SCELG at the UN Biodiversity Conference
Elisa Morgera and Daniela Diz will host a series of international side-events during the CBD COP
4 December 2016, The Strathclyde Centre for Environmental Law and Governance (SCELG) will be contributing to a series of international side-events during the upcoming meeting of the Conference of the Parties to the UN Convention on Biological Diversity (4 - 17 December 2016, Cancun, Mexico).
International Side-Events
- On Wednesday 7th December (13:15, G/77 Regional Group meeting room, Sunrise Building, Second Floor), Prof Elisa Morgera will contribute to the event, organized by the CBD Secretariat, “Mainstreaming Biosafety into NBSAPs: Experiences from a Global Project on Integrated Implementation of the CBD and Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety at the National Level”. Prof Morgera will present SCELG’s contribution to the project “Capacity building to promote integrated implementation of the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety and the Convention on Biological Diversity at the national level.” The project seeks to strengthen the capacity of nine pilot countries (Parties to the Cartagena Protocol on Biosafety), and develop a toolkit and e-learning module on mainstreaming.
- On Tuesday 13th December (18:15, Side event 3 room, Universal building, main floor) SCELG Director Prof Elisa Morgera will contribute to the event “Biodiversity Governance – identifying knowledge gaps and needed research activities”. The event will provide an opportunity to share Prof Morgera’s recent findings on benefit-sharing related to natural resource-related human rights of indigenous peoples and local communities and engage the audience in participatory identification of the directions that social science research should take to support your participation in CBD processes and implementation.
- On Wednesday 14th December (18:15, Side-event room 1, Universal building, main floor), Prof Morgera will contribute to the Promising trends in policies: Mainstreaming biodiversity within law, human rights and economic instruments, organized by the International Development Law Organization (IDLO). Prof Morgera has recently been awarded an international consultancy from IDLO to support the development of a legal assessment tool for the mainstreaming of biodiversity (the theme of the UN Biodiversity Conference), including a specialized legal assessment tool for the mainstreaming of biodiversity in the agricultural sector.
- On Thursday the 15th December 2016 (18:15, Asia and the Pacific Regional Group Meeting room Sunrise Building, Second Floor), organized by UNDP India. Dr Daniela Diz will share her experiences on successful governance models in mainstreaming coastal and marine biodiversity conservation into production sectors.
- On Friday 16th December (13:15, Contact Group 9 Meeting Room, Universal building, main floor), Dr Daniela Diz and Prof Morgera will run the side-event “Mainstreaming biodiversity in the fisheries sector: the role of the SDGs and of ecosystem services for poverty alleviation”, where they will share the latest findings of the research project MARINE BENEFITS, and in particular with regard to the interface between Sustainable Development Goals, marine ecosystem services to alleviate poverty, and fair and equitable sharing of benefits arising from sustainable fisheries with small-scale fishing communities.
Research-led teaching
Prof Elisa Morgera is the Director of the new LLM in Global Environmental Law and Governance, which aims to equip students with the knowledge and skills necessary to critically understand the interactions of a multitude of continuously sub-specialising, complex and multi-layered regimes of international, EU, regional, national and sub-national environmental law, including the customary laws of indigenous peoples and local communities.
Prof Morgera and Dr Diz also contribute to the teaching of the LLM in International Law and Sustainable Development and the LLM Climate & Energy Law.