On the 13th of January 2016 the fourth annual futurewind seminar took place at the University of Strathclyde. This years event built upon the success of the previous years and had the most attendees of all four events so far.
The futurewind 2016 committee would like to extend thanks to each of our sponsors, without whom the event would not have been possible. The representatives from RES provided a very interesting keynote address as well as some very interesting points during the debate. The presentations from both ETP and ORE Catapult provided great insight and delagates from both sponsors held a seat on the debate panel.
The ORE Catapult poster prize was presented by Ignacio Marti to 2nd year PhD Student Peter Mills for his poster on "Wind and wave directional transit time model for offshore wind O&M<."
futurewind 2016 was a great success and we would like to thank everyone who attended for making it as such. The event presented an opportunity for Industry and Academia to interact and engage with each other. With presentations from students in the DTC who are in their final year of research as well presentations from some industry members there seemed to be enough to encourage healthy discussion during some of the breaks and allowed valuable contacts to be made.
The committee would like to thank each and every person who attended. We hope that you are able to attend next years event and that next year will continue to build upon the success of futurewind 2016.
The presentations, futurewind 2016 industry presentations and posters can all be found by clicking their respective links below.