Athena SWAN

Wellbeing, Inclusion, Diversity and Equity (WIDE)

In June 2021 the Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences received an Athena SWAN Silver Departmental Award in recognition of its practices which support gender equality in higher education, this award is valid for five years.
In 2021 Advance HE launched the transformed UK Athena Swan Charter to ensure it is fit for the future, while maintaining rigour and credibility, and reducing the administrative workload for applicants.

Since receiving this award, and after the pandemic, in 2022 the Department launched an ‘All together Better’ initiative inviting the whole of the department to respond to an initial survey to contribute to the future of SIPBS. The ethos of this was to build our ‘SIPBS experience’ it was an innovative, people-orientated ‘SIPBS experience’ strategy to create the best working environment and inclusive culture for all within SIPBS. The areas identified for improvement,
were combined with the Athena Swan committee remit.

In 2022 SIPBS Head of Institute signed the Commitment to the Athena Swan Charter principles

In committing to the principles of the Athena Swan Charter, we recognise that we join a global community with a shared goal of addressing gender inequalities and embedding inclusive cultures.

Each institution, research institute and department has different gender equality challenges and development priorities. These priorities should be developed based on an understanding of the local evidence-base and national and global gender equality issues.

A photo of Yvonne Perrie

Our commitment

The Strathclyde Institute of Pharmacy and Biomedical Sciences is committed to being a supportive and inclusive Institute that seeks to promote equality of opportunities, improving career development and progression of staff and students irrespective of gender and ethnicity.

"In SIPBS, we’re committed to ensuring everyone, regardless of ethnicity, gender or role, has an equal opportunity to succeed.  Recently, we’ve been able to provide opportunities for all staff, regardless of role, to apply for SIPBS funding to help progress their careers. Recent efforts to decolonise our curricula have helped ensure our students are better equipped to be aware of and care for the increasingly diverse population of Scotland. We’ve taken steps to improve our work environment including being proactive in providing free period products for anyone who needs them, offering free mindfulness events for staff, and signposting for everyone to health and well-being support services. Furthermore, through our efforts with Athena Swan and local initiatives like Altogether Better, our priority is to ensure that the culture in SIPBS is supportive, collaborative, safe and forward-thinking.”

Professor Yvonne Perrie MBE, Head of Institute 

Meet some of the SIPBS Community

SIPBS Athena SWAN Self-Assessment Team (SAT)

The Self-Assessment Team (SAT), chaired by Dr Geoff Coxon, is responsible for the development and implementation of the SIPBS’s Athena SWAN action plan. The team consists of 16 members at different stages of their careers. It includes representatives from the research/teaching, research‐only, teaching‐only, technical, undergraduate and postgraduate communities.

The Athena SWAN agenda is embedded in SIPBS business at various levels; within the Institute Management Group, Social Events Group, Staff/Student Liaison committee, Graduate School and Open Staff Meetings.

Five working groups focus on issues related to undergraduates, postgraduates, career progression of staff, data management, organisational culture & communication.

Working Groups