follow this core, so it’s possible to change course.
You’ll study engineering science and the fundamentals of naval architecture including:
- buoyancy and floatation
- stability
- ship types
- terminology
As you progress, you’ll study more specific naval architecture subjects such as:
- resistance and propulsion
- ship structural analysis
- ship design
- marine engineering systems
- business and management subjects
Years 3 & 4
You’ll study more advanced subjects related to the design of conventional ships, and fixed and floating offshore platforms as well as subsea systems for extracting oil and gas offshore and devices for generating renewable energy from the ocean.
You’ll study state-of-the-art tools for analysing the water flow around ship hulls, predicting the stresses and strains in the hull structure, and the behaviour of ships in waves.
You’ll also study the dynamics of floating offshore platforms in waves, the loading on the platforms from the ocean waves, and how to predict the reliability of offshore structures.
There’s also a specialised individual project on a subject which you will choose. This can involve any combination of calculations, design, computer studies or tank-testing using any of the department’s facilities.
Year 5
You’ll study further specialist subjects covering topical areas such as design of floating productions systems, risers and moorings, regulation and maintenance of marine systems, and marine renewable energy. You’ll take part in a substantial group project to design an innovative vessel or offshore structure.
Work placement
Lots of our students go on work placements during the summer holidays. Due to our close links with industry, there are many work placement and internship opportunities for students.
Previous work placement opportunities include:
- student internships at Samsung Heavy Industries ship building yard in South Korea
- group work experience visits to ship building yards in China
- numerous summer internships with various high-profile companies in the maritime and oil & gas industries
- research internships within our own world class research centre
As a student, you'll have access to:
- Catalina - our departmental racing yacht
- the largest ship-model experiment tank in any UK university
- towing/wave tank exclusively for teaching purposes
- marine engine laboratory
- cutting-edge computer facilities
- industry-standard software
Student competitions
We support and promote students in various competitions and awards; from cash bursaries for top performing students to the highest of awards from international organisations.
In recent years, some of our students have been triumphant in the following high profile competitions:
- Science, Engineering & Technology Student of the Year (SET Awards)
- Best Maritime Technology Student (SET Awards)
- double winner of BP's Ultimate Field Trip competition
- Strathclyder of the Year
Student mentoring
The Orchid programme is a mentoring programme for students managed by students in a confidential manner. It aims to assist students to achieve their academic goals and graduate with honours.
Orchid’s main objectives are to:
- allow additional support and development for those who do not usually ask for assistance
- allow students with high achievements to help fellow students
- increase camaraderie
Accredited by the Institute of Marine Engineering, Science and Technology and Royal Institution of Naval Architects jointly on behalf of the Engineering Council for purposes of fully meeting the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer.
Open days & events
Applicants are invited to attend 'Insight', a half-day introduction to the department, which includes a question and answer session with a member of staff.
You can discover more about the degree programmes and the department, take part in activities and meet current staff and students. A number of these events are held between November and March. Please contact us regarding visits at other times.
My team won the BP Ultimate Field Trip, winning a six-week summer placement in the US and Trinidad & Tobago. I also joined BP’s subsea & floating summer programme and was a runner-up in the Science, Engineering and Technology student of the year awards.
Guy Drori, MEng Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering
Engineering Mechanics
This class will provide the basic tools to prepare you for more advanced studies in your course. You’ll gain an understanding of what has become known as classical mechanics including a study of forces, energy, work, momentum and heat. You’ll learn how these are connected and how they can be applied to engineering problems.
Introduction to Naval Architecture & Marine Engineering
Students are provided with a background of the various issues, terminology and concepts related to the course. You’ll learn about the importance of marine transportation to the global economy, industry and leisure industries and gain an understanding in applications of fundamental engineering principles related to the marine sector.
This module covers:
- maritime transportation including basic terms and notions in naval architecture, basic hydrostatics, shipping, ownership and registration, and loading and strength
- lift and drag forces
- marine engineering, historical trends, current and future development
- types of ocean/offshore platforms
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- possess an awareness of the multicomponent and sociotechnical character of maritime transportation
- discuss the basic concepts of buoyancy and distinguish between different types of vessels
- identify the primary structural components of a vessel
- have a broad understanding/picture of marine engineering
- have a broad understanding of key design issues for high-performance marine
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- a class test (25%)
- design, build and test project (25%)
- a final exam (50%)
Analysis Tools for Marine Design
This module aims to equip students with the fundamental graphical and computational tools required for the application of marine design principles and to provide students with an opportunity to consolidate the new theoretical knowledge gained in other modules in Year 1 through numerical exercises.
This module covers:
- introduction to AutoCAD software, drawing elements, editing commands, drawing aids, miscellaneous utilities, use of DXF files, future of C.A.D., drawing exercises
- introduction to Rhino: drawing elements, editing commands, drawing aids, miscellaneous utilities, exercises
- introduction to Microsoft Excel: simple numerical calculations; use of built-in functions and solvers, graphics
- application of Excel to weight and CG estimation
- simple numerical quadrature: trapezoidal and Simpsons rule
- application of Excel to calculation of cross-section area curve, volume, displacement, centre of buoyancy and form coefficients
- import and export of data
- introduction to MathCad: working through an introductory example; undertaking a small structural engineering design project
- introduction to Matlab: working through an introductory example similar to the above
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- familiarise themselves with the use of numerical, graphical tools such as AutoCAD, Rhino, Microsoft Excel, Mathcad and Matlab and be able to use Excel to calculate areas, volumes and centroids of arbitrary-shaped 3D bodies such as ship hulls
- use Mathcad/Matlab as a calculation sheet for laying out typical engineering design calculations. This will also act as a revision of some basic maths and concepts such as vectors, matrices, differentiation and integration.
- be aware of the application of Mathcad/Matlab as a programming language to simple programming problems such as sorting a list whilst tracking a related list and some basic data analysis of experimental results.
Assessment and feedback are in the form of three coursework assignments.
Mathematics 1B
This class will provide the basic mathematical requirements to prepare you for more advanced studies in your course. You’ll learn about the concepts and applications of functions, differentiation, integration and complex numbers.
Mathematics 2B
This class will provide the basic mathematical requirements to prepare you for more advanced studies in your course. You’ll learn about the concepts and applications of calculus, geometry, vectors, matrices and numerical methods.
Elective Classes
You can choose one (20 credit) module from any department in the University, as long as it coincides with the availability in your schedule.
Hydrostatics & Stability of Marine Vehicles
This module aims to:
- introduce the fundamental principles of naval architecture and demonstrates how they are applied in practice for floating bodies
- consolidate the understanding of the principles of hydrostatics and the stability of marine vehicles, together with their application to safe operation
- demonstrate the applications of numerical methods
This module covers:
- introduction and basic definitions, representation of hull forms and form coefficients
- basic principles of flotation
- first moment of area and centroid and second moment of area
- parallel axis theorem; revision of moments of area
- properties of volume, mass, its moments and centroids
- numerical integration methods
- longitudinal stability and MCT
- trimming moment and trim and loading and unloading and their effect on hydrostatics
- introduction to transverse stability and definitions and Stability at small angles of heel
- suspended weight and free surface effects
- inclining experiment
- static stability at large angles of heel and cross-curves of stability
- loss of stability due to grounding/docking
- interpretation of a static stability curve
- wind heeling and deadweight moment calculations
- principles of dynamic stability
- stability of unconventional marine structures
- principal methods of approach to damage stability
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of hydrostatics and moments
- apply numerical methods (trapezoidal and Simpson rules)
- demonstrate an understanding of transverse and longitudinal stability
- demonstrate ability to calculate changes in trim and heeling
- understand the procedure of performing inclining tests
- understand the meaning of grounding, docking and their effect on transverse stability
- demonstrate an understanding of the behaviour of damage ship
- demonstrate an understanding of various external effects on large angle stability and how to include in the calculations
- understand the meaning of free surface effect and how to apply it in transverse stability calculations
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- two class exams: one during the Semester 1 diet and the other during the Semester-2 diet
- two coursework assignments: one in Semester 1 which is a reflective essay explaining observations during a lab experiment. Semester 2 coursework is a practical inclining test and calculation report
Marine Engineering Fundamentals
This class will address the important principles related to marine engineering systems. You’ll learn about the fundamentals of thermodynamics, thermal systems, electrical networks, systems and machines.
This module covers:
- the basic assumptions and laws of fluid mechanics used in the context of Naval Architecture and Marine Engineering
- the analysis and modelling of physical mechanisms that contribute to ship resistance.
- the concept of similitude and the need for model testing.
- traditional and modern methods of ship resistance prediction
- the fundamentals of ship propulsion/propulsors, basic screw propeller design and propulsive power requirements of ships in the preliminary design stage
At the end of this module students will be able to understand:
- the basic principles of thermodynamics
- thermodynamic cycles, systems and heat engines
- basic principles and analysis techniques for DC and reactive AC power systems
- the fundamental electromagnetic principles and the operation of electric machines
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- a class test (30%)
- two exams (35% & 35%)
Principles of Marine Design & Production
This module covers:
- use of naval architecture design software and designing from scratch
- modifying existing designs and analysing designs
- creating technical drawings and design and analysis processes
- report writing
- development of a construction methods for ships
- principal commercial, technical and production activities in ship construction
- yard layout and layout of steel production areas and workshops
- steel production methods, equipment and machinery; steel assembly and erection
- outfitting; group technology; ship commissioning and trials
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- use a naval architecture design software and have an understanding of the basic design process for new vessels
- have an understanding of the principal engineering and management activities carried out within a shipyard
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- the submission of one coursework in Semester 1 related to Maxsurf
- the submission of one coursework in Semester 2 related to ship production and shipbuilding
- a final exam which will take place at the end of Semester 2 associated with the shipbuilding/repair facilities
Analysis & Design of Marine Structures 1
This module aims to develop a basic understanding of the application of structural mechanics to ship and offshore structures and to develop skill in solving simple problems in marine structures using structural mechanics.
This module covers:
- force vectors
- determination of the resultant vector
- moment of a force
- equilibrium of a rigid body
- free-body diagrams
- supports for rigid bodies
- distributed loading
- truss systems
- introduction to mechanics of materials
- stress
- strain
- stress-strain relationships for brittle and ductile materials
- material constants
- Stress concentration factor
- bending
- transverse shear stress
- stress and strain transformation
- internal force and moments
- torsion
- shear force and bending moment diagrams
- deflection of beams and shafts
At the end of this module students will be able to have an understanding of:
- the basic physical concepts such as force and moment
- the conditions to satisfy static equilibrium
- how to draw shear force and bending moment diagrams
- how to solve truss systems
- stress and strain concepts
- structural material behaviour
- beam bending and transverse shear
Assessment and feedback are in the form of two exams and two coursework assignments.
The exams are during the exam period of the first and second semester. Each exam has a weight of 40% and each coursework assignment has a weight of 10%.
Engineering Applications for Naval Architects & Marine Engineers
This module aims to introduce students to engineering philosophy and practice by giving practical experience of research, design and manufacturing processes and technology applications appropriate to naval architecture, ocean and marine engineering.
Emphasis is placed on achieving a satisfactory standard in written and oral reporting recording experience and observations. Students will also gain experience of the use of CAD and CAM software, team working and project planning.
This module covers:
- project planning.
- risk assessment
- basic theories required for the project: basic ship hydrostatics, numerical integration in naval architecture, introduction to renewable energy, waves and wave energy devices
- laboratory safety training
- design, build and test a wave energy device in an extensive group project
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- understand safe working practices and risk assessment
- understand how to plan a project
- practice in written recording and presentation of work carried out in a major design and build project
- have practical experience of team working, design, build and test
Assessment and feedback are in the form of a group project designing a wave energy device and to present the design and write reports to explain each section of the work.
Mathematics 3B
This class will continue on from your mathematics classes in Year 1, further enhancing your mathematical requirements to prepare you for more advanced studies in your course. You’ll learn about advanced estimation methods, calculus and differential equations.
Fluid Mechanics in Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering
This module will develop the fundamentals of fluid mechanics in the context of naval architecture, ocean and marine engineering. It aims to provide the students with:
- an understanding of the underlying physics associated with fluids
- the ability to explain physical phenomena involving fluids
- the ability to do calculations with hydrostatic and hydrodynamic problems.
This module covers:
- the basic assumptions about fluids and their physical properties
- basic dimensional analysis
- key principles in hydrostatics
- basic hydrodynamic equations
- potential flow
- viscous flow
- water waves
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the properties of fluids
- describe and apply concepts of flow behaviour
- describe and apply hydrostatic and hydrodynamic principles and equations
- understand and apply the concept of water waves to problems in fluids
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- two 2-hour class exams during the Semester-1 diet
- four online quizzes tailored to examine the learning outcomes of the module
- a group presentation applying hydrostatic and hydrodynamic principles
Professional Development & Marine Business
This module will provide you with an insight into marine business and allow you to work on your ‘soft’ business skills. You’ll gain an appreciation of the fundamentals of communication, project work, planning and managerial skills, including writing, speaking, listening, interviewing and teamwork.
This module covers:
- individual or team? Investigating the benefits of individual and team work using a task which is first performed as an individual and then as a team
- building your professional career: this session will cover the graduate labour market, highlighting what employers are looking for and how to create a professional CV and cover letter. Students should create their own CV and Cover Letter after the session tailored to a specific internship description
- career skills audit: students will peer-review CVs and Cover Letters based on the internship criteria and using a software tool. Students will be better equipped to complete their own personal career skills audit and tailor future applications
- all about interviews: students will learn about different types of interview and how to prepare for them.
- processing and presenting research data: this session is aimed to familiarise students with software “Origin Pro”, a widely used scientific software for processing data and generating high-quality figures
- preparing a literature review and using referencing software: this class will cover registering for software “EndNote Online”, creating a library of references, editing references and generating citations using Microsoft Word. Following on from using EndNote, we will look at specialist resources available via the University Library including how to search for literature, transferring relevant references into EndNote, and the basics of good evaluation
- working as a team: these sessions will investigate aspects of team working with the students including understanding how they operate within a team environment – building on lecture 1 – and working together in a team to solve a problem
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- reflect on their own skills and abilities and present these in a way that is attractive to future employers
- prepare and deliver a presentation on a chosen subject
- use relevant databases to search for information and present it in a literature review or business plan
- work within a group setting to deliver and solution to a practical problem
- process and present research data
Assessment and feedback are in the form of lecture presentations and coursework case studies.
Marine Design
This module will examine the processes and methods used to design ships and other marine vehicles. You’ll learn about the design processes of marine vehicles and structures and gain an appreciation of the technical, economic and social influences on design and the influences of statutory regulations and classification society rules.
Hydrodynamics, Resistance & Propulsion
This module aims to provide students with an overview of the basic laws of fluid mechanics in the context of the hydrodynamic modelling and performance assessment of marine vehicles in terms of Resistance and Propulsion of Ships.
This module covers:
- the basic assumptions and laws of fluid mechanics used in the context of naval architecture and marine engineering
- the analysis and modeling of physical mechanisms that contribute to ship resistance
- the concept of similitude and the need for model testing
- traditional and modern methods of ship resistance prediction
- the fundamentals of ship propulsion/propulsors, basic screw propeller design and propulsive power requirements of ships in the preliminary design stage
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- understand the basic approaches used to model fluid flows
- understand the various components comprising the resistance of ships
- understand the kinematic and dynamic similarity issues arising in ship resistance prediction
- get hands-on experience of model resistance experiments for ship resistance prediction
- get familiar with the fundamentals of propulsion, propeller geometry and propeller design
- understand of propulsive power requirements including propeller/propulsion tests propeller design and engine selection
- understand propeller cavitation and full-scale trials
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- two 2-hour class exams during the Semester 1 diet (Hydrodynamics & Resistance) and the Semester 2 diet (Propulsion)
- coursework analysing the measurements of a resistance experiment
- coursework for selecting the propeller and engine of a ship and assessing cavitation risk
Marine Engineering Systems & Control
This module aims to introduce fluid mechanics and heat transfer fundamentals, describe the ship piping systems as well as their functionality and design and provide students with an introduction to automation and control theory with applications to marine systems.
The module covers:
- understanding of marine engineering systems
- understanding of marine control systems
At the end of this module students will be able to understand:
- the fluid mechanics and heat transfer fundamentals and be able to use the required principles for analysing the ship fluid-thermal systems
- how to design and analyse ship piping systems and select the required auxiliary machinery
- the requirements for and the basic principles of control systems for marine applications
- how to design and analyse linear continuous and digital control systems
Analysis & Design of Marine Structures 2
This module aims to provide the students with understanding of the techniques which may be used to analyse the elastic behaviour of marine structural components like beams etc. including the calculation of bending moments, stresses and deflections, and to revise the basic ideas of fracture and fatigue.
This module covers:
- static equilibrium analysis of a ship
- biles-coffin diagram
- numerical integration
- moment distribution approach
- method of superposition
- moment area approach
- buckling of columns
- thin-walled pressure vessels
- combined loading
- thermal stresses
- plasticity
- fatigue and fracture
- corrosion
At the end of this module students will be able to understand:
- the static equilibrium analysis of a ship
- how to use method of superposition
- how to utilise moment distribution approach
- how to use moment area approach
- buckling behaviour of columns
- plastic behaviour of structures
- the effect of various loading conditions including combined loading and thermal stresses
- the effect of fatigue, fracture and corrosion
Assessment and feedback are in the form of two exams and two coursework assignments.
The exams are during the exam period of the first and second semesters. Each exam has a weight of 40% and each coursework assignments have a weight of 10%.
The Marine Environment
The aim of this module is to consolidate the introduction to fluid mechanics as applied to marine hydrodynamics, by introducing properties of waves and sea states. Although the emphasis is on waves, the underlying methods are also valid for currents, tides and the wind. This quantitative study of the marine environment will form the basis of hydrodynamic response studies in Year 4.
On completion of the module students are expected to be able to:
- quantify the characteristics of winds, waves and currents in both deterministic and random sea states.
- model randomness and uncertainty in the marine environment, and understand how to apply basic ideas of probability.
The assessment consists of:
- one mid-term written coursework
- a final written exam
The coursework will focus on assessing the knowledge and understanding acquired by the students in the first part of the module, while the final written exam will provide an assessment relative to the second part of the module.
Offshore Oil & Gas Production Systems
The module provides a comprehensive overview of offshore hydrocarbon production to allow an understanding of the essential processes. Whilst the emphasis is on the technical developments, particularly in the last 20 years, economic, geopolitical and historical issues are also discussed.
Some details of drilling, production and transportation systems are elaborated in depth.
This module covers:
- the economic and geopolitical issues regarding the use of primary energy
- origin of oil and gas
- discovering oil and gas
- drilling technology
- fixed and floating offshore platforms
- risers and mooring lines
- subsea systems and equipment
- transportation by marine pipelines
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- be aware of the entire process of offshore engineering - from reservoir to refinery
- be aware of the economic and geopolitical issues associated with offshore oil and gas
- understand the key technical issues of offshore engineering in terms of its key facilities and their associated design considerations
- understand the link between the practice of offshore engineering designs and the fundamental theories
Students will carry out a coursework assignment using the knowledge gained through the module material and by referring to other literature resources. There will also be an exam in the formal assessment period.
Business Concepts & International Merchant Shipping
This module aims to provide an appreciation of business activities and related economic concepts in the maritime sector. The module also aims to provide students with an understanding of the shipping environment and of relevant practical economic and business concepts. This module will also offer students the opportunity to prepare a business plan for a proposed new venture.
This module covers:
- introduction to business, marine business and profitability
- the types and roles of financial statements
- company valuation and measures of merit
- the time-value of money and application to shipping investment decisions
- international seaborne trade and the nature of shipping companies
- introduction to shipping markets
- the economics of marine transport
- shipping company economics
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- appreciate the general business environment and the role of documents used to assess business performance
- understand the structure of shipping companies, merchant ship types, seaborne trades, shipping revenue and costs
- recognise the role of time and the measures of merit used to assess an investment
- understand the structure and role of a business plan
Assessment and feedback are in the form of examination (60%), and a business plan project (40%).
Seakeeping & Manoeuvring
This module aims to:
- demonstrate the important seakeeping characteristics of marine vehicles and explain the factors influencing this behaviour
- identify the factors determining the manoeuvrability of a marine vehicle
- study the implications to design and operability
This module covers the:
- importance of seakeeping with background information about ocean surface waves
- concept and theory of rigid body dynamics
- kinetics of floating structures in waves and how to calculate the ship motions in regular and irregular waves
- concept and evaluation of ship manoeuvrability
- fundamentals of ship manoeuvring motion in calm water
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- acquire a knowledge of those design and operational parameters affecting ship motions
- be able to calculate the wave loading and response of ships or floating offshore platforms
- evaluate the contributions of the main design and environmental parameters on the dynamic behaviour of a ship in a seaway
- understand the ship manoeuvrability and its contents
- evaluate the manoeuvrability of ships/fish/submarine in an experimental and mathematical manner
- understand the criteria to evaluate manoeuvrability and to understand how to improve manoeuvrability
Assessment and feedback are in the form of a coursework assignment and an exam.
Theory & Practice of Marine CFD
This module aims to:
- introduce the theoretical background of marine CFD
- illustrate the key ideas related to discretisation and solution of the governing equations for incompressible flows
- discuss some key issues related to the use of CFD software in practical applications
This module covers:
- introduction to CFD
- modelling - governing equations and their simplified forms
- numerical aspects of CFD
- introduction to turbulent flow modelling
- CFD applications in naval architecture
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- be familiar with the basis of the key equations used in CFD for incompressible flow
- understand the principles of discretisation and solution of these equations
- understand the best practices in marine CFD applications and be able to carry out CFD simulations
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- a two-hour class exam during the Semester 1 diet
- a coursework assignment that requires students to carry out CFD simulations
Finite Element Analysis of Marine Structures
This module aims to provide students with a theoretical and practical knowledge of the finite element method and the skills required to analyse marine structures with ANSYS graphical user interface (GUI).
This module covers:
- introduction to finite element analysis and ANSYS Graphical User Interface (GUI)
- truss elements and applications
- solid elements and applications
- beam elements and applications
- plane stress, plane strain and axisymmetry concepts
- plane elements and applications
- plate & shell elements and applications
- assembly process and constructing of the global stiffness matrix
At the end of this module students will be able to understand:
- the basics of finite element analysis
- how to perform finite element analysis by using a commercial finite element software
- specifying necessary input parameters for the analysis
- how to visualize and evaluate the results
The assessment and feedback are in the form of an exam (70%) and coursework (30%).
Ship Structural Dynamics
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the effects of vibration on the structural performance of a ship and it also aims to teach the students the implications of ship vibration to ship design and operability.
This module covers:
- a general introduction to marine dynamics, more specifically periodic and harmonic motions
- the mathematical modelling of linear systems
- the concept of dynamic systems and excitation sources
- the theories and concept of vibration responses
- the methods and theory of ship hull vibration including local vibration
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- acquire a knowledge of those design and operational parameters affecting ship performance and human comfort
- understand the role of structural dynamics in ship design
- use analytical and numerical techniques for modelling and analyses of vibration response
- devise a rational approach for minimum vibration in the design and post-design stages
Assessment and feedback are in the form of a coursework assignment and an exam in this module.
Structural Reliability
This module aims to:
- provide students with the fundamentals and practical skills for the application of reliability of components and structural systems
- present and apply the relevant methods for structural reliability assessment, including numerical methods, time-dependent reliability analysis and reliability centred maintenance of marine systems
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- appreciate and apply uncertainty quantification techniques such as risk assessment and distinguish the role of reliability in a risk context
- quantify through appropriate numerical (analytical and stochastic) methods the effect of uncertainties in the performance of engineering systems
- analyse engineering systems through reliability block diagrams and further methods for reliability calculations
- identify time-dependent deterioration mechanisms and formulate appropriate limit states for reliability analysis
- develop integrated Reliability-centred maintenance strategies through appropriate structured approaches
CW1: application of risk assessment of a mechanical assembly, quantification of reliability of a structural component for marine application
Exam: paper-based assessment, covering all aspects of the syllabus
Dynamics of Offshore Structures
This module aims to provide knowledge to understand the factors influencing the dynamic behaviour of offshore structures due to environmental forces; to develop skills to predict the dynamic and structural motion response of offshore platforms; to develop numerical skills to carry out hydrodynamic analysis for offshore structures.
This module covers:
- introduction of offshore structures
- environmental design considerations
- linear wave theory
- linear wave loads
- linear wave-induced motion
- spectrum analysis
- basic hydrodynamic theory
- second-order non-linear problems
- mooring system
- two degrees of freedom system and multibody hydrodynamics
- numerical hydrodynamic analysis
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- predict the environmental forces and resulting motions of oil & gas platforms, as well as offshore renewable energy devices
- calculate the restoring forces due to catenary mooring system
- model the dynamic behaviour of coupled floating multi-body system
- analyse the hydrodynamics of offshore platform and multi-body system by using SESAM
Assessment and feedback are in the form of a coursework assignment and two exams.
Ocean Engineering Project
This module aims to provide students with a stimulating environment to undertake a creative individual project. To reflect on both general and specific aspects of learning undertaken throughout the project, and undertake an evaluation of personal development.
This module covers:
- introduction
- supervisory meetings
- interim Report
- poster presentation
- final report
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- carry out an individual project in a marine-related area under the supervision of a member of academic staff
- develop skills in technical writing, literature searching, referencing and presentation techniques
- be able to discuss the project, its outcomes and conclusions
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- one interim report
- one poster presentation
- one final report where students present their findings
Group Design Project
The overall aim of the module is to provide students with an enriched experience in selecting, conceptualising and designing a novel (high-risk) vessel or offshore asset complete with market review, concept and focused design studies and techno-economic analysis in a simulated design project environment and to present the output to a panel involving academic/industry staff.
Specific objectives include:
- to develop a broad but nevertheless critical review of prospects for techno-economic growth in maritime-related activities in a particular context/area of the world. Based on this to evolve and present a business case to justify and guide the design choice
- to propose and evaluate specific design-related activities with a view to developing a design project to a concept level but with substantial calculations in at least one design objective. The design concepts could cover any key areas such as, for example, offshore hydrocarbon support, marine construction/repair diversification, maritime transportation, tourism and leisure
- the detailed design studies should demonstrate analytical ability and understanding of engineering principles and problem-solving techniques, creativity and self-reflection as well as ability to integrate and apply results of multi-disciplinary nature
- to be able to present and defend the ensuing design choices and defend any recommendations and analysis to a panel
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- possess critical knowledge of the selected project area
- identify and prioritise the key-design issues along with their basic interrelations
- materialise a design project according to a given timeline through design steps along the key-design-issues priority path
- work efficiently and openly in a collaborative context involving different cultures and expertise
- choose at each design step the proper rationally-based computation methods
- defend efficiently the adopted design methodology and obtained outcomes versus an expertise audience for high-performance marine vehicles
Assessment consists of two major milestones:
- the interim assessment, materialised on Week 11 of Semester 1
- the final assessment, materialised on Week 11 of Semester 2
Both assessment milestones include the submission of a design report and oral presentation followed by questions from the lecturers and the advisory groups.
Besides the above assessment milestones, the work of each group is assessed by the lecturers every one to two weeks through oral presentations by members of each group to all participants of the module, followed by questions from the lecturers and the students.
Advanced Marine Design
This module aims to familiarise the students with the basics of:
- CAGD (Computer-Aided Geometric Design) for curve, surface and solid representation and their application for ship-hull form design and Parametric Modeling (PM) as a prerequisite for shape optimisation
- optimisation methods in the engineering design process, including the pros and cons of different approaches widely adopted for single and multi-variable problems, the challenges associated with multiple constraints and multiple goals. The module will also address challenges associated with optimisation using resource-intensive analysis techniques
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- understand the kernel ideas of CAGD which lead to the basic algorithms and alternative representations used in Computer-Aided Ship Design (CASD) for ship hull-form design
- understand the concept of PM and its use for constructing parametric modelers as a means for generating rich design spaces for optimisation of ship-hull forms
- understand the concept of Dimensionality Reduction as a means for efficient optimisation of complex shapes
- understand the ideas of design optimisation including objectives, goals and constraints, and concepts, methodology, advantages and disadvantages of a number of common optimisation algorithms
- select and apply appropriate algorithms using industry-standard software for a range of problems in Engineering design
- understand ideas of meta-modelling including response surfaces and neural networks
Summative assessments in this module will evaluate student learning, knowledge, and proficiency in the context of advanced ship design. Summative assessment will be used in conjunction and alignment with formative assessment as appropriate for this module.
Waterborne Transportation Systems
An in-depth insight into the markets, economics and operational systems, which are fundamental to the provision of waterborne transport are provided in this module. Students learn about key transportation markets, the relationships between quality, safety, maintenance and repair in shipping and the integrated nature of the transport system.
The Maritime Regulatory Framework
This module aims to provide:
- a comprehensive introduction to the marine regulatory framework, including background to its development, description of the current framework and future enhancements
- an in-depth explanation of the theoretical background, nature and meaning of the criteria development
- quantitative demonstration of the available routes and criteria to assessing compliance with regulatory framework
- overview of current challenges and regulatory activities
On completion of the model the student is expected to be able to:
- structure and functioning of Marine Regulatory Framework including, IMO, Classification Societies and National Authorities
- knowledge on International regulations under IMO framework including, SOLAS, MARPOL, ISM and Offshore Regulations
- understanding the issues with maritime and environmental safety and how rules are developed to address these issues.
- meanings of Prescriptive, probabilistic, performance and equivalent rules and approaches
- developed awareness about the future regulatory developments that may affect the design and operations of the ships and other floating structures
Two coursework assignments will be set up:
- an individual coursework
- a group assignment (maximum three to four people per group)
The final exam will be a one-hour duration and purely focus on the fundamentals of the marine regulatory framework. Students will be provided with the material for the exam.
Renewable Marine Energy Systems
This module aims to provide students with principles and methodologies to analyse and evaluate the marine renewable energy sources potential. It also aims to provide students with principles and methodologies to analyse and compare the main offshore wind, wave, and tidal systems available.
This module covers:
- introduction to marine renewable energy systems: context, trends, basic concepts
- offshore wind energy resource characterisation and analysis
- wave energy resource characterisation and analysis
- tidal energy resource characterisation and analysis
- marine Renewable Energy Systems economics: an introduction
- offshore wind turbines: main technologies and modelling approaches
- wave energy converters: main technologies and modelling approaches
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- analyse the potential of the main marine renewable energy sources (offshore wind, wave, and tidal)
- classify and compare, from a techno-economic point of view, the main offshore wind, wave, and tidal energy systems
- propose a preliminary design of a marine renewable energy system for a given geographical area
- discuss on the main challenges of the experimental testing of marine renewable energy systems
- demonstrate an awareness of the wider, multidisciplinary context for marine renewable energy devices
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- quick quizzes for formative feedback
- a class test mid-way through the module (40% of the final module mark)
- an exam at the end of the module (60% of the final module mark)
On-board Energy Management and Environment Protection
This module aims to provide students knowledge and awareness of issues in marine environmental protection, environmentally-friendly shipping and international conventions and regulations of environmental protection and introduce the state-of-the-art technology applied in the industry and future trends. To provide students with knowledge of ship energy management systems and energy resources including the optimisation and integration of machinery and power systems in a sustainable manner.
This module covers:
- IMO MARPOL 73/78 Conventions on engine emission control
- marine engine emissions control: primary and secondary techniques
- fuel cell technology for ships, Alternative fuels and energy sources
- issues of supply and use of low sulphur bunker fuels
- ballast water management
- overview of energy issues worldwide and necessity for energy management systems onboard
- major energy systems onboard and aspects of their design, manufacture and operation
- utilisation of waste heat energy on ships: waste heat recovery
- exergy analysis for thermal energy system onboard
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- describe the key issues in marine environmental protection
- demonstrate an awareness of regulations concerning marine environmental protection
- show an understanding of the formation and reduction technologies for marine emissions
- be capable of estimating energy consumption and saving for the different energy consumers on ships
- demonstrate an understanding of the on-board procedures and operations which minimise emissions
- demonstrate an understanding of energy systems design and systems integration.
- conduct calculations involving marine energy systems components and consumers
- acquire the key skills for estimating energy consumption and saving
- demonstrate an understanding of how to optimise equipment in order to minimise emissions
- demonstrate an understanding of useful work and exergy
- conduct energy and exergy analysis for both components and whole thermodynamic system onboard
Assessment and feedback are in the form of a coursework class test assessment module, no exam. There are two coursework assignments and one class test, each contribute 50%, 25% and 25% to the final assessment respectively.
Risers & Mooring Lines
This module aims to:
- give an overview of the current deepwater oil and gas developments around the world and the technical challenges in terms of riser and mooring line design
- demonstrate methods for modelling and analysing risers and mooring lines
This module covers:
- oil & gas field development options: platform types, marine riser systems, current design trends and deepwater challenges
- riser systems: flexible pipe structure, typical configurations, top-tensioned vertical risers, hybrid risers
- flow assurance: multi-phase flow, deposition of solids, thermal management.
- riser analysis: governing equations, boundary conditions, natural frequency
- mooring lines: typical mooring configuration, material and construction, anchors and ancillary equipment, static mooring line analysis
- vortex induced vibration: drag, vortex shedding, surface roughness, lift, Strouhal number, VIV assessment, fatigue life calculation
On completion of the module the student is expected to have
- an overview of mooring lines and marine risers for deepwater floating offshore platforms
- an understanding of the generic hydrodynamic issues
- a grasp of the analytical/numerical methods for analysing risers and mooring lines
Students will carry out the coursework individually using the knowledge taught during lectures and computer lab sessions.
Design & Construction of FPSOs
This module aims to introduce the shipbuilding technologies and equipment used in the construction of FPSO vessels. It will also provide an introduction to the ship design process as applied to FPSO vessels.
This module will teach the following:
FPSO Construction:
- overview of facilities for shipbuilding
- the shipbuilding process including the integration of hull construction, outfitting and painting
- the role of product definition
FPSO Design:
- functional requirements and design drivers
- typical layouts and sizes
- hullform and marine system arrangements
- platform-topsides interfaces
- comparison of new-build and conversion approaches
- design process and schedules
On completion of the module you're expected to be able to:
- understand the technologies and processes involved in constructing FPSO vessels
- appreciate the interaction between design and construction of FPSO vessels, especially in relation to conversions
- understand the relationships between functional requirements and design solutions for FPSO vessels
- demonstrate their awareness of the importance of marine systems and the platform-topsides interface in a successful solution
Assessment and feedback are in the form of coursework. You'll carry out the coursework in groups using the knowledge taught during lectures and tutorials and by referring to the other literature resources.
Systems Availability & Maintenance
This module aims to provide students with an insight into the qualitative and quantitative systems’ reliability techniques as well as maintenance methodologies with particular emphasis to the maritime industry.
The module will give students the ability to formulate, solve, report and present a comprehensive maintenance strategy based on the application of reliability and criticality analysis and assessment tools. The module will also provide students with an insight of the day-to-day operations of ships as well as explore and present features related to ships dry-dockings, inspection, repair and maintenance scheduling, regulatory regime as well as practical case studies on the above.
This module covers:
- introduction to reliability and maintenance (definition of reliability, hazard, risk, maintenance, maintainability, criticality, availability, etc)
- reliability tools (qualitative and quantitative like FMEA, FMECA, FTA, ETA, BBNs, Markov Analysis, HAZOP, HAZID, etc)
- risk and criticality matrices
- corrective, preventive, predictive, condition-based maintenance
- total productive maintenance, reliability centered maintenance, risk-based inspection methods
- Condition Monitoring (ConMon) tool, planned maintenance systems, computerised maintenance management systems
- case studies/applications regarding machinery and hull structure of ships
- regulatory regime in relation to ship operations and maintenance (IMO, IACS, OCIMF, HSE-Safety case/ALARP, etc.)
- research and applications in the maritime sector (i.e. FSA, GBS, TMSA, KPIs etc.)
- preparation for dry-dockings, inspection, maintenance and repairs of ships and offshore structures, quotation lists, etc.
- assessment of ship operational case studies
- seminars/lectures from invited experts (maintenance/condition monitoring experts, ship managers/operators to give seminars on planned maintenance/dry-docking planning, day-to-day ship operations)
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- understand and apply various reliability software tools, concepts and strategies with application to the maritime/marine industry
- be aware of the different maintenance methodologies and their application in the maritime field and carry out maintenance strategy case studies
Assessment and feedback are in the form of:
- the submission of one coursework related to reliability and criticality analysis tools
- a final exam associated with the above topics
Learning & teaching
The main methods of teaching are lectures, tutorials, laboratory and group design classes. You can expect an average of 20 hours of these per week. You should supplement this with self-study. Self-study is important as it develops the confidence to tackle unfamiliar problems. This is an essential skill for professional engineers.
Throughout the course, field trips will give you first-hand experience of industrial activities in the marine sector.
The main method of assessment is exams in January and May. Presentations, laboratory reports and other forms of coursework are submitted and marked individually throughout the year.
Each teaching year has two semesters of 10 weeks, which include formal lectures, tutorials, laboratory and coursework assignments, industrial visits, class tests, two weeks of additional tutorials and/or project presentations. This is followed by revision classes, private study and exams.
Most assignments involve associated tutorials for guidance. Group exercises, including presentations and peer assessment, are an important part of your development.
Individual and group projects are a major part of the course from first year. First-year students carry out a basic design, build and evaluate project.
Second-year students work in teams on a more detailed design/build/test exercise as part of the Engineering Applications class.
Part of the third year Marine Design incorporates a ‘rules-based’ group design project.
In fourth year, students carry out a performance-based group design project as well as their major individual project.
In fifth year, MEng students carry out a major, first principles-based, group design project.
External speakers and/or industrial support play an important part in group and individual project work.
Laboratory work
This is introduced from first year with sessions covering basic aspects of hydrostatics and stability.
In second year, students take part in the design and build of a small-scale racing yacht. This combines the use of professional Naval Architecture design software for hull design and computer-aided manufacture for hull generation. This is combined with hands-on practical skills and hydrodynamic testing.
An intensive, laboratory-based class in third year involves more formal experimental testing, in which students carry out a number of hydrodynamics, dynamics and marine engineering experimental projects.
Fourth-year students have the opportunity to carry out a laboratory-based individual project.
Further experimental work is carried out in fifth year as part of the Marine Simulation class. Fifth-year group design teams have access to the laboratory facilities.
Computer software
This is used to demonstrate the practical application of theory and also gives you exposure to current engineering practice.
The use of professional software to solve real engineering problems is introduced in first year and is reinforced throughout subsequent years. You’ll gain exposure to software packages for stability, dynamics and simulation, FEA, hydrodynamics, risk-based design as well as other more specialised software packages.
Guest lectures
During term time, we arrange seminars in which industry experts visit the department and present to students. This is a great way of supplementing your education with the latest developments and gaining industry contacts for your future career.
Entry requirements
Required subjects are shown in brackets.
Highers |
AAAA or AAABB (Maths A and Physics or Engineering Science at B) ABBB or BBBBB (Maths and Physics or Engineering Science) |
Advanced Highers | Maths and Physics recommended |
A Levels | Year 1 entry: AAB-BBB (Maths and Physics) Year 2 entry: A*AA-AAB (Maths and Physics at A) |
International Baccalaureate | Year 1 entry: 36-32 (Maths HL5, Physics HL5) Year 2 entry: 38-34 (Maths HL6, Physics HL6) |
HNC/HND | Entry to BEng in the first instance |
International students | View the entry requirements for your country. |
English language requirements | If English is not your first language, please visit our English language requirements page for full details of the requirements in place before making your application. |
Additional information |
*Standard entry requirements
Offers are made in accordance with specified entry requirements although admission to undergraduate programmes is considered on a competitive basis and entry requirements stated are normally the minimum level required for entry.
Whilst offers are made primarily on the basis of an applicant meeting or exceeding the stated entry criteria, admission to the University is granted on the basis of merit, and the potential to succeed. As such, a range of information is considered in determining suitability.
In exceptional cases, where an applicant does not meet the competitive entry standard, evidence may be sought in the personal statement or reference to account for performance which was affected by exceptional circumstances, and which in the view of the judgement of the selector would give confidence that the applicant is capable of completing the programme of study successfully.
**Minimum entry requirements
Contextual Admissions for Widening Access
We want to increase opportunities for people from every background.
Strathclyde selects our students based on merit, potential, and the ability to benefit from the education we offer. We look for more than just your grades. We consider the circumstances of your education and will make lower offers to certain applicants as a result.
University preparation programme for international students
We offer international students (non-UK/Ireland) who do not meet the academic entry requirements for an undergraduate degree at Strathclyde the option of completing an Undergraduate Foundation Programme in Business and Social Sciences at the University of Strathclyde International Study Centre.
Upon successful completion, you can progress to your chosen degree at the University of Strathclyde.
International students
We've a thriving international community with students coming here to study from over 140 countries across the world. Find out all you need to know about studying in Glasgow at Strathclyde and hear from students about their experiences.
Fees & funding
All fees quoted are for full-time courses and per academic year unless stated otherwise.
Fees may be subject to updates to maintain accuracy. Tuition fees will be notified in your offer letter.
All fees are in £ sterling, unless otherwise stated, and may be subject to revision.
Annual revision of fees
Students on programmes of study of more than one year (or studying standalone modules) should be aware that the majority of fees will increase annually. The University will take a range of factors into account, including, but not limited to, UK inflation, changes in delivery costs and changes in Scottish and/or UK Government funding. Changes in fees will be published on the University website in October each year for the following year of study and any annual increase will be capped at a maximum of 10% per year.
Scotland | To be confirmed. Fees for students who meet the relevant residence requirements in Scotland are subject to confirmation by the Scottish Funding Council. Scottish undergraduate students undertaking an exchange for a semester/year will continue to pay their normal tuition fees at Strathclyde and will not be charged fees by the overseas institution. |
England, Wales & Northern Ireland | £9,535 |
Republic of Ireland |
If you are an Irish citizen and have been ordinary resident in the Republic of Ireland for the three years prior to the relevant date, and will be coming to Scotland for Educational purposes only, you will meet the criteria of England, Wales & Northern Ireland fee status. For more information and advice on tuition fee status, you can visit the UKCISA - International student advice and guidance - Scotland: fee status webpage. Find out more about the University of Strathclyde's fee assessments process. |
International | £29,350 |
University preparation programme fees | International students can find out more about the costs and payments of studying a university preparation programme at the University of Strathclyde International Study Centre. |
Additional costs | Course materials & costs: Printing Services Printing: prices variable per size. Poster Printing (costs subject to change):
Placements & field trips:
Other costs: access cards are free or £10 to replace lost cards Visa & immigration: International students may have associated visa and immigration costs. Please see student visa guidance for more information. |
Available scholarships | Take a look at our scholarships search for funding opportunities. |
Please note: All fees shown are annual and may be subject to an increase each year. Find out more about fees.
How can I fund my studies?
Students from Scotland
Fees for students who meet the relevant residence requirements in Scotland, you may be able to apply to the Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS) to have your tuition fees paid by the Scottish government. Scottish students may also be eligible for a bursary and loan to help cover living costs while at University.
For more information on funding your studies have a look at our University Funding page.
Students from England, Wales & Northern Ireland
We have a generous package of bursaries on offer for students from England, Northern Ireland and Wales:
You don’t need to make a separate application for these. When your place is confirmed at Strathclyde, we’ll assess your eligibility. Take a look at our scholarships search for funding opportunities.
International Students
We have a number of scholarships available to international students. Take a look at our scholarship search to find out more.
Glasgow is Scotland's biggest & most cosmopolitan city
Our campus is based right in the very heart of Glasgow. We're in the city centre, next to the Merchant City, both of which are great locations for sightseeing, shopping and socialising alongside your studies.
With skills including analytical, numeracy and problem-solving, Naval Architecture and Ocean Engineering graduates are suited to a wide range of career opportunities.
Recent job titles include:
- Naval Architect
- Ocean Engineer
- Subsea Engineer
- Marine Surveyor
- Offshore Renewables Engineer
- Project Engineer
Some graduates go on to postgraduate study or research.
Start date:
Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering (1 year entry)
Start date:
Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering (1 year entry)
Start date: Sep 2025
Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering (1 year entry)
Start date:
Naval Architecture with Ocean Engineering (1 year entry)
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