The Institute of Historic Building Conservation Gus Astley Student Award 2018
Winner: Estefania Macchi for her project 'Conservation Design Project on St. James Board School, Calton, Glasgow', with linked submissions including 'Information management as the milestone for present and future practice'.
This was selected by Award Judge Ingval Maxwell OBE , COTAC Chair,
as an impressive multi-faceted set of 7 documents that... illustrates a comprehensive understanding of a wide range of conservation issues
Estefania will receive a free place at the IHBC Annual School in Nottinhgham and will be presented with £500 cash award and certificate at the IHBC's Annual Dinner. The IHBC is the professional body for building conservation practitioners and historic environment experts working in UK and promotes the highest standards of conservation practice. Estefania submitted the research and design works for the Glasgow’s former St. James Board School, the subject of the Conservation Design Project, which was set up in collaboration with Glasgow City Council. The annual award scheme was created by members as a memorial to the Institute’s Secretary Gus Astley, to recognise outstanding examples of coursework relating to built or historic environment conservation, thereby furthering those aspects of the Institute close to Gus’s heart:
- the promotion of best practice
- the raising of professional standards
- assisting others in the early stages of their careers
The awards are announced in ‘Context’ the journal of the IHBC and at the IHBC’s Annual School event in July.
Cristina Gonzalez-Longo is the Director of (Strathclyde’s IHBC recognised course) the MSc in Architectural Design for the Conservation of Built Heritage. As Estefania's supervisor, she reported,
Her project combines careful conservation with sensitive new design in a contemporary architectural language...Estefania developed her own brief: a new model of shared working environment for creative industries with opportunities for education and open to all groups. Estefania critically asssessed the condition, qualities and values of the existing building which informed the new design.
In 2016 Andrew McBride was awarded the Gus Astley Award Special Commendation for his Year 4 (2015) dissertation, 'Amongst the ruins of Slains Castle - Is there a future for Scotland's 'Dracula' Castle?'
In 2015, Kjersti Bakkejord's (2014) dissertation (BSc Honours in Architectural Studies) entitled, ‘The Future of the H-block in Oslo: Should Norway’s Government Building be Demolished, Conserved or Restored?’ won a Special Commendation.