Advanced Composites GroupEquipment

The work carried out in the Advanced Composites Group (ACG) is facilitated by our extensive analytical and composite processing resources. Our in-house equipment includes a variety of thermal and mechanical analysis techniques, covering the micro to macro scale. We possess particuarly strong expertise in micromechanics and testing of single fibre-matrix interfaces using the microbond test.

Our imaging resources are comprehensive. Lower magnifications are provided by a range of optical microscopes, while our Scanning Electron and Atomic Force Microscopy resources allow us to investigate down to the nano level.

ACG's composite processing and macromechanical testing equipment is complimented by a sophisticated automatic fibre length analysis system.

All equipment is available for external use. To make an inquiry please complete and return a copy of our ACG booking request form with all of your details.

Equipment Available at the ACG

Our capabilities can help further your research interests

Our research

Discover our areas of expertise in composites research - from the nano to the macro scale
Fracture surface of a glass fibre obtained using scanning electron microscopy

No. 1 most downloaded original paper from Composites Part A