Engineering & Science FacultiesWomen in Science & Engineering (WISE)

Committee Structure

The committee is composed of a representative from each department and institute in the Faculties of Engineering and Science, a representative from the Access, Equality & Inclusion Services and a liaison to the Faculties Executive Committees.

Inline with the remit, the department representatives are academic professionals, encompassing academic staff and those on research, knowledge exchange and teaching tracks. The representatitive is decided within the department, and tend to rotate on a regular basis every few years. 

Most departments or institutes have their own committees looking at specific equality & inclusion issues; if you wondering more about them, a good place to start is your representative below. You can also contact the WISE committee if you are interested to know more about what WISE does, and why. 


Cristina Gonzalez-Longo
Biomedical Engineering
Chemical & Process Engineering Yi-Chieh (Claudia) Chen
Civil & Environmental Engineering Katherine Dobson
Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Management      Pamela Marshall
Electronic & Electrical Engineering Theodosia Stratoudaki
Mechanical & Aerospace Engineering Christie Maddock 
Naval Architecture, Ocean & Marine Engineering Selda Oterkus
Computer & Information Science Lisa McCann
Mathematics & Statistics Lindsey Corson
Physics Carol Trager-Cowan
Pure & Applied Chemistry Clare Hoskins
Pharmacy & Biomedical Sciences Veronique Seidel
Equality & Diversity Liaison Matson Lawrence