Humanities & Social SciencesNews Archive 2021
'Introduction to trauma and PTSD' training delivered by School of Psychological Sciences & Health
Dr Nicola Cogan and Dr Liza Morton from the School of Psychological Sciences & Health, with support from Hilary Harrison-Millan, former Strathclyde student, have developed and facilitated the 'Introduction to trauma and PTSD' training.
Psychology Spring Seminar Schedule 2021
The School of Psychological Sciences & Health are delighted to announce their upcoming seminar series for Spring 2021, beginning on January 27th and running through to February 24th.
Scholarships for 2021 entry announced
Explore our brilliant range of scholarships, available to support your studies for 2021 entry.
SCILT - Languages Week Scotland 2021
Languages Week Scotland 2021 recently took place last week (February 1-5) with this year's theme being 'Celebrating Scotland's languages landscape'.
Dr Rogelia Pastor-Castro welcomes Lord Ricketts for a masterclass in Diplomacy & International Security
Lord Ricketts delivered a masterclass to students on the MSc Diplomacy and International Security on 11 February, and engaged in a lively discussion on a wide range of issues.
Centre for Sustainable Development Webinar Series
After the success of our previous webinar series, we are excited to announce our next one for February and March 2021. This series will look at the contribution of Universities to the SDGs in the post-COVID era, hosted by Strathclyde and our global partners.
The Digital Divide - the impact of the rights of care leavers in Scotland
CELCIS, the Centre for Excellence for Children's Care and Protection, have published a new Inform Briefing that highlights the impact COVID-19 has had on care leavers in Scotland and their access to the digital world.
CYCJ Associates Scheme attracts new talent
A top criminal defence lawyer and an academic on the criminology and criminal justice degree at the University of the West of Scotland are to become Associates of the Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ).
Centre for Energy Policy joins major new net zero infrastructure programme
SNZI will bring together academic and industrial partners, including the University of Strathclyde’s Centre for Energy Policy (CEP), to develop a major package of work designed to progress a national low carbon infrastructure to support the transition of the Scottish and wider UK economies to net zero targets.
MSc Diplomacy & International Security awarded a Commonwealth Shared Scholarship
The Foreign Office has awarded the MSc in Diplomacy & International Security a Commonwealth Shared Scholarship (CSS) for 2021-22.
New grants awarded to School of Psychological Sciences & Health
The School of Psychological Sciences & Health have been awarded two new grants in the field of Physical Activity and Psychology.
Raising awareness of Restorative Justice
To raise awareness of Restorative Justice (RJ) in a Scottish context, the Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ) and Community Justice Scotland have created a short animation on behalf of the Scottish Government.
Celebrating an anniversary – and a new look – for Youth Just Us
Youth Just Us – the dynamic steering group behind the Youth Justice Voices participation project that is creatively influencing change in Scotland’s care and justice systems – are celebrating their two year anniversary with the launch of a new logo. Here Ruth Kerracher, who’s led the project from inception to success, tells us why she’s so proud to be a part of it.
Tania Nascimento Wins Paid Doctoral Internship
One of the Centre for Law Crime and Justice's doctoral researchers has won a paid Scottish Graduate School of Social Sciences Internship.
Guest blog for CYCJ from the Chair of The Promise Scotland
In this exclusive guest blog for CYCJ, Fiona Duncan (Chair of The Promise Scotland) reflects on Scotland’s care review journey so far, the thousands of voices that shaped this and the change that is happening to make sure The Promise to our care community is kept.
New grant award for School of Psychological Sciences & Health academic
Dr Joanne Cleland, Senior Lecturer in Psychological Sciences and Health is part of a team of Scottish researchers awarded an ESRC grant to develop a Speech Therapy Animation and Imagining Resource (STAR).
CYCJ secure care census finds increase in childhood trauma
The level of exposure to Adverse Childhood Experiences (ACEs) experienced by children in Scotland’s secure care estate has increased, according to the second secure care census undertaken by the Children and Young People’s Centre for Justice (CYCJ).
One Ocean Hub announces events for World Ocean Week
During World Oceans Week 2021, One Ocean Hub will host a range of events from 7-10th of June, with this year's theme being, 'The Ocean: Life and Livelihoods'.
Under the spotlight: David Kothamasi, Marie Curie Research Fellow
We recently caught up with David Kothamasi who has just joined the School of Law as a Marie Curie Research Fellow and is currently working on a project on Microbial Commons. We found out more about David's research interests and what trends he sees influencing the field he is working in.
New Scottish Land Fund Committee announced. Law academic, Malcolm Combe, among its members
Malcolm Combe, Senior Lecturer in the Law School, has been announced as a member of the new Scottish Land Fund committee.
New MOOC - Forced Marriage: Challenges and Dilemmas
A new MOOC has been launched by Strathclyde, which will enable students to develop their knowledge of human rights and societal issues and explore the impact of forced marriage. Registration now open.
Celebrating 10 years of the Strathclyde Language Ambassadors programme
Cédric Moreau, Senior Teaching Fellow in the School of Humanities reflects on 10 years of the Strathclyde Language Ambassadors programme and wants to hear from our former language ambassadors.
Who is in charge during the coronavirus pandemic?
Professor Scott Cunningham, School of Government and Public Policy speaks on the topic and shares information on the new MSc Technology Policy & Management programme.
Court of Session Judge joins Strathclyde Law as Professor of Practice
One of Scotland's judges, The Hon Lady Wolffe (Sarah P L Wolffe QC), has joined the University of Strathclyde's Law School as a Professor of Practice.
Centre for Law, Crime & Justice to lead new study into quality of sentencing data
Commissioned by the Judicial Council of the Republic of Ireland, Prof Cyrus Tata will lead an international team of experts to examine the quality of available data about sentencing practices in Ireland and around the world.
Government & Public Policy academic awarded ESRC grant
Dr Patrick Bayer, Senior Lecturer in the School of Government and Public Policy has been awarded a major half a million pounds ESRC grant to study the "Politics of Science in International Climate Cooperation".
Psychology Autumn Seminar Series 2021
Join the School of Psychological Sciences & Health for their Autumn seminar series with a range of topics being discussed by a variety of experts in their field.
Physical Activity for Health at Strathclyde: Supporting the UN's Sustainable Development Goals
Ahead of COP26, the Physical Activity for Health group reflect on how their research, knowledge exchange, capacity building, and technology transfer activities support the achievement of the Sustainable Development Goals.
CYCJ appoints Fiona Dyer as Director
Fiona Dyer has been announced as the new Director of the Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ). As Director, Fiona will lead the national centre towards its ambition of ensuring that Scotland's approach to children and young people in conflict with the law is rights-respecting, contributing to better outcomes for children, young people and communities.
MSc in Diplomacy & International Security awarded Commonwealth Shared Scholarship
Candidates from eligible Commonwealth countries can apply for support towards full-time Masters study.
New Teaching Qualification for College Lecturers
We are excited to launch our new Teaching Qualification for College Lecturers - Leading Learning & Transformative Practice in Colleges (with TQFE).
'Reimagining justice' to build rights-respecting services
For World Children's Day, the Children and Young People's Centre for Justice (CYCJ) has launched a new initiative that will support the design of rights-based services for and with children and young people on the cusp of or in conflict with the law.
Dr Cara Jardine appears on Just Humans podcast to discuss latest book
Dr Cara Jardine from the School of Social Work & Social Policy has appeared on the Just Humans podcast, hosted by Dr Alistair Fraser, to promote her latest book, "Families, Imprisonment, and Legitimacy: The Cost of Custodial Penalties".
Professor John Reilly included in annual Highly Cited Researchers list
Professor John Reilly from the School of Psychological Sciences & Health has been included in the prestigious annual Highly Cited Researchers list from Clarivate Analytics.
'Widening inequalities' in children's physical activity
Deprivation-based inequalities in physical activity between Scotland’s children were already growing before the COVID-19 pandemic, according to new research conducted by the University of Strathclyde.
Strathclyde Law School announces new LLM Competition Law
The new online programme will enhance students’ expertise in competition law, regulation of monopolies, mergers and anti-trust legislation.
Interested in mentoring a young person or helping a child learn to read?
In 2011 researchers from the School of Education invited alumni to participate in a volunteer mentoring scheme to work with young people attending schools with low progression rates to Higher Education. Over the last 10 years, the programme has enjoyed an amazing response from people interested in volunteering with us.
Seminar Series: Lusophone Africa and the Global Cold War: New International and Regional Perspectives
A new seminar series for January-April 2022 has just been announced, titled "Lusophone Africa and the Global Cold War: New International and Regional Perspectives".
Dr Rhonda Wheate wins bid to tackle honour-based abuse
Dr Rhonda Wheate has won substantial funding to lead a programme of events to tackle honour-based abuse.