LibraryFind books & resources

There's lots to explore in the Library

We hold more than one million print volumes, from textbooks and literature to special collections, company reports, government publications and atlases.

We also arrange access to hundreds of thousands of eResources - online journal articles, electronic books, and other data services.

We can help you find the information you need to support your studies and advance your research.

1. Start with a search

SUPrimo is the University's search tool for Library resources.

Try typing a title, author's name, or keywords into the search box to get started. Check our search tips if you're not sure how.

You can also go to the main SUPrimo page to carry out an advanced search.

2. Find your way with LibGuides

Our LibGuides help you discover a wide range of resources to support your assignments, projects, dissertations, and research.

We also have guides to help you with referencing and using EndNote:

3. Explore our collections

There's more to research than just books. Explore our collections and find new resources.

4. Still stuck?

If you need further advice, you can:

Faculty Librarians

If you have a specialist query regarding your dissertation, thesis, or research project, you may want to contact your Faculty Librarian.

Speak Library language

See our guide to Library terminology.