Postgraduate research Science events

Welcome to the Faculty of Science

The Faculty of Science offers a wide range of postgraduate research opportunities. With the largest number of research students in the university, we investigate the challenges and possibilities of the natural and technological world - from drug discovery and public health to environmental concerns, tackling cybercrime and understanding space.

We have leading-edge research and close links with business and public sector organisations, plus multimillion-pound funding from research councils, the National Health Services, charities and industry. This ensures our research is relevant and of national and international importance. Strathclyde's research programmes showcase our focus on relevance and usefulness through having an impact on industry, science and society.

PhD study at Strathclyde

Upcoming events

Information on upcoming Science PGR webinars will be shared in due course.

For information on University events and visiting opportunities.


Our students

Diane Duffy, PhD student

Diane Duffy

Computer & Information Sciences

My PhD was a natural continuation of research which was guided by the strong relationship I had with my supervisors from my MPhil at University of Strathclyde. Their expertise in the field gave me confidence that our PhD project could reach the community, knowing that the work we produced would be of a very high standard.
Liam McLean, Pure & Applied Chemistry PhD student

Liam McLean


Strathclyde has a motivated and friendly chemistry department. Allowing me to speak to learn multiple perspectives in approaching a problem, from a variety of students and academics. Additionally, regular lectures from outside speakers have given me an opportunity to see several academics at various stages in their career talk about their work.
Araceli Venegas-Gomez, Physics PhD student

Araceli Venegas-Gomez


The research community starts with your colleagues and supervisor and grows to include other groups in the department. Overall, we are doing cutting-edge research at Strathclyde. We collaborate with some of the best research groups in the fields of quantum optics, and we have several events over the year with people from all over the world.

Why Strathclyde

At the University of Strathclyde we believe that our ideas can change the world.

Discover your Strathlife

Find out all about life at Strathclyde, studying in Glasgow and Scotland.

Discover your Strathlife

Student support

Where to get advice & support

We're here to support and help you throughout your time at Strathclyde. All of our services are available to all students.

Disability & wellbeing

Our Disability & Wellbeing Service helps students with mental health and wellbeing support, disability and general health support. We also have a number of classes and groups that you can take part in.

If you're absent from classes due to illness, please refer to the Personal Circumstances Procedure to ensure your absence is recorded.

Our campus

Here at Strathclyde, we want you to feel right at home. There's more or less everything you need on campus and for anything else, you have an entire city to choose from. Find out more about our city-centre campus, or take our virtual campus tour.

Our campus


Find out more about accommodation on campus.

View our accommodation

Coronavirus: information for applicants & offer holders

We understand that many of our applicants and offer holders are dealing with challenges resulting from the COVID-19 pandemic. We are undertaking a lot of work to try and ensure we manage the impact this may have on students who will be joining us.

Coronavirus information & FAQs

Contact us

For any questions about the events please email:

To learn more about our Postgraduate Taught courses - visit Postgraduate Taught Science.