RegistrationNew students – International (including EU/EEA & Switzerland)

Important information

You will only be able to fully complete online registration once you have arrived to the UK.

You will be able to partially complete certain elements of the registration criteria before you arrive, including the mandatory training courses.

All students must register no later than your programme start date. You’ll also need to agree to abide by the University rules, this includes payment of your tuition fees and other related costs.

To become a fully registered student you must complete all the steps below, you will not be able to gain access to your programme timetables and class materials until you have met all registration criteria. 

Travel to the UK

If you were issued a CAS and enrolled biometrics at a Visa Application Centre, you must only travel to the UK once your visa application has been successful and you have received a 90-day vignette in your Passport.

If you were issued a CAS and applied for your Student Route visa using the ID Check App, you must only travel to the UK within the Validity period of your eVisa.

Steps to complete registration

You must fulfil all registration criteria before you can complete registration.

You will receive an email from Admissions containing new login details for your student account, these will be different from the login details for your application.  You need to follow the instructions in the email to gain access to your university accounts and services.

Multi-Factor Authentication

Multi-factor authentication (MFA) is the best way of keeping your account and your work secure and safe from scammers, you will only have to authenticate for University Services when you are off campus. To register your devices for MFA and to find out more about it, visit the Student MFA pages.

Login to PEGASUS using your university email address and the password that you have already set up. You should be taken directly to the registration screen, if not click on the Curriculum tab and choose the online registration link.

The following steps should be completed:

  1. Complete the Data Privacy Notice and University Security Policy questions.
  2. Upload your photo by clicking on the photo imageThe photo guidelines should be followed.
  3. Update and confirm personal details.
  4. Update your UK term address. If your course requires you to study on-campus, you must provide a UK Term Address to complete online registration. 

If you do not have permanent accommodation in or around Glasgow, you can list the address of your temporary housing for instance hotel, hostel or similar. Please ensure this is updated again once you move into a permanent residence. 

Please find below instructions on updating your Home and UK Term address.

  • Navigate to the 'Addresses' tab at the top of the screen where your 'Home Address' and 'Term Address' can be added.
  • Above these addresses, you'll see a small link with the following statement in bold 'Change Home Address' and 'Provide Term Address' Click on each link to edit the information.
  • You must ensure you select an 'Accommodation Type' by choosing one of the options from the drop-down menu, for example, 'Parent/Guardian's home'.
  • You are required to enter a full UK postal address, including the following details:
    • Building number and street name
    • Flat number (if applicable)
    • City
    • Country (United Kingdom)
    • Postcode

Once you have entered your Home Address and Term Address, please ensure you save your Address Details by clicking 'Submit'.

You will not be able to complete registration until you have arrived in the UK and provided all required immigration documentation.

Once you have arrived in the UK, upload your documents to Pegasus.

Your immigration documents will be reviewed by the Visa Compliance Team, document checking will take at least three working days to complete during peak periods.

You will not be able to complete registration until you have paid your tuition fees. 

If you are eligible for SAAS funding, you must apply every year of your studies. Further information can be found at Student Awards Agency Scotland.

Links to further details about tuition fees & methods of payment can be found below.

All students are required to undertake two short training courses as part of the registration process:

  • Tackling Gender-Based Violence
  • #StrathEqual - equality, diversity, and inclusion for students

There are links to these on your Pegasus portal. Once completed, the red crosses will turn to green ticks. There may be a short delay between completion and Pegasus updating.

For more details about the courses, please see our Student Courses webpage which includes Frequently Asked Questions. There are a very small number of shorter University programmes that do not require completion of this training as part of registration. If this applies to you, the courses will not appear on Pegasus. Should you wish to complete them, you will be able to do so via MyPlace once you have registered.

The University of Strathclyde App provides you real-time, on-the-go, anytime information to support you during your time here. You can use the App to access your student card, the library, class timetable, exam results and university emails.

Download the Strathclyde App now

The University may carry out in-person document checks once you have fully registered. Please ensure you bring all original documents you uploaded for registration with you when you travel to the UK. 

As a registered student, you must keep your term address updated on Pegasus and check your university email regularly to ensure you do not miss any important communications from us.

Once all the criteria have been updated from red crosses to green ticks, click the 'Register Now' button and accept the terms and conditions to complete registration.

Contact us

If you need any help with the online registration process please email

If you require support with uploading your immigration documents, please email

Student Experience Helpdesk

You can contact the Student Experience Helpdesk in several ways:

  • in-person: Monday to Friday (9.30 am to 4.30pm), Level 4 of the Learning & Teaching Building
  • email: (emails are monitored Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)
  • phone: +44 (0)141 444 8855 (phone lines are open Monday to Friday, 9am to 5pm)