'The Role of Technology in Sentencing & Penal Decision-Making', European Seminar, London, 16-17 May 2024
'Admissions of Guilt: Pleading, Presenting, Performing', European Seminar, Glasgow 22-23 June 2023
Cultures of Sentencing; European Conference, Prague, Czech Republic, 30-31st May 2019
'European Symposium on Individualisation' 19-20 April 2018
Please see the Programme & Attendees and Abstracts
'European Conference on Use of Imprisonment' 8-9 June 2017
Peter Conlong - Why is the prison population still rising?
Peter Conlong - Prison population trends since 2011
Mitigation in the Sentencing & Penal Decision-Making Process , Ljubljana, Slovenia 2016
The Role of Emotion in the Sentencing & Penal Decision-Making Process, Universitat Pompeu Frabra, Barcelona, 21-22 May 2015
See the Call for Participation, and the Programme.
Inter-Professional Dynamics in the Sentencing & Penal Decision-Making Process, University of Reims, France 15-16 May 2014
See the Programme.
The Nature and Contours of Trust in Sentencing & Penal Decision-Making, Dublin, Ireland 2013
Towards a European Sentencing Identity? 19-20 April, 2012, hosted by Prof Grazia Mannozzi, Università dell'insubria, Como, Italy
'Researching the Judicial Role in European Sentencing: Interactions and Dynamics', was hosted in 2011 by Prof Julian Roberts at Oxford University, England.
ESC Stream on Sentencing and Penal-Decision Making
As you may know the ESC is hosting its annual conference in Budapest 4-7thSeptember
As part of this, our European group on Sentencing and Penal Decision-Making will once again run a consecutive stream of panels on Sentencing and Penal Decision-Making.
If you would like to present a paper as part of the Sentencing and Penal Decision-Making stream could you send me your title and abstract (in accordance with the ESC’s character rule) before the end of Tuesday 21st May.
European Working Group on Sentencing & Penal Decision-Making: Third SymposiumThursday 18th- Friday 19th April – Dublin, Republic of Ireland
The 2013 Symposium was kindly hosted by Tom O’Malley (NUI Galway) and Niamh Maguire (WIT Waterford) in Dublin City Centre.
On Thursday the venue was the Criminal Courts of Justice Building, Parkgate Street, Dublin. Estella Baker gave a talk on the role of the EU in Sentencing. This was chaired by Tom O'Malley and attended by lawyers and members of the judiciary.
On Friday the Symposium Venue was the glorious King’s Inn where we had the exclusive use of the seminar room there.
You can find some of the presentations from the symposium in our Publications section.