Sustainable StrathclydeOur work on campus
Improving energy and water efficiency and mitigating against global greenhouse gas emissions are key elements of our University strategy. Some recent examples of the University's investment towards net zero carbon emissions include:
- The University's £16M Combined Heat and Power (CHP) District Energy Scheme that went live in 2018 and continues to deliver financial and carbon savings to the University. The project has transformed the way the University generates and uses its energy. The project is designed to act as a catalyst for further low carbon district heating to be installed around Glasgow City Centre. Further work is underway to make this a reality with the Climate Neutral Innovation District.
- The University generates its own renewable electricity through solar panels. Since 2015, starting with the Technology & Innovation Centre (TIC) Building, the University has installed solar panels on all its new build properties. Solar panels on roofs of existing buildings, including the James Weir and the Duncan Wing, have also been installed.
The University is committed to minimising waste, and recycling as many materials as possible produced by our activities. Recycling stations are located centrally in all buildings. The University continues to make good progress on recycling waste, increasing waste recovered and mixed recycling from 51% in 2018/19 to 67% in 2019/20. We even have our own Reuse, Recycling and Resource Centre at Corn Street.
We are protecting and conserving biodiversity on campus. We do this through the integration of rain gardens, green roofs and green walls. A green roof is being built as part of the Learning and Teaching Building. The Heart of the Campus project will also deliver extensive biodiversity and climate adaptation benefits in its design and construction.
Cycle Friendly Campus
We are committed to sustainable travel. We have improved the facilities available to cyclists and have been recognised as a Cycle Friendly Campus by Cycling Scotland. The University has two bike storage hubs, located in the Curran (Library) and Royal College building. University Maps show up to date Cycle Parking facilities. We’re also working on providing more shower and changing facilities to encourage cycling at Strathclyde.
Sustainable catering
The University has successfully removed single use plastics from all University catering outlets. Vegware and compostable catering supplies were introduced in 2018/19. They have now replaced non-compostable items. The University has been awarded a Fairtrade University status. A growing proportion of all products sourced by Strathclyde are Fairtrade.