MEng Sports Design Engineering
ApplyKey facts
- UCAS Code: HC17
- Accreditation: Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET); Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE); Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)
Study abroad: Europe, Australia & Singapore
Second-year entry: available for suitably-qualified students
Study with us
- gain expertise in the tools and techniques of sports product development
- learn to combine virtual and physical design and prototyping in our digital design suite
- undertake work placements in industry
- opportunity to undertake an industrial group project in Year 4 and 5 with a sports organisation
- accreditation has been awarded for this programme from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET), Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) and Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) as meeting, in full, the academic requirement for registration as a Chartered Engineer
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Why this course?
For many, the perfect way to combine a passion for sport and technology is through a career in sports engineering.
Sports design engineering concentrates on the conception, design and manufacturing of sporting equipment. Sports engineers work in nearly every sport, creating designs that meet specialised specifications to improve athlete performance, safety and sports product durability.
For example, sports engineers could be involved with projects as diverse as designing new high specification football boots or fitness monitoring and improvement products, match and playing surface analysis equipment to developing image processing algorithms which act as analytical tools to determine strategic instances in a game.
The background our students gain in biomechanics also makes careers in medical device development and design a viable career route which is an exciting area due to the new and emerging sports and widening participation in sports for example prosthetics and guidance for partially sighted.
A sports design engineer requires expertise in many technical skills; from engineering design to understanding biomechanics of human movement, technology concepts to production techniques. This is integrated with manufacturing processes, CAD, rapid prototyping and digital prototyping technologies, software and practical skills to turn the design and production process into reality which is fundamental to global market success.

What you'll study
Sports engineering design is about understanding product requirements and functionality, questioning existing ways of doing things and seeing opportunities to change things for the better.
You will focus on modules that allow you to develop your knowledge on how equipment and products are designed for sport such as:
- Anatomy & Physiology for Biomedical Engineers
- Sports Engineering
- Biomechanics of Human Movement – Theory & Measurement
- Physiology of Aerobic Exercise
- Sports Injury & Rehabilitation
- Advanced Topics in Human Movement
As well as engineering design modules which allow you to develop your appreciation of feasible design and production options such as:
- Total Design
- Technology Concepts
- Production Techniques
- Engineering Design
- Product Development/Product Programming
- Mechatronics Design & Applications
This programme has been awarded academic accreditation from two institutes. This demonstrates the degree meets the UK Standard for Professional Engineering Competence (UK-SPEC) as outlined by the Accreditation of Higher Education Programmes (AHEP).
This accreditation is achieved through a panel of trained and expert accreditors looking closely at our programme’s content and delivery, including its relevance, coherence, challenge, assessment, staffing, quality assurance and resources.
The Accreditors also monitor that the programme is continually improving and in line with the latest best practice, providing assurance to our students that they are getting a relevant and quality degree.
Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET)
Accreditation has been awarded for this programme from the Institution of Engineering and Technology (IET) on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting, in full, the requirements for further learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer.
Gaining accreditation isn’t just about ensuring the quality of our programmes, it also benefits you as a student. For example, being accredited by IET means that our graduates will benefit from a more straightforward process when applying for professional registration. Also, being part of an IET accredited programme is part of the eligibility criteria for many IET Scholarships and Prizes, including the Diamond Jubilee, Belling and BP Scholarships and IET Grants.
Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE)
Accreditation has been awarded for this programme from the Institution of Mechanical Engineers (IMechE) on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for further learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer. Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to comply with full CEng registration requirements.
Our programmes being accredited by IMechE mean that you can become an Affiliate member, giving you access to the library, support network and members-only content. Once you have finished your degree you can apply to be an Associate member, and start progressing to professional registration as an Ieng or Ceng. IMechE also run challenges and competitions for students such as Formula Student, the Railway Challenge and the Design Challenge.
Institution of Engineering Designers (IED)
Accreditation has been awarded for this programme from the Institution of Engineering Designers (IED) on behalf of the Engineering Council as meeting the requirements for further learning for registration as a Chartered Engineer. Candidates must hold a CEng accredited BEng/BSc (Hons) undergraduate first degree to comply with full CEng registration requirements.
Accreditation by IED means students would automatically be offered free IED student membership for the duration of their studies, would receive a bi-monthly journal ‘Engineering Designer’ in which they can submit articles for print and their final year projects would be eligible for entry into the IED Student Prize competition held annually. These prizes are prestigious and are only awarded for outstanding engineering design projects. Student members can also place their CV on the IED website and have access to the Job Board which gives details of current vacancies within the field of Engineering Design. In addition, students will also be able to use IED’s online CPD system.
Anatomy & Physiology for Biomedical Engineers
This module aims to provide a student with the basic knowledge of the anatomical structure of the major body systems, together with an understanding of their physiological functioning. This knowledge is fundamental to understand and to develop specific topics that will be taught later in the course.
The module covers: An introduction to cells, tissues, organs and systems; Anatomy; Skeleton (axial & appendicular) and joints; Muscles of the upper and lower limbs; Neuroanatomy and components of the central & peripheral nervous systems; Lungs and other components of the respiratory system; Heart and other components of the cardiovascular system; Physiology; The cell, and cell types; Bone cells, and skeletal system; Nerve cells, and nervous system; Muscle cells, muscular system, and fundamentals of muscle contraction and force production; Cardiovascular system; Respiratory system.
At the end of the module students will be able to:
- understand the levels of organisation of cells, tissues, organs and systems, and associated terminology
- describe the basic structure and function of connective, muscle and nerve cells and tissues, and their interactions in the musculoskeletal and nervous systems
- describe the structure and function of the respiratory and cardiovascular systems, and the co-ordination between them
Assessment and feedback is in the form of two exams.
Integrating Studies 1
This module aims to develop a broad range of knowledge and skill concerned with studentship, professionalism and ICT and a technical working knowledge of product development resources, processes and procedures.
The module covers: Introduction to degree, learning, writing and communication; Design, Fabrication and Production Processes including practical engineering workshop skills: turning, milling, drilling, fabrication, measurement, plastic processes, and simple electronic manufacture; Digital Product Development including professional digital product development systems, the DDMS and CAD, skills in parametric 3D modelling and 2D drawing, prototype and part fabrication via Rapid Prototyping (RP) and via Computer Numerical Control (CNC).
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- identify a wide range of learning, orientation and communication skills and practically apply them for student learning and work as a product development professional
- develop presentation skills and sets of visuals
- identify and explain wide range of design, fabrication and production processes and theoretically and practically apply them to product development projects
- have the ability to explain and discuss the engineering, manufacturing and technical aspects of a mass-produced consumer product via a viva and visual slide presentation or a text and visual report
- have the ability to digitally design and digitally fabricate components according to a design brief and technical documentation
Assessment and feedback is in the form of an ‘industrial disaster’ assignment (35%), CADCAM assignment (10%), Buggy assignment (55%).
Total Design 1
This module aims to provide a foundation learning experience for engineering product design, through the experience of an integrated design process that ranges across research, specification, concept design, design evaluation, refinement and presentation.
The module covers a foundation course in engineering product design intended to give an appreciation of modern design as the integrator of engineering, business and other specialisms. The class will give practice in the execution of each of the stages of the design process through participation in a team and individual based project. Topics to be addressed include freehand sketching in 2&3D, presentation graphics, and scale drawing. Scale drawing will address orthographic projection, layout drawing, isometric drawing, manufacturing component and assembly drawings. Much of the work of the class will be conducted through studio workshops, coursework and projects. Students will also be required to participate in model making and oral presentations.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- understand the context of design and specialist roles within a design process
- research and define opportunities for design through: user and market research; the use of product design specifications (PDS)
- generate and communicate design concepts through: ideation methods; sketching, rendering and sketch modelling techniques
- refine and communicate designs through design evaluation and development methods; engineering drawing and graphics
- present design work in the form of a folio, exhibition and critique presentation
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a team presentation and critique (33%), a team folio (33%) and an individual drawing pack (33%).
Introduction to Production Engineering & Management
This module aims to provide students with an overview of the manufacturing industry and an appreciation of (1) the range of processes and materials employed in production, and (2) operations management theory and practice, emphasising the key role of managers and engineers within organisations.
The module covers: Developments in Management Theory including scientific management and socio-technical theory; The role of engineering managers; Strategic aspects of business management including analysis of macro and mico environment; Organisational design; Process thinking including supply chain and quality management; Overview of Manufacturing including classes of manufactured goods, manufactured resources (M-M-M-M) and concepts of simultaneous engineering; Introduction to manufacturing materials and Processes including process classification, a focus on casting and bulk deformation of metals and overview of polymer processing.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- demonstrate an understanding of the nature of operations management
- demonstrate an understanding of the basis of competition and the basic principles of designing and operating business
- describe the meaning of the term “manufacturing” and the scope of manufacturing industry
- identify the basic stages in transforming raw material into a useable end product
- discuss the principle factors involved in material and process selection
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a Report - Business and Operations Strategy (35%) and a Video pitch – The Sustainable Organisation (15%).
Technology Concepts
This module aims to introduce students to the language of technology and stimulate awareness of the basic ideas, laws and electrical and mechanical science that underpins technology.
The module covers: Statics and Dynamics including Newton’s second law, angular velocity and acceleration, moment of inertia, rotational kinetic energy, transmission of power; Force analysis – free body diagrams, bending; Energy – conservation of energy; kinetic and potential energy; thermal energy, magnetic fields, capacitance, inductance, DC and AC Analogue circuits, power sources, Passive and active electrical components, analogue devices (amplification), Development of consumer electronic products - Practical circuit building and testing, digital logic, Thermo-fluids – heat transfer, hydrostatic pressure, Archimedes’ Principle, buoyancy and gas laws.
The topics listed above will be reinforced by simple experiments and examples of application on everyday items.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- use fundamental physical principles in the design of an electrical and a mechanical product
- analyse electrical and mechanical engineering problems to establish and apply appropriate techniques in order to generate solutions
- use correct units and notation throughout the engineering analysis process
- simplify a given product to enable the application of scientific principles
Assessment and feedback is in the form of two exams (30% each), coursework (20%) and practical lab activities (20%).
Elective classes
You can choose one (20 credit) module from any department in the university, as long as it coincides with the availability in your schedule. Example modules include:
- How Things Work
- Introduction to French 1A
- Introduction to Spanish 1A
- Creativity & Opportunity Recognition
- The Universe & Everything
- Images
- Introduction to French 1B
- Introduction to Spanish1B
- New Venture Creation
- Introduction to Forensic Science
Total Design 2
The aim of this module is to provide continuation of the first year design class Total Design 1, concentrating on techniques appropriate to different phases of the design process including user centred research, conceptual, embodiment and detailed design.
The module covers: Requirement identification including Aesthetic, emotional and cultural issues of products; User centred design techniques; Capturing requirements; Conceptual design methods including PDS to aid concept generation; new creative concept generation methods i.e. Analogy, Attribute Listing, Function and Morphological analysis; practical application of concept evaluation methods; Embodiment design methods including Methods to progress from chosen concept through to developed concept; application of methods for initial sizing, component, manufacturing technology and material selection, trade-offs; Detail design methods including application of force analysis, design for strength, stress and deflection, material and component selection. CAD detailing and assembly.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- understand and evaluate business, customer and user needs, including considerations such as the wider engineering context, public perception and aesthetics
- investigate and define the problem, identifying any constraints including environmental and sustainability limitations; ethical, health, safety, security and risk issues; intellectual property; codes of practice and standards
- apply advanced problem-solving skills, technical knowledge and understanding, to establish rigorous and creative solutions that are fit for purpose for all aspects of the problem including production, operation, maintenance and disposal
Assessment and feedback is in the form of coursework (Team Critique 25%; Team Folio 25%; Individual Report 25%; Individual Coursework 25%).
Sports Engineering
The aim of this module is to enable students to understand both the basic principles of fluid mechanics and materials choice and apply this knowledge to the design and evaluation of the performance of athletes and their equipment.
The module will teach the following in the context of examples from athletics (throwing), ball sports (golf, tennis, snooker), water sports, winter sports and Paralympics sports. The module covers: Basic Fluid Mechanic theory; Buoyancy; Rules of conservation of mass, momentum and energy; Fluid flow on immersed bodies including boundary effects, drag, lift and turbulence; Issues with regards to models and experimentation; Theory of similitude and scaling; The general use of fluid mechanics principles for the evaluation of the performance of athletes and sporting equipment; Mechanics of sports and approaches and considerations for sports material selection, including: Young’s Modulus, Force v Deflection relationships (linear and non-linear), Visco-elastic Behaviour, Creep and polymer reinforcement, Sweet spots and Centre of Percussion, Coefficient of restitution, Mechanical Behaviour of closed cell foams, Vibrations and basic mass-spring-damper models, Materials and monocoque construction; Fatigue; Material design and selection to offer protection; Material use in balls and ballistics.
At the end of the module students will be able to:
- understand engineering principles and the ability to apply them to analyse key engineering processes
- identify, classify and describe the performance of systems and components through the use of analytical methods and modelling techniques
- demonstrate knowledge of characteristics of particular materials, equipment, processes or products
Assessment and feedback is in the form of an exam (50%), a class test (20%), 5 online tutorials (each worth 2% of the class mark), course work (10%) and a report (10%).
Integrating Studies 2
The aim of this module is to develop the student’s ability to create appropriate functional prototypes for the purposes of mechanical design and visualisation. To engender an appreciation of different prototyping methods and their application areas.
The module will cover the following areas:
- Manual Prototyping Methods
- Introduction to the Design Project Laboratory, safe working practices, use of machinery
- Manufacture of simple mechanical and electro-mechanical mechanisms
- Mechanism design and manufacture (Competition Project)
- Rapid and Virtual Prototyping Methods
- Rapid Prototyping/Layered Manufacture: systems, techniques, data transfer methods
- Computer Aided machining technologies; techniques, justification for use
- Modern visualisation methods including stereoscopic displays
- Digital data acquisition of three dimensional solid bodies
- Introduction to, and application of, a range of CAD systems for modelling and visualisation
- Introduction to CAD/CAM highlighting the link between digital information and its translation into physical artefacts
At the end of this modules students will be able to:
- demonstrate the ability to design and make simple working prototypes within time, personnel and material constraints
- demonstrate knowledge of simple mechanical and electro-mechanical mechanisms, power transmission, control methods and their application
- appreciate and understand the capabilities of CAD and CAD/CAM
- appreciate and understand the capabilities of virtual prototyping and automated capture of solid body data
Assessment and feedback is in the form of 2 major project design and make assignments, 50% for a team based project; 50% for an individual project. The individual project is graded from a physical prototype (25%) and a CAD design folio (25%). The team based project is graded from a model (15%), a CAD folio (20%) and a team presentation (15%).
Production Techniques 1
The aim of this module is to increase the depth of production technology knowledge. It introduces students to primary processes for metal and polymer production, metal cutting theory, secondary manufacturing processes, engineering metrology, and the manufacture of electronic components and products.
The module covers: Metal Casting Processes: sand casting, investment casting, die casting; Metal Bulk Deformation Processes: rolling, forging, extrusion; Sheet Metal Working: cutting, bending, deep drawing, superplastic forming, hydroforming; Polymer Processing: fundamentals of polymers, extrusion, thermoforming, blow moulding, injection moulding, rotational moulding, compression and transfer moulding; Machining Processes (chip removal): turning, milling, grinding, honing; Metal cutting theory: basic metal cutting principles, cutting tool geometry, chip formation, temperature in cutting, cutting tool materials, cutting fluids, machinability; Heat treatment: theory and processes applicable to heat treatment of steels; Surface Finishing: painting, electroplating, anodising, etc.; Joining Processes. Welding processes: gas welding, arc welding, resistance welding, welding, defects; Engineering metrology: definitions, standards, role in manufacturing, classes of measurement, linear and angular measurement, comparative measurements, limit gauging, link to tolerancing, quality control and process capability; Electronics Manufacturing – component manufacture, IC production, PCB assembly including soldering.
At the end of this modules students will be able to:
- demonstrate good knowledge of a range of primary and secondary manufacturing processes, their operating principles and their appropriate application
- demonstrate knowledge of the theory behind metal cutting and other processes
- exhibit an understanding of the principles, technology and application of engineering metrology within a manufacturing context
- demonstrate knowledge of the production of electronic and electrical components and assemblies
Assessment and feedback is in the form of coursework and an exam.
Biomechanics of Human Movement – Theory
This module aims to apply particle and rigid body mechanics theory to the movement of the human body.
The module covers: Newton’s laws of motion; Static equilibrium; Forces; moments; free body diagrams, centre of mass, friction; Differentiation/integration; Displacement, velocity, acceleration; Projectile motion; Constant acceleration motion; Rigid body motion (2D); Moment of inertia, body segment parameters, inverse dynamics; Momentum, impulse, work, power.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- apply the conditions of static equilibrium to the human body
- utilise the equations of motion under constant acceleration (projectile motion)
- describe qualitatively and quantitatively the kinematics and kinetics of planar human motion
- apply principles of work, energy and power to planar human motion
Assessment and feedback is in the form of two exams.
Biomechanics of Human Movement – Measurement
The class is designed to be co-taught with BE201 Biomechanics of human movement - theory. The purpose of the class is to develop knowledge, understanding, and practical experience of kinematic and kinetic analysis of human movement.
The module covers: Kinematics and kinetics of walking; Gait cycle; Angular kinematics; Ground reaction force (kinetics); Laboratory + tutorial – hip and knee angles during walking (unassessed); Kinematics and kinetics of running; Changes to the gait cycle and kinematics/kinetics with velocity; Laboratory + tutorial – variation in ground reaction force with velocity; Kinematics and kinetics of jumping; Review of projectile motion; Jump kinematics and kinetics; Jump height determination from (a) flight time, (b) kinetics (c) kinematics; Laboratory + tutorial – jump height determination; Experimental design; Experimental variables; Experimental analysis.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- describe and implement appropriate experimental design and analysis of human movement
- comparatively analyse kinematic and kinetic data of walking, running and jumping
- within a group context, design, conduct, analyse and interpret a comparative kinematic or kinetic experiment involving human motion
Assessment and feedback is in the form of two laboratory write-ups (25% each) and a group project (50%).
Engineering Design
This module aims to provide knowledge and understanding of engineering design principles. Application of the above principles to the detailed and conceptual design of mechanical components and assemblies.
The module covers: Analysis of structural systems 1D(Beams), 2D (frames), 3D (Space Frames); Practical application of Buckling and instability (Euler and Johnson Buckling); Dynamics: Velocity, Acceleration and Inertia analysis in computer based mechanism analysis; Basic FEA; Weld Design; Snap Fastening design; Fatigue: Stress Concentration factors, Notch Sensitivity, Goodman Diagram Factor of Safety; Bearing Types and Terminology: Static/Dynamic Loading Factors, L10 life; Gear Types and Terminology: Spur, Bevel, Pitch, Modulus; Fastening and Fabrication: Basic stressing of Blots, Rivets, Snap fastening and Butt and filet welds.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- carry out analysis of indeterminate systems
- carry out basic FEA analysis using 3D geometry defined in a CAD system
- carry out analysis of structures for buckling and instability
- carry out motion analysis of mechanisms
- carry out stress analyse for components (ie shafts) subjected to fatigue loading
- perform selection procedures for common components such as gears and bearings
- carry out stressing of common fastening and fabrication methods
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a class tests (15%), an assignment hand-in (15%) and an exam (70%).
Multidisciplinary Integrating Project
This module aims to develop design and manufacturing project based skills relevant to each of the four undergraduate degree courses, and to provide practice in the application of engineering, manufacture and design principles.
The module will consist of an individual project and a team project intended to develop and integrate knowledge and skills acquired in the students’ particular course of study. These activities will consist of:
- team project - concept development, proof-of-concept modelling (physical and virtual)
- individual project – application of relevant engineering principles, utilisation of CAD/CAM/CAED, project reporting
On completion of the module, the student is expected to be able to:
- undertake the design of a technical product or process requiring multidisciplinary input
- apply appropriate engineering knowledge and skills to the design of a product or process
- communicate engineering knowledge effectively to stakeholders throughout the design process
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a project model and demonstration.
Individual Integrating Project
This module aims to develop design and manufacturing project based skills relevant to each of the four undergraduate degree courses, and to provide practice in the application of engineering, manufacture and design principles.
The module will consist of an individual project intended to develop and integrate knowledge and skills acquired in the students’ particular course of study. These activities will consist of application of relevant engineering principles, utilisation of software tools, project planning, management and reporting.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- undertake the design of a technical product or an improved organisational process, as appropriate to course discipline
- apply appropriate engineering knowledge and skills to the design of a product or improved process
- communicate engineering and innovation knowledge effectively to stakeholders throughout the design process
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a project, there is no exam.
Physiology of Aerobic Exercise
Knowledge of the physiology of aerobic exercise is fundamental to the work of an applied sports scientist. This knowledge, along with practical experience of testing techniques, can be applied to the general population in terms of health outcomes of regular activity, and to the athletic population in terms of training for performance.
This module aims to cover the fundamental concepts of this topic with application to both health and performance. This module will investigate the acute physiological effects of aerobic exercise and adaptations to regular aerobic exercise (i.e. training). The theory of maximal oxygen uptake and lactate threshold will be covered, along with techniques for measurement of both parameters. The module will include an outline of the principles of training required for adaptation to occur, aerobic training strategies and potential health consequences of overtraining. The pathophysiology of common health issues will be investigated along with the effect thereon of regular aerobic exercise.
The module covers: Metabolic responses to endurance exercise; Cardiorespiratory responses to endurance exercise; Maximum oxygen uptake: Limitations and measurement; Lactate threshold; Indices of exercise intensity; Cardiorespiratory adaptations to endurance; Training muscular and metabolic adaptations to endurance training; Overtraining fatigue in prolonged exercise; Endurance exercise and health.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- explain the physiological responses to acute endurance exercise and the physiological adaptations which can occur following a period of endurance training
- evaluate testing procedures for the assessment of maximal aerobic capacity and lactate threshold
- describe the principles of endurance training and the potential consequences of overtraining
- describe the potential causes of fatigue in prolonged exercise
- describe the pathophysiology of coronary heart disease and the effect of regular endurance exercise on risk
- describe the physiology of altitude acclimatisation, and techniques of altitude training
Assessment and feedback is in the form of an exam (65%), a laboratory report (25%) and a multiple choice exam (10%).
Product Development
The selection and use of design methods within the context of modern design practices and the new product development process will be explored, both for supporting the management of the design process and for specific design activities. Emphasis will be placed on recently developed product independent design methods and their application within a company environment.
The module covers: The Product Development Process and methodologies: Key methodologies, innovative and evolutionary development processes, concurrent engineering; Design Methods: Design for X, Design for multiple X;s, Design for Manufacture and Assembly, Quality Function Deployment, Design for Sustainability, Failure Mode and Effect Analysis, Value Analysis, Inclusive Design; Coordination and Information management: Information management systems, PDM, EDM, CSCW, Coordination and integration frameworks.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the Product Development Process and related methodologies and methods
- select and apply appropriate design methods for a product development project
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of product development coordination and information management methods and technologies
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a group presentation (20%), a group poster presentation (20%) and an online test (60%).
Product Programming
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental programming concepts, knowledge of programming core languages and skills in programming for the development of contemporary products and production equipment.
The module will teach the following topics in the context of designing mechatronic systems: Programming languages and product applications; Software development methodologies e.g. agile development; Programming Development Environment; Flow diagrams and programme architecture; Developing Code; Debugging; Refining Code; Sharing Code.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of fundamental programming concepts
- demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of core programming languages
- demonstrate proficiency in programming
- demonstrate skills in the development of products with software driven functionality through applied programming
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a project submission (100%).
Mechatronics Design & Applications
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the fundamental concepts and methods of mechatronic system design and applications including those in manufacturing industry.
The module will teach the following topics in the context of designing mechatronic systems: Mechatronic and automation introduction including Mechatronic design principles, Energy and Information Systems, Bond graph theory, Block diagram, Functional design using Bond Graphs, Advantages and disadvantages of electric and fluid power systems, Types of electric motors and their control techniques, simple actuators for hydraulic and pneumatic systems, The specifications of robotic and other automated equipment; Experimental design and data acquisition including Methods of programming robots, Programming Structure and debugging, Microprocessors and MPLAB; Control and its application: Open and closed loop control, Second Order System, Problems in robot design and control, Types of motion control; Sensing devices and their applications; Automation in Manufacturing.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of why manufacturing automation and mechatronic systems are used
- demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of mechatronic design and modelling techniques applied to hydraulic, pneumatic, mechanical, and electrical systems
- demonstrate a knowledge and understanding of the control principles/technology and their application in mechatronic system and automation systems, including microprocessors, PLCs and their programming
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of sensing principles and sensor technologies
- specify the type of automation system suitable for any given application
- demonstrate an appreciation of the human factor issues in manufacturing automation
Assessment and feedback is in the form of coursework submission outlining the design of a mechatronic system (30%) and an exam (70%).
Optional classes
You must select 20 credits from an approved list of option classes available from the Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management.
Sports Injury & Rehabilitation
This module aims to provide students with an understanding of the injury mechanisms of the different tissues of the body, an ability to assess protective equipment, and be able to evaluate current rehabilitation practice.
The module covers: Tissue structure and mechanics; Bone, ligament, tendons, muscles; Injuries to musculoskeletal tissues; Bone, ligaments, tendons, muscles; Injuries to the upper limbs; Injuries to the lower limbs; Injuries to the ankle and foot; Injuries to the head and trunk; Protective equipment; Helmets, taping, shin guards etc.
At the end of the module the students will be able to:
- qualitatively describe the response of musculoskeletal tissues to different loading regimens
- describe the injury mechanisms of different body tissues
- appraise the effect of protective equipment on injury prevention
- describe rehabilitation protocols associated with sports injury
Assessment and feedback is in the form of an essay and a group oral examination which will include an abstract submission.
Advanced Topics in Human Movement
Advanced topics in human movement aims to widen the scope of prior human movement analysis to include three dimensional analysis of movement and biomechanical signal processing. In doing so, students will be able to read biomechanics literature with confidence, further instilled through journal club tutorials.
The module covers: 3D analysis of the human body; Body segment parameters; Coordinate system rotations; 3d analysis of knee joint angular motion; 3d inverse dynamics; Data smoothing techniques, e.g. FIR and IIR filters; Critical analysis of journal papers in biomechanics using a 'journal' club.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- describe and critically discuss the assumptions and methodology of three dimensional kinematics and kinetics
- 3D kinematics theory to analyse joint motions during walking
- choose and apply appropriate data-smoothing techniques
- critically discuss biomechanics journal papers
Assessment and feedback is in the form of an exam (50%), coursework (10%) and 3d analysis of kinematic/kinetic data (40%).
Individual Project 1
This module aims to consolidate and develop experience in undertaking a major individual project and develop a good appreciation of professional practice by utilising design, manufacturing and management knowledge acquired during the course and applying it to real life situations.
The module covers all aspects of managing a product development or production management project. The project, managed and conducted by the student under the guidance of a supervisor, is taken from project proposal to working prototype/validated production engineering implementation. Regular lectures and seminars presented to students will cover all aspects of project content and conduct; with workshops to support key project stages and activities. Students would normally meet with their supervisor on a fortnightly basis; weekly at key points of project.
At the end of this module students will be able to:
- carry out an in-depth and broad product development or production engineering project through demonstration of the academic concepts, practical skills and managerial techniques gained throughout the period of study; and how concepts and theories require to meet the specific needs of the market segment
- communicate effectively. Produce in-depth report (also folio and detailed drawing set where appropriate)
- demonstrate professional management of a project. Include aspects of business planning in relation to a product or specialist area in production engineering and management
- appreciate legislative, ethical and environmental requirements and their influence in product and process design and management and to demonstrate their application to a project
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a Brief & Report/portfolio (75% = 5% brief preparation, 70% report/folio/models) and critique assessments (25%).
Industrial Group Project 1
This module aims for students to integrate and apply design, manufacturing and operations management knowledge and skills to an industry based product and process development project and to develop project management skills.
The module consists of a team-based industrial project where an outline project brief is set by an industrial client. The team is expected to manage all aspects of the project through to a finished solution. This can be a product, system or process depending on the nature of the project. Teams meet with academic staff and industrial clients regularly through the project.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the various elements associated with the respective course disciplines
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of products and management practices in industry
- demonstrate knowledge and ability in applying and using various analysis and modelling tools and techniques in product and process realisation
- demonstrate project planning and management, data collection and analysis, presentation, consulting and team working skills
Assessment and feedback is in the form of client and risk management reports (10%), a project report (75%) and a presentation to the client (15%).
Optional classes
You must select 20 credits from an approved list of option classes available from the Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management.
Industrial Group Project 2
This module aims for students to integrate and apply design, manufacturing and operations management knowledge and skills to an industry-based product and process development project and to develop project management skills.
The module consists of a team-based industrial project where an outline project brief is set by an industrial client. The team is expected to manage all aspects of the project through to a finished solution. This can be a product, system or process depending on the nature of the project. Teams meet with academic staff and industrial clients regularly through the project.
At the end of the module students will be able to:
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of the various elements associated with the respective course disciplines
- demonstrate knowledge and understanding of products and management practices in industry
- demonstrate knowledge and ability in applying and using various analysis and modelling tools and techniques in product and process realisation
- demonstrate project planning and management, data collection and analysis, presentation, consulting and team working skills
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a client and risk management reports (10%), a project report (75%) and a presentation to the client (15%).
Individual Project 2
This module aims to consolidate and develop experience in undertaking a major individual project and develop a good appreciation of professional practice by utilising design, manufacturing and management knowledge acquired during the course and applying it to real life situations. Students will be required to demonstrate advanced knowledge and skills from their 4th year classes and projects in their specific areas. More detailed, focused and in depth research, analysis, ideas generation and evaluation will be necessary.
The module covers all aspects of managing a product development or production management project.
The project, managed and conducted by the student under the guidance of a supervisor, is taken from project proposal to working prototype/validated production engineering implementation. Regular lectures and seminars presented to students will cover all aspects of project content and conduct; with workshops to support key project stages and activities. Students would normally meet with their supervisor on a fortnightly basis; weekly at key points of project. Additional feedback opportunities will be offered throughout project work. Students will meet regularly during class time for peer-led activities, pin-ups and progress presentations.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- carry out an in-depth and broad product development or production engineering project through demonstration of the academic concepts, practical skills and managerial techniques gained throughout the period of study; and how concepts and theories require to meet the specific needs of the market segment
- communicate effectively. Produce in-depth report (also folio and detailed drawing set where appropriate)
- demonstrate professional management of a project. Include aspects of business planning in relation to a product or specialist area in production engineering and management
- appreciate legislative, ethical and environmental requirements and their influence in product and process design and management and to demonstrate their application to a project
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a brief & report/portfolio (75% = 5% Brief preparation, 70% Report/folio/models) and critique assessments (25%).
Research Studies
The aim of this module will develop research skills and acquire an in depth knowledge of a relevant research field.
The student will carry out research into a relevant and agreed topic, with the findings being documented in a research dissertation.
On completion of the module the student is expected to be able to:
- define a valid research project in a cutting-edge field of study relevant to the student’s degree, e.g. design, engineering management, manufacturing technology
- execute a project in a cutting edge-field of study relevant to the student’s degree, involving where appropriate technical analysis and independent critical thinking
- document a research project in a cutting-edge field of study relevant to the student’s degree
Assessment and feedback is in the form of a presentation (20%) and a dissertation (80%).
Optional classes
You must select 20 credits from an approved list of option classes available from the Department of Design, Manufacture and Engineering Management.
International experience
You’ll have the opportunity to choose to gain a truly international experience by studying, integrating and living abroad as part of your (Year 3) studies in Australia, Canada, North America, Singapore or a location in Europe. Many of our undergraduate students also undertake multiple placements and internships as part of their studies. Previous students have achieved internships around the world, for example with Michael Kors in New York, or:
The Department of Design, Manufacturing & Engineering Management has a range of innovative purpose-built design and manufacture laboratories. Our students have access to a range of workshops and facilities including a digital design and manufacture studio. It brings together:
- data capture
- 3D visualisation
- rapid prototyping capabilities
Additionally, as a student in the department, you'll also have access to a private undergraduate student community area, including collaboration work areas, computer suites and social areas, as well as vending machines, lockers and display boards.
Industrial experience
During the fourth year of your course, you'll undertake an industrial group project. This will help you to develop and apply your skills as a production engineering manager within the real world.
The Industrial Group Project will give you the opportunity to work as part of a team. You'll develop your people, project management and leadership skills. You'll do this by applying your skills and knowledge to address a practical problem for an industrial client, gaining direct industry experience. The Industrial Group Project works in conjunction with major organisations that face challenges with the management of production engineering and management projects and have a demand for the skills gained from this course.
Through this module, you'll gain experience to add to your CV, develop skills, manage a project through to completion and practice working in a multidisciplinary group preparing you for collaborative work throughout your future career.
We work with on around 50 companies and organisations every year. Previous students have worked with organisations such as:
- Adidas
- Airlie Ice Cream
- Drink Baotic
- Promedics Orthopaedics
- Rolls Royce
- Spirit AeroSystems (Europe), Inc
- Unilever
- Alexander Dennis
- Belle Bridal
- Chivas Brothers Ltd
- HATSUN Agro Products (India)
- Johnstons of Elgin
- Terex Trucks
- Allied Vehicles
- Jaguar Land Rover
- RSPB Scotland
- Weir Group
- WEST Brewery

If you are creative, proactive and enjoy finding solutions to complex problems then I would strongly recommend studying a DMEM course. If you love sports and sports products, then the Sports Engineering course is the one for you!
You'll learn from leading experts in the field of product design engineering and innovation. All our staff have great experience working with innovation management and product development, engineering and improvement projects in a broad range of industries.
Staff include:
- Dr Hilary Grierson - Director of Teaching and Learning within DMEM, her main interests lie in the area of product design, global design education, distributed design information management
- Richard Adams - one of the first product designers to work in oil and gas, and his passion lies in human centred design approached to help companies be more people facing
- Dr Avril Thomson - Associate Dean of Teaching and Learning for the Engineering Faculty, she lectures on the Total Design modules and her main interests include collaborative design, design processes and design for aging
- Dr Ian Whitfield - Dr Whitfield's main interests include: design co-ordination, collaborative design, process modelling and optimisation, product data and product lifecycle management, engineering risk management, and modular design
- Ross Maclachlan - Ross has participated in a number of funded product design projects with industry including tennis court pace measurement apparatus. His interests lie in design creativity, design education and innovation management education
- Dr Andrew Wodehouse - Dr Wodehouse's main interests lie in interactive design, product aesthetics and innovative design teams. Prior to joining DMEM he worked in industry as a product design engineering for a number of consultancies
Entry requirements
Required subjects are shown in brackets.
Highers |
AAAA (Maths and Physics or Engineering Science) ABBB or BBBBB (Maths and Physics or Engineering Science) |
A Levels | Year 1 entry: AAB-BBB Year 2 entry: A*AA-AAB (Maths and Physics) |
International Baccalaureate | Year 1 entry: 36-32 (Maths HL5, Physics HL5) Year 2 entry: 38-34 (Maths HL6, Physics HL6) A Level, Higher or HL Art & Design, Design & Manufacture or Graphic Communication recommended |
HNC/HND | Entry to BEng in the first instance. Contact us before applying. |
International students | View the entry requirements for your country. |
English language requirements | If English is not your first language, please visit our English language requirements page for full details of the requirements in place before making your application. |
Additional information |
*Standard entry requirements
Offers are made in accordance with specified entry requirements although admission to undergraduate programmes is considered on a competitive basis and entry requirements stated are normally the minimum level required for entry.
Whilst offers are made primarily on the basis of an applicant meeting or exceeding the stated entry criteria, admission to the University is granted on the basis of merit, and the potential to succeed. As such, a range of information is considered in determining suitability.
In exceptional cases, where an applicant does not meet the competitive entry standard, evidence may be sought in the personal statement or reference to account for performance which was affected by exceptional circumstances, and which in the view of the judgement of the selector would give confidence that the applicant is capable of completing the programme of study successfully.
**Minimum entry requirements
Contextual Admissions for Widening Access
We want to increase opportunities for people from every background.
Strathclyde selects our students based on merit, potential, and the ability to benefit from the education we offer. We look for more than just your grades. We consider the circumstances of your education and will make lower offers to certain applicants as a result.
University preparation programme for international students
We offer international students (non-UK/Ireland) who do not meet the academic entry requirements for an undergraduate degree at Strathclyde the option of completing an Undergraduate Foundation Programme in Business and Social Sciences at the University of Strathclyde International Study Centre.
Upon successful completion, you can progress to your chosen degree at the University of Strathclyde.
International students
We've a thriving international community with students coming here to study from over 140 countries across the world. Find out all you need to know about studying in Glasgow at Strathclyde and hear from students about their experiences.
Fees & funding
All fees quoted are for full-time courses and per academic year unless stated otherwise.
Fees may be subject to updates to maintain accuracy. Tuition fees will be notified in your offer letter.
All fees are in £ sterling, unless otherwise stated, and may be subject to revision.
Annual revision of fees
Students on programmes of study of more than one year (or studying standalone modules) should be aware that the majority of fees will increase annually. The University will take a range of factors into account, including, but not limited to, UK inflation, changes in delivery costs and changes in Scottish and/or UK Government funding. Changes in fees will be published on the University website in October each year for the following year of study and any annual increase will be capped at a maximum of 10% per year.
Scotland | To be confirmed. Fees for students who meet the relevant residence requirements in Scotland are subject to confirmation by the Scottish Funding Council. Scottish undergraduate students undertaking an exchange for a semester/year will continue to pay their normal tuition fees at Strathclyde and will not be charged fees by the overseas institution. |
England, Wales & Northern Ireland | £9,535 |
Republic of Ireland |
If you are an Irish citizen and have been ordinary resident in the Republic of Ireland for the three years prior to the relevant date, and will be coming to Scotland for Educational purposes only, you will meet the criteria of England, Wales & Northern Ireland fee status. For more information and advice on tuition fee status, you can visit the UKCISA - International student advice and guidance - Scotland: fee status webpage. Find out more about the University of Strathclyde's fee assessments process. |
International | £29,350 |
University preparation programme fees | International students can find out more about the costs and payments of studying a university preparation programme at the University of Strathclyde International Study Centre. |
Additional costs | Course materials & costs:
Placements & field trips:
Other costs:
International students: International students may have associated visa and immigration costs. Please see student visa guidance for more information. |
Available scholarships | Take a look at our scholarships search for funding opportunities. |
Please note: All fees shown are annual and may be subject to an increase each year. Find out more about fees.
How can I fund my studies?
Students from Scotland
Fees for students who meet the relevant residence requirements in Scotland, you may be able to apply to the Student Award Agency Scotland (SAAS) to have your tuition fees paid by the Scottish government. Scottish students may also be eligible for a bursary and loan to help cover living costs while at University.
For more information on funding your studies have a look at our University Funding page.
Students from England, Wales & Northern Ireland
We have a generous package of bursaries on offer for students from England, Northern Ireland and Wales:
You don’t need to make a separate application for these. When your place is confirmed at Strathclyde, we’ll assess your eligibility. Take a look at our scholarships search for funding opportunities.
International Students
We have a number of scholarships available to international students. Take a look at our scholarship search to find out more.
Sports design engineering is a constantly growing area, as people look to technology to improve performance. Someone with the right skills and qualifications should have a wide variety of role opportunities ahead of them.
As a sports design engineer, you can be involved in almost every aspect of the product journey, from the initial concept, design, development, testing and management of projects to the manufacturing. Sports engineers use technical knowledge, problem-solving skills and a passion for designing and refining the usability of luxury to everyday sports equipment, across a diverse range of brands and companies.
Roles may have responsibilities such as:
- Project ownership from conceptual phase through to sign off
- Body packaging, concept studies and detailed design of new products
- Build support, prototype and production
- Solutions development in 3D solids and/or finished surface models from digital scan data, physical samples and technical drawing packages
- Creating engineered solutions to develop existing products in CAD software
- Coordinating design work to deliver timely design releases meeting all design for manufacture input from suppliers
- Designing components to the lowest feasible weight, or to cheaper manufacturing costs
- Quality control of product manufacture
Work experience is highly desirable for graduates applying within the sports design engineering industry, to best demonstrate their team working abilities, skills and portfolio breadth. Our students truly benefit from the industrial group project which is integrated into their degree, to provide them with this necessary experience to stand out when competing for graduate jobs. Furthermore, many of our students gain placements and internships throughout their studies to advance their professional development ahead of graduation.
Companies return year-on-year to recruit from our department, and specifically, companies such as Adidas, PUMA, Rolls Royce, Dyson and Jaguar Land Rover have our graduates covering a plethora of roles across their teams. Some of our graduates go on to graduate trainee programmes with companies such as Diageo, Accenture, Unilever and Procter & Gamble.
Recent graduate job titles include:
- Design Engineer
- Footwear Product Developer
- Process Engineer
- CAD engineering
- Sports Design Engineer
Recent graduate employers include:
- Adidas
- Berghaus
- Active8
- Sportslabs
- Nike
- Hawk-Eye
- Latitude 56
- PUMA Group
- Trespass
Other DMEM product design related graduates become entrepreneurs and have started up their own companies or work freelance, for example:
- Lat_56 was founded by DMEM graduate and award winning Scottish designer Kevin Fox, the international luxury brand now supply McLarens F1 with all their luggage
- Colour Academy Publishing Ltd who create educational colouring books was founded by Product Design Engineering graduate Matthew Carter
- The Freelance Design Engineer who designed the Queen’s baton for the 2014 Commonwealth Games is Product Design Engineering graduate Michael Aldridge
- VH Innovation Ltd, the parent company of Recoil Kneepads was founded by Product Design Engineering graduate Victoria Hamilton
- Fiodh Scotland, which produce Scottish heritage watches from old whisky barrels was founded by Product Design and Innovation graduate Michael Youmans
- and many more!
Glasgow is Scotland's biggest & most cosmopolitan city
Our campus is based right in the very heart of Glasgow. We're in the city centre, next to the Merchant City, both of which are great locations for sightseeing, shopping and socialising alongside your studies.
Start date:
Sports Design Engineering (1 year entry)
Start date:
Sports Design Engineering (1 year entry)
Start date: Sep 2025
Sports Design Engineering (1 year entry)
Start date:
Sports Design Engineering (1 year entry)
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